van der Woude syndrome

van der Woude syndrome

(van dĕr wō'dĕ), an autosomal recessive condition characterized by cleft lip and palate or isolated cleft palate and lip pits. [Anne van der Woude]

van der Woude syndrome

(van dĕr wō'dĕ), an autosomal recessive condition characterized by cleft lip and palate or isolated cleft palate and lip pits. [Anne van der Woude]


A gene on chromosome 1q32.3-q41 that encodes a member of the interferon regulatory transcription factor (IRF) family, which have diverse roles such as virus-mediated activation of interferons and modulation of cell growth, differentiation, apoptosis and immune system activity. IRF6 appears to be a transcription activator.
Molecular pathology
IRF6 mutations are linked to non-syndromic orofacial cleft type 6, popliteal pterygium syndrome and van der Woude syndrome.

Van der Woude syndrome

(van'der-wood?e) An autosomal dominant syndrome marked by cleft lip, palate, or both, paramedian pits of the lower lip, hypodontia, and missing second premolar teeth. Synonym: cleft lip–cleft palate syndrome; lip-pit syndrome