

单词 warburg apparatus

Warburg Apparatus

Warburg Apparatus


(named for O. H. Warburg), an instrument (respirometer) for the determination of small quantities of gas at constant pressure and temperature; used in the investigation of processes that proceed with the liberation or absorption of gases—tissue respiration, fermentation, and individual fermentation reactions. The basic part of the Warburg apparatus consists of 12-14 small vessels that are hermetically connected to manometers by stopcocks; tissues or separate cell fractions that have been pulverized in a buffer-salt medium are placed in these vessels. The vessels are immersed in a water bath equipped with a heat-regulating device and a rocking mechanism. The quantity of gas liberated or absorbed is measured on a manometer.

Warburg apparatus

War·burg ap·pa·ra·tus

(vahr'bŭrg), a device for gauging the oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production of incubated tissue slices by manometric measurement of changes in gas pressure produced by oxygen absorption in an enclosed flask. Synonym(s): Barcroft-Warburg apparatus [Otto H. Warburg]

War·burg ap·pa·ra·tus

(vahr'berg ap'ă-rat'ŭs) An apparatus for measuring the oxygen consumption of incubated tissue slices by manometric measurement of changes in gas pressure produced by oxygen absorption in an enclosed flask. [Otto H. Warburg]

Warburg apparatus

A capillary manometer used for determining oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production of small bits of cellular tissue. It is widely used in metabolism studies. See also: Warburg, Otto H.


Otto, German biochemist and Nobel laureate, 1883-1970. Barcroft-Warburg apparatus - Synonym(s): Warburg apparatusBarcroft-Warburg technique - Synonym(s): Warburg apparatusWarburg apparatus - for measures the oxygen consumption of incubated tissue slices by manometric measurement of changes in gas pressure produced by oxygen absorption in an enclosed flask. Synonym(s): Barcroft-Warburg apparatus; Barcroft-Warburg techniqueWarburg old yellow enzyme - a flavoprotein oxidizing NADPH to NADP+. Synonym(s): NADPH dehydrogenaseWarburg respiratory enzyme - a system of cytochromes and their oxidases that participate in respiratory processes. Synonym(s): AtmungsfermentWarburg theory - that the development of cancer is due to irreversible damage to the respiratory mechanism of cells, leading to the selective multiplication of cells with increased glycolytic metabolism, both aerobic and anaerobic.Warburg-Lipmann-Dickens-Horecker shunt - Synonym(s): Dickens shunt




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