

单词 sitter



S0438400 (sĭt′ər)n.1. One that sits, especially:a. A person who cares for young children when the parents are not home; a babysitter.b. A person who poses or models, as for a portrait.2. A brooding hen.


(ˈsɪtə) n1. a person or animal that sits2. (Art Terms) a person who is posing for his or her portrait to be painted, carved, etc3. (Zoology) a broody hen or other bird that is sitting on its eggs to hatch them4. (in combination) a person who looks after a specified person or thing for someone else: flat-sitter. 5. short for baby-sitter6. (Alternative Belief Systems) anyone, other than the medium, taking part in a seance7. anything that is extremely easy, such as an easy catch in cricket


(ˈsɪtə) n (Biography) Willem de (ˈwɪləm də). 1872–1934, Dutch astronomer, who calculated the size of the universe and conceived of it as expanding


(ˈsɪt ər)

n. 1. a person who sits. 2. a brooding hen. 3. a person who baby-sits; baby-sitter. 4. a person who provides temporary or part-time care, as for a pet whose owner is away. [1300–50]


(ˈsɪt ər)

n. Willem de, 1872–1934, Dutch astronomer and mathematician.
Noun1.Sitter - Dutch astronomer who calculated the size of the universe and suggested that it is expanding (1872-1934)Willem de Sitter
2.sitter - an organism (person or animal) that sitsorganism, being - a living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independentlyanimal, animate being, beast, creature, fauna, brute - a living organism characterized by voluntary movementstander - an organism (person or animal) that stands; "a crowd of sitters and standers"
3.sitter - a person engaged to care for children when the parents are not homesitter - a person engaged to care for children when the parents are not homebabysitter, baby-sitterkeeper - someone in charge of other people; "am I my brother's keeper?"
4.sitter - a person who poses for a painter or sculptorsitter - a person who poses for a painter or sculptorartist's modelposer, model - a person who poses for a photographer or painter or sculptor; "the president didn't have time to be a model so the artist worked from photos"
5.sitter - a domestic hen ready to broodbrood hen, broody, broody hen, setting henbiddy, hen - adult female chicken


(sit) present participle sitting: past tense, past participle sat (sӕt) verb1. to (cause to) rest on the buttocks; to (cause to) be seated. He likes sitting on the floor; They sat me in the chair and started asking questions.2. to lie or rest; to have a certain position. The parcel is sitting on the table. 擺,放,座落 摆,放,坐落 3. (with on) to be an official member of (a board, committee etc). He sat on several committees. 擔任(董事會、委員會的)成員 当...委员4. (of birds) to perch. An owl was sitting in the tree by the window. (鳥類)棲息 栖息5. to undergo (an examination). 參加(考試) 参加(考试) 6. to take up a position, or act as a model, in order to have one's picture painted or one's photograph taken. She is sitting for a portrait/photograph. 擺好姿勢,當模特兒 摆好姿势,做模特儿 7. (of a committee, parliament etc) to be in session. Parliament sits from now until Christmas. 開會 开会ˈsitter noun1. a person who poses for a portrait etc. 拍照或畫像的模特兒 被画像或拍照的模特2. a baby-sitter. 臨時保姆 临时替人照看孩子的人ˈsitting noun a period of continuous action, meeting etc. I read the whole book at one sitting; The committee were prepared for a lengthy sitting. 持續性活動的一段期間,會期等 一段时间ˈsit-in noun an occupation of a building etc by protesters. The students staged a sit-in. 靜坐抗議 静坐抗议ˈsitting-room noun a room used mainly for sitting in. 客廳 客厅sitting target, sitting duck someone or something that is in an obvious position to be attacked. If they're reducing staff, he's a sitting target. 易受攻擊的目標 易受攻击的目标sit back to rest and take no part in an activity. He just sat back and let it all happen. 袖手旁觀 袖手旁观sit down to (cause to) take a seat, take a sitting position. Let's sit down over here; He sat the child down on the floor. 就坐 就坐sit out1. to remain seated during a dance. Let's sit (this one) out. 舞會上坐著不跳舞 坐在一旁不参加跳舞2. to remain inactive and wait until the end of. They'll try to sit out the crisis. 坐著等到(危機)過去 一直坐到结束sit tight to keep the same position or be unwilling to move or act. The best thing to do is to sit tight and see if things improve. 坐著不動 稳坐不动sit up1. to rise to a sitting position. Can the patient sit up? 坐起 坐起2. to remain awake, not going to bed. I sat up until 3 a.m. waiting for you! 熬夜 熬夜



1. a person who is posing for his or her portrait to be painted, carved, etc. 2. a broody hen or other bird that is sitting on its eggs to hatch them 3. anyone, other than the medium, taking part in a seance


Willem de . 1872--1934, Dutch astronomer, who calculated the size of the universe and conceived of it as expanding



Fringe psychology
A BRETH (Breath Releasing Energy for Transformation and Healing and/or Happiness) technique practitioner, who creates a sacred and supportive environment in which the client can release the effects of emotional and physical trauma and limiting thought patterns.


Related to Sitter: pet sitter, De Sitter
  • noun

Synonyms for Sitter

noun Dutch astronomer who calculated the size of the universe and suggested that it is expanding (1872-1934)


  • Willem de Sitter

noun an organism (person or animal) that sits

Related Words

  • organism
  • being
  • animal
  • animate being
  • beast
  • creature
  • fauna
  • brute


  • stander

noun a person engaged to care for children when the parents are not home


  • babysitter
  • baby-sitter

Related Words

  • keeper

noun a person who poses for a painter or sculptor


  • artist's model

Related Words

  • poser
  • model

noun a domestic hen ready to brood


  • brood hen
  • broody
  • broody hen
  • setting hen

Related Words

  • biddy
  • hen




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