spiral canal of cochlea

spi·ral ca·nal of co·chle·a

[TA] the winding tube of the bony labyrinth that makes two and a half turns about the modiolus of the cochlea; it is divided incompletely into two compartments by a winding shelf of bone, the bony spiral lamina. Synonym(s): canalis spiralis cochleae [TA], cochlear canal, Rosenthal canal

spi·ral ca·nal of coch·le·a

(spī'răl kă-nal' kok'lē-ă) [TA] The winding tube of the bony labyrinth that makes two-and-a-half turns about the modiolus of the cochlea; it is divided incompletely into two compartments by a winding shelf of bone, the bony spiral lamina.
Synonym(s): Corti canal, Rosenthal canal.