systems programmer
systems programmer
(job)Typical skills required are experience of specific operatingsystems, networking (TCP/IP, ATM, Ethernet, DNS),electronic mail (POP, IMAP, SMTP), web servers,RDBMS, operating system and network security, and hardware(SCSI, hard disks, and backup devices).
Contrast: system administration.
systems programmer
(1) In the IT department of a large organization, a technical expert on some or all of the computer's system software (operating systems, networks, DBMSs, etc.). They are responsible for the efficient performance of the computer systems.In a user organization, systems programmers typically do not write programs, but perform many technical tasks that integrate vendors' software. They also act as technical advisors to systems analysts, application programmers and operations personnel. For example, they would know whether additional tasks could be added to the computer and would recommend conversion to a new operating or database system in order to optimize performance.
In mainframe environments, there is one systems programmer for about 10 or more application programmers, and systems programmers generally have considerably higher salaries than application programmers. In smaller environments, users rely on vendors or consultants for systems programming assistance. In fact, end users are actually performing systems programmer functions when they install new software or hardware on their own computers. See system administrator, job descriptions and salary survey.
(2) In a computer hardware or software organization, a person who designs and writes system software. In this case, a systems programmer is a programmer in the traditional sense and is often called a "software engineer." See job descriptions and salary survey.