oxygen saturation


 [sach″er-a´shun] the state of being saturated, or the act of saturating.oxygen saturation the amount of oxygen bound to hemoglobin in the blood, expressed as a percentage of the maximal binding capacity.

oxygen saturation

sO2 The O2 concentration of blood expressed as a ratio of its total O2-carrying capacity; the OS is a measure of the utilization of O2 transport capacity; sO2 is ↑ at high altitude, hypocapnia, hypothermia, ↑ cardiac output, O2 therapy, PEEP–positive end-expiratory pressure ventilation, and respiratory alkalosis. sO2 is ↓ with AV shunting, carbon monoxide poisoning, congenital cardiac defects, emphysema, hypercapnia, hypoventilation, hypoxia, respiratory acidosis Ref range 95-98% arterial; 60-80% venous

ox·y·gen sat·u·ra·tion

(SaO2) (ok-si'jĕn sach'ŭr-ā'shŭn) The percentage of oxygen-binding sites in blood that are combined with oxygen.