

V0071800 (vûr′tĭ-kəl)adj.1. Being or situated at right angles to the horizon; upright.2. Situated at the vertex or highest point; directly overhead.3. Anatomy Of or relating to the vertex of the head.4. Business a. Relating to or involving all stages from production to sale: vertical integration.b. Of or relating to a business model that offers a specific product or service to a specific customer base rather than offering a wide range of products or services in a wider market.5. Relating to or composed of elements at different levels, as of society.6. Medicine Of or relating to transmission of a disease or condition from parent to offspring, either through genetic inheritance or through circumstances occurring between conception and birth.n.1. Something vertical, as a line, plane, or circle.2. A vertical position.
[Late Latin verticālis, overhead, from Latin vertex, vertic-, highest point; see vertex.]
ver′ti·cal′i·ty (-kăl′ĭ-tē), ver′ti·cal·ness (-kəl-nĭs) n.ver′ti·cal·ly adv.Synonyms: vertical, upright, perpendicular, plumb
These adjectives mean being at or approximately at right angles to the horizon or to level ground. Vertical and upright are often used to signify contrast with what is horizontal: wallpaper with vertical stripes; an upright column. Perpendicular and plumb are generally used to specify an angle of precisely 90 degrees: a perpendicular escarpment; careful to make the doorjambs plumb.
Adv.1.vertically - in a vertical direction; "a gallery quite often is added to make use of space vertically as well as horizontally"


(ˈvəːtikəl) adjective standing straight up at right angles to the earth's surface, or to a horizontal plane or line; upright. The hillside looked almost vertical. 垂直的 垂直的ˈvertically adverb 垂直地 垂直地