St. Rose of Lima's Day

St. Rose of Lima's Day

August 30St. Rose was the first canonized saint of the Americas, born in Lima, Peru, in 1586. She is the patron saint of Central and South America and the Philippines. When her parents tried to persuade her to marry, she began a self-imposed exile in the summerhouse in the yard, where she lived as a Dominican nun and inflicted severe penances on herself. She died in 1617 and was canonized in 1671.
On her feast day a candlelight procession takes place from her shrine in the church of Santo Domingo to the cathedral. Adults wear purple robes, while children wear white ones. People sing religious hymns as they accompany the rose-covered image to the cathedral. St. Rose's Day is a public holiday throughout Peru.
Commission for the Promotion of Peru
Calle Uno Oeste No. 50, piso 13th
Urb. Corpac
Lima, 27 Peru
51-1-4224-3131; fax: 51-1-224-7134
AnnivHol-2000, p. 144
BkHolWrld-1986, Aug 30
OxYear-1999, p. 342
SaintFestCh-1904, p. 388