

单词 se



(word root) apartExamples of words with the root se-: seduce, select


The symbol for selenium.


abbr.1. a. southeastb. southeastern2. Football split end3. stock exchange


the internet domain name for (Computer Science) Sweden


the chemical symbol for (Elements & Compounds) selenium


symbol for (Nautical Terms) southeast(ern)


1. southeast. 2. southeastern. 3. Standard English.


Chem. Symbol. selenium.


a prefix meaning “apart,” occurring in loanwords from Latin: seduce; select. [< Latin sē(d) (preposition), sē- (prefix) without, apart]


The symbol for selenium.
Noun1.se - a toxic nonmetallic element related to sulfur and telluriumSe - a toxic nonmetallic element related to sulfur and tellurium; occurs in several allotropic forms; a stable grey metallike allotrope conducts electricity better in the light than in the dark and is used in photocells; occurs in sulfide ores (as pyrite)atomic number 34, seleniumchemical element, element - any of the more than 100 known substances (of which 92 occur naturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination constitute all matterfool's gold, iron pyrite, pyrite - a common mineral (iron disulfide) that has a pale yellow colorantioxidant - substance that inhibits oxidation or inhibits reactions promoted by oxygen or peroxides2.se - the compass point midway between south and eastSE - the compass point midway between south and east; at 135 degreessou'-east, southeast, southeastwardcompass point, point - any of 32 horizontal directions indicated on the card of a compass; "he checked the point on his compass"



symbol for the element seleniumselenium
, nonmetallic chemical element; symbol Se; at. no. 34; at. wt. 78.96; m.p. 217&degC;; b.p. about 685&degC;; sp. gr. 4.81 at 20&degC;; valence −2, +4, or +6. Selenium is directly below sulfur in Group 16 of the periodic table.
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(chemistry) selenium


(software)software engineering.


(2)IBM Systems Engineer.


(networking)The country code for Sweden.


(1) (Special Edition) See iPhone SE.

(2) (Standard Edition) See Java 2.

(3) (Single Ended) The traditional type of signaling on the SCSI bus. See SCSI.

(4) See systems engineer and service engineer.

(5) (Second Edition) See Windows Second Edition.




 [sĕ-le´ne-um] a chemical element, atomic number 34, atomic weight 78.96, symbol Se. (See Appendix 6.) It is an essential mineral nutrient. Dietary sources of selenium include seafoods, kidney, and liver. Humans can adjust their homeostasis mechanism for selenium over a wide range of dietary intakes. Recommended intake levels are generally met from the diet, so that supplements are not necessary.selenium sulfide 1. the sulfide salt of selenium, a topical antiseborrheic and antifungal applied topically to the scalp to control seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff; also used topically in the treatment of tinea versicolor.2. the sulfide salt of selenium, an antiseborrheic and antifungal; used topically in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff of the scalp and of tinea versicolor.


Symbol for selenium.


Abbreviation for:
sanitary engineering
sensory epithelium
serine esterase
sexually experienced
sheep erythrocyte
side effect
sleep efficiency
social exclusion, see there 
solvent extraction
sperm extract
spin echo
spongiform encephalopathy
squamous epithelium
standard error
status epilepticus
stress echocardiography
subclinical encephalopathy
systematic error


Symbol for selenium

Patient discussion about Se

Q. Good evening,ihave aproblem of gustric ulcers which disturb me much could you p`se advise me about agood drug DR i feel pain and some times i spit mucuslike flids and after that the pain reduces most especially when i am hungry.Thank you for advice on the drugs which can help me and i will be gratfull byebye!.A. First of all, we are not doctors here. We are people like you, and no one here can either recommend or prescribe you any medication.
Regarding gastric ulcers, in many times it results from an infection by H. pylori, and treating this infection (by a combination of several drugs) may solve the problem. You should consult your doctor about it.
Meanwhile, you may read more here:

More discussions about Se




The two-character ISO 3166 country code for SWEDEN.


1. An ancient Sumerian unit of length approximately equivalent to 0.0025 meters.

2. An ancient Sumerian unit of weight approximately equivalent to 50 milligrams.


SESpecial Edition
SESecond Edition
SESelf Employed
SESide Effects
SESoftware Engineering
SESystem(s) Engineering
SESearch Engine
SESpecial Education
SESex Education
SEStock Exchange
SESony Ericsson
SESpecial Effects
SESweden (Internet top-level domain)
SESouthern Europe
SESoul Eater (anime)
SESound Effect
SEStandard Edition
SESaint Etienne (musical group)
SESantiago del Estero (Argentina province)
SESales Executive
SESentence (Hyper Logo command)
SESociety and Environment (school subject)
SESeychelles (Admiralty, Aldabra & Assumption)
SEStandard Error (statistics)
SEStructural Engineer
SESpecial Equipment
SEStraight Edge (philately)
SESupport Equipment
SEStretching Exercises
SELondon Southeast (UK postcode)
SESales Engineer
SESystems Engineer
SESilver Edition (model)
SESocial Engineering (computers)
SESpecial Envoy
SEState Engineering (Pakistan government)
SESingle Engine
SESon Excellence (French: His Excellency)
SESingle Event (radiation effect)
SEsquare error
SESupported Employment
SESolvent Extraction
SESolid Edge (3D solid modeling CAD software)
SESystem Expansion (Apple Macintosh)
SESingle End
SESpecialized Experience
SESergipe (Brazil)
SESpring Equinox
SESport England (UK)
SESystème d'Exploitation (French: Operating System)
SESony Electronics
SESports Edition
SESquare End
SESnake Eater (gaming)
SEStatus Epilepticus
SESpaceship Earth (EPCOT)
SESplit End (similar to wide receiver; football)
SESu Excelencia (title of address)
SEStimulated Emission
SEStandard Examiner (newspaper)
SESnowy Egret (bird)
SESystems Europe (Belgium)
SESystem Environment
SESpongiform Encephalopathy
SESeven Eleven (convenience market chain)
SEScreaming Eagles (soccer club; Washington, DC)
SESpectral Efficiency
SESelf Evident
SEShift Engineer
SESarjana Ekonomi (Indonesian: Bachelor of Economics)
SESpace Elevator
SEStudent Expectations
SESomatic Experiencing (mental health)
SEStandard English
SESpectroscopic Ellipsometry
SESocietas Europaea (European public limited-liability company)
SESiege Engine (gaming)
SEStorage Element
SESubstantial Equivalence
SESenior Engineer
SESpurious Emission
SESpace Empires (gaming)
SESpectrum Engineering
SESand Equivalent (civil engineering)
SESupplies & Equipment
SEStable Element
SEServer Environment
SEStudent Experiment (NASA)
SESystem Evaluation
SEStatus Entry (Hekimian)
SESerrated Edge
SEStroboscopic Effect
SEStarr-Edwards (heart valves)
SEService Économique (French: Economic Service; French Embassy)
SESafety Evaluation
SEStandards Executive
SESafety Engineer
SESharky Extreme
SESpreading Efficiency (amount of information bits conveyed by each chip)
SEService Evaluation (AT&T)
SESurvival Equipment
SESelling Expenses
SEStatic Encephalopathy (alcohol exposed)
SESystematic Error
SESpezial Electronic (German electronic company)
SESoftware Evolvability (IEEE International Workshop)
SESupport Element
SEService Establishment (Sprint)
SESecondary Electron
SESaban Entertainment
SESystem Extension
SESuperintending Engineer
SESlovenské Elektrárne (Slovak: Slovak Power Plants; est. 2002; Slovakia)
SESystem Effectiveness
SESecurity Escort
SEStrategic Ecosystem
SESingles Encounter
SESupported Education
SESynthetic Environment
SESegment End (Bellcore)
SESurrogate Endpoint
SESwitching Element
SESubcritical Experiment
SEScientific Editing
SEStratic Energy Corporation (Calgary, Canada; stock symbol)
SESeptember Eleventh
SESitus Est (Latin: It Is Located; epigraphy)
SESalem Elementary
SESyntax Element (video coding)
SESupporting Establishment
SESwine Erysipelas
SESerial Enable
SESucrose Equivalence (food measurement)
SESurveillant d'Externat (French: Supervisor of Clerkship)
SESquare Enix, Ltd
SEsurface de l'exploitation
SEScrewed Ends
SESupplier Exchange
SESeismic Earthquake
SESecretor Factor
SESurvivability Enhancement
SESprint Express
SESalmonella Enteritides
SEShadow Elves (gaming)
SESaami, Northern (Norwegian ISO Language Code)
SESingle-Ended, Cyclindrical Boiler (US Navy)
SESheets & Equipment (NYC Transit Authority)
SESocietas Eruditorum (Latin: People at the Place of Learning)
SESystems Engineering and Integration Office (NIMA)
SESignal Excess
SESynchronous Editing
SESmall Eagles (Egypt)
SESynchronization Element
SESupportable Evaluation
SEStatiese Enkefalopatie


  • noun

Synonyms for Se

noun a toxic nonmetallic element related to sulfur and tellurium


  • atomic number 34
  • selenium

Related Words

  • chemical element
  • element
  • fool's gold
  • iron pyrite
  • pyrite
  • antioxidant

noun the compass point midway between south and east


  • sou'-east
  • southeast
  • southeastward

Related Words

  • compass point
  • point




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