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DictionarySeegel electrophoresispolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
pol·y·a·cryl·a·mide gel e·lec·tro·pho·re·sis (PAGE), a gel formed by cross-linking of acrylamide that is used for the separation of proteins or nucleic acids. These substances are separated on the basis of both size and charge.polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis A type of high-resolution zone electrophoresis of nucleic acids and proteins, which is performed on a cross-linked polyacrylamide gel.pol·y·a·cryl·a·mide gel e·lec·tro·pho·re·sis (PAGE) (pol'ē-ă-kril'ă-mīd jel ĕ-lek'trō-fŏr-ē'sis) Separation of proteins or nucleic acids on the basis of both size and charge in a gel formed by cross-linking of acrylamide. polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis see GEL ELECTROPHORESIS.AcronymsSeePAGE |