spiral ligament of cochlea

spiral ligament of cochlear duct

[TA] the thickened periosteal lining of the bony cochlea forming the outer wall of the cochlear duct to which the basal lamina attaches. Synonym(s): ligamentum spirale ductus cochlearis [TA], crista spiralis, ligamentum spirale cochleae, spiral crest, spiral ligament of cochlea

spi·ral lig·a·ment of coch·le·a

(spī'răl lig'ă-mĕnt kok'lē-ă) The thickened periosteal lining of the bony cochlea forming the outer wall of the cochlear duct to which the basal lamina attaches.

spiral ligament of cochlea

The thickened periosteum of the peripheral wall of the osseous cochlear canal. The basilar membrane is attached to its inner surface. See also: ligament