Turgenev's Acta
Turgenev’s Acta
(or Historical Acta Pertaining to the History of Russia, Extracted from Archives and Libraries Abroad by A. I. Turgenev, a publication of sources on the history of Russia, the Ukraine, Byelorussia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, and other countries.
Turgenev’s Acta contains documents from the 11th through the 18th centuries and addenda covering the 13th through 18th centuries; its reprints include papal bulls, reports of papal nuncios and other legates, instructions to S. Herberstein and to the Jesuit A. Possevin, diplomatic documents, letters of Ivan the Terrible and Stephen Batorii, and works of foreign authors on Russia. Turgenev’s Acta sheds light on such events as the history of Russo-Polish and Russo-British relations in the 16th century, the Livonian war of 1558–83, events in Russia in the early 17th century, the liberation wars of the Ukrainian people in the middle of the 17th century, and Peter I’s sojourn in France.