Turgovishte District

Turgovishte District


an administrative and territorial division in Bulgaria, located in a hilly area, partially in the foothills of the Stara Planina. Population, 180,000 (1975). The region covers an area of 2,700 sq km. Its administrative center is the city of Turgovishte. The economy is industrial and agrarian. Several branches of industry are associated with the processing of raw agricultural materials and timber and with the production of building materials. The leading branch of industry is machine building, including the manufacture of accumulators and equipment for shipbuilding and the food-processing industry. A gas pipeline from the USSR runs through the region. The major industrial centers are Turgovishte, Popovo, and Omurtag. Land cultivation slightly predominates over livestock raising. The chief crops are wheat, corn, barley, sunflowers, sugar beets, and tobacco. Cattle and sheep are also raised.