polycarboxylate cement

pol·y·car·box·y·late ce·ment

a powder containing primarily zinc oxide mixed with a liquid containing polyacrylic acid that reacts to form a hard crystalline mass on standing; when used to lute metal castings to teeth, it has the potential of bonding to the calcium contained in tooth structure as well as to any base metals contained in the casting.

pol·y·car·box·y·late ce·ment

(polē-kahr-boksi-lāt sĕ-ment) Powder containing primarily zinc oxide mixed with a liquid containing polyacrylic acid that reacts to form a hard crystalline mass on standing; when used to lute metal castings to teeth, has potential to bond to calcium contained in tooth structure as well as to any base metals contained in casting.
Synonym(s): zinc polycarbonate cement.