adrenergic fibers

ad·re·ner·gic fi·bers

nerve fiber's that transmit nervous impulses to other nerve cells (or smooth muscle or gland cells) by the medium of the adrenalinelike transmitter substance norepinephrine (noradrenaline).

ad·re·ner·gic fi·bers

(ad'rĕ-nĕr'jik fī'bĕrz) Nerve fibers that transmit nervous impulses to other nerve cells (or smooth muscle or gland cells) by the medium of the adrenalinelike transmitter substance norepinephrine (noradrenaline).
Synonym(s): adrenergic fibres.

ad·re·ner·gic fi·bers

(ad'rĕ-nĕr'jik fī'bĕrz) Nerve fibers that transmit nervous impulses to other nerve cells (or smooth muscle or gland cells) by medium of the adrenalinelike transmitter substance norepinephrine (noradrenaline).
Synonym(s): adrenergic fibres.