


(Turkic), also Putrid Sea (Gniloe More), a system of small inlets along the western shore of the Sea of Azov. Sivash measures 112 km long and covers an area of approximately 2,560 sq km. It is separated from the Sea of Azov by a narrow sandbar, the Arabat Tongue, whose width ranges from 270 m to 8 km. It is connected with the sea by Genichesk Strait (also called Tonkii Strait). The shores are low, gently sloping, and marshy; they are covered with a layer of salts in summer.

Sivash was the site of a military operation during the Civil War (1918-20), the Perekop-Chongarsk Operation of 1920, and during the Great Patriotic War (1941–45), the Melitopol’ Operation of November 1943. Soviet troops, in order to launch a surprise attack on the enemy, forced Sivash and broke through into the Crimea.

Several other shallow inlets in the Crimea separated from the sea by baymouth bars are also called Sivash.