

单词 spiritual



concerned with sacred or religious things; refined; sensitive: She is a spiritual woman.
Not to be confused with:spirituous – distilled, as whiskey; containing much alcohol: a spirituous concoction


S0648200 (spĭr′ĭ-cho͞o-əl)adj.1. Of, relating to, consisting of, or having the nature of spirit; not material; supernatural: spiritual power.2. Of, concerned with, or affecting the soul: spiritual guidance; spiritual growth.3. Not concerned with material or worldly things: led a spiritual life.4. Of or belonging to a religion; sacred: spiritual practices; spiritual music.n.1. a. A religious folk song of African-American origin.b. A work composed in imitation of such a song.2. often spirituals Religious, spiritual, or ecclesiastical matters.
[Middle English, from Old French spirituel, from Latin spīrituālis, of breathing, spiritual, from spīritus, breath; see spirit.]
spir′i·tu·al·ly adv.spir′i·tu·al·ness n.


(ˈspɪrɪtjʊəl) adj1. relating to the spirit or soul and not to physical nature or matter; intangible2. (Ecclesiastical Terms) of, relating to, or characteristic of sacred things, the Church, religion, etc3. (Ecclesiastical Terms) standing in a relationship based on communication between the souls or minds of the persons involved: a spiritual father. 4. having a mind or emotions of a high and delicately refined qualityn5. (Music, other) See Negro spiritual6. (Ecclesiastical Terms) (often plural) the sphere of religious, spiritual, or ecclesiastical matters, or such matters in themselves7. (Alternative Belief Systems) the spiritual the realm of spirits ˈspiritually adv ˈspiritualness n


(ˈspɪr ɪ tʃu əl)

adj. 1. pertaining to the spirit or soul, as distinguished from the physical nature. 2. of or pertaining to the spirit as the seat of the moral or religious nature. 3. of or pertaining to sacred things or matters; religious. 4. pertaining to or consisting of spirit; incorporeal. 5. closely akin in interests, outlook, feeling, etc.: the composer's spiritual heir. 6. pertaining to spirits or to spiritualists; supernatural or spiritualistic. 7. of the church; ecclesiastical: lords spiritual and temporal. 8. pertaining to the mind or intellect. n. 9. an emotionally expressive religious song of a type originating among blacks in the southern U.S. 10. a spiritual thing or matter. [1275–1325; Middle English < Medieval Latin spīrituālis= Latin spīritu-, s. of spīritus spirit + -ālis -al1] spir′it•u•al•ly, adv.


A religious folk song, generally associated with American blacks. Spirituals became an aspect of culture in the deep South, and many used biblical themes in their texts to express symbolically the plight of the slaves, their longing for freedom, and their faith in God and a meaningful afterlife.
Noun1.spiritual - a kind of religious song originated by Blacks in the southern United StatesNegro spiritualreligious song - religious music for singing
Adj.1.spiritual - concerned with sacred matters or religion or the church; "religious texts"; "a member of a religious order"; "lords temporal and spiritual"; "spiritual leaders"; "spiritual songs"religioussacred - concerned with religion or religious purposes; "sacred texts"; "sacred rites"; "sacred music"
2.spiritual - concerned with or affecting the spirit or soulspiritual - concerned with or affecting the spirit or soul; "a spiritual approach to life"; "spiritual fulfillment"; "spiritual values"; "unearthly love"unearthlyunworldly - not concerned with the temporal world or swayed by mundane considerations; "was unworldly and did not greatly miss worldly rewards"- Sheldon Cheney
3.spiritual - lacking material body or form or substance; "spiritual beings"; "the vital transcendental soul belonging to the spiritual realm"-Lewis Mumfordincorporeal, immaterial - without material form or substance; "an incorporeal spirit"
4.spiritual - resembling or characteristic of a phantom; "a ghostly face at the window"; "a phantasmal presence in the room"; "spectral emanations"; "spiritual tappings at a seance"apparitional, ghostlike, ghostly, phantasmal, spectralsupernatural - not existing in nature or subject to explanation according to natural laws; not physical or material; "supernatural forces and occurrences and beings"


adjective1. nonmaterial, metaphysical, other-worldly, ethereal, intangible, immaterial, incorporeal She lived entirely by spiritual values.
nonmaterial material, physical, corporeal, substantial, concrete, tangible, palpable, nonspiritual
2. sacred, religious, holy, divine, ethereal, devotional, otherworldly A man in priestly clothes offered spiritual guidance.


adjective1. Having no body, form, or substance:bodiless, discarnate, disembodied, immaterial, incorporeal, insubstantial, metaphysical, nonphysical, unbodied, uncorporal, unsubstantial.2. Of or concerned with the spirit rather than the body or material things:numinous, otherworldly, unworldly.3. Of or relating to a church or to an established religion:church, churchly, ecclesiastical, religious.


(ˈspirit) noun1. a principle or emotion which makes someone act. The spirit of kindness seems to be lacking in the world nowadays. 精神,道義,感情 精神,道义,感情 2. a person's mind, will, personality etc thought of as distinct from the body, or as remaining alive eg as a ghost when the body dies. Our great leader may be dead, but his spirit still lives on; (also adjective) the spirit world; Evil spirits have taken possession of him. 精神,靈魂 精神,灵魂 3. liveliness; courage. He acted with spirit. 氣魄 气魄ˈspirited adjective full of courage or liveliness. a spirited attack/description. 有精神的,生氣勃勃的 有精神的,生气勃勃的 ˈspiritedly adverb 精神飽滿地 精神饱满地ˈspirits noun plural1. a person's mood. He's in good/high/low spirits (= He's happy / very cheerful / depressed); This news may raise his spirits. 情緒 情绪2. strong alcoholic drink, eg whisky, gin, vodka etc. 烈酒 烈酒ˈspiritual (-tʃul) adjective of one's spirit or soul, or of one's religious beliefs. 精神上的,心靈的,宗教的 精神上的,心灵的,宗教的 ˈspiritually adverb 精神地 精神地spirit level a tool consisting of a bar containing a glass tube of liquid, for testing whether a surface is level. 酒精水準儀 水平仪,酒精水准仪




be (one's) spiritual home

To be an ideal place or setting for one to live happily. If you hate the cold weather, then I doubt that the mountains will ever be your spiritual home.See also: home, spiritual

be somebody’s ˌspiritual ˈhome

be a place where somebody could be happy, because they like the people, customs, culture, etc. there: I’ve always thought that Australia was his spiritual home.See also: home, spiritual



a religious folk songfolk song,
music of anonymous composition, transmitted orally. The theory that folk songs were originally group compositions has been modified in recent studies. These assume that the germ of a folk melody is produced by an individual and altered in transmission into a
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 of American origin, particularly associated with African-American Protestants of the southern United States. The African-American spiritual, characterized by syncopation, polyrhythmic structure, and the pentatonic scale of five whole tones, is, above all, a deeply emotional song. The words are most often related to biblical passages, but the predominant effect is of patient, profound melancholy. The spiritual is directly related to the sorrow songs that were the source material of the blues (see jazzjazz,
the most significant form of musical expression of African-American culture and arguably the most outstanding contribution the United States has made to the art of music. Origins of Jazz

Jazz developed in the latter part of the 19th cent.
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), and a number of more joyous spirituals influenced the content of gospel songs (see gospel musicgospel music,
American religious musical form that owes much of its origin to the Christian conversion of West Africans enslaved in the American South. Gospel music partly evolved from the songs slaves sang on plantations, notably work songs, and from the Protestant hymns they
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Beginning in the late 19th cent., when a celebrated chorus from Fisk Univ. traveled throughout the United States and abroad, wide attention was given to the spirituals of American blacks. This body of song was long thought to be the only original folk music of the United States, and research into its origin centered mainly on the nature and extent of its African ancestry. Because slaves were brought to the United States from many parts of Africa, no single African musical source is clear. Elements that African music and American black spirituals have in common include syncopation, polyrhythmic structure, the pentatonic scale, and a responsive rendition of text. Audience participation increased the improvisatory nature of the spirituals, with the result that tens and even hundreds of versions of a single text idea exist.

Early in the 20th cent., Cecil SharpSharp, Cecil James,
1859–1924, English musician, best known for his researches in English folk music. In 1911 he founded the English Folk Dance Society. In the United States he collected (1914–18) folk songs in the Appalachian Mts.
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 explored the extent of American folk-song literature, much of which he demonstrated to be of British ancestry. After that discovery, G. P. Jackson traced the considerable influence of revivalist and evangelist songs from the early 19th-century camp meetings of the Southern white population. Jackson claimed, using hundreds of comparative examples, that many black spirituals were adapted from or inspired by these white spirituals. African musical traditions were apparently amalgamated with the religious songs of the white South, which had many sources, to produce a form of folk music that was distinctly black in character.


Collections and arrangements of spirituals have been made by R. Johnson and J. W. Johnson, R. N. Dett, G. L. White, J. A. Lomax and A. Lomax, R. Hayes, and others. See also G. P. Jackson, White Spirituals in the Southern Uplands (1933) and Spiritual Folk-Songs of Early America (1937); G. P. Jackson, White and Negro Spirituals (1943); L. Jones, Blues People (1963); J. Cone, The Spirituals and the Blues (1980).



a spiritual song of the American Negro; the most important genre of Negro musical folklore.

Spirituals arose in the southern states of the USA during the period of slavery, and they drew from African and Anglo-Celtic artistic traditions. For the most part, spirituals are associated with biblical images; however, biblical themes are expressed in the vernacular and combined with the narration of daily life. The melodies are distinguished by originality of harmony (pentatonic and six-tone harmony and alternations between major and minor thirds) and rhythm (syncopation). Spirituals convey the moods of tragic loneliness and spiritual suffering and are characterized by their profundity, sincerity, and poetic quality. Initially, they were performed a cappella by a choir as a collective improvisation, in which the melody was varied with each performance. In the last third of the 19th century, reworkings of spirituals appeared for solo singing with instrumental accompaniment (banjo or piano).



1. of, relating to, or characteristic of sacred things, the Church, religion, etc. 2. standing in a relationship based on communication between the souls or minds of the persons involved 3. See Negro spiritual4. the sphere of religious, spiritual, or ecclesiastical matters, or such matters in themselves 5. the. the realm of spirits


Related to spiritual: Spiritual healing
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Related to spiritual: Spiritual healing
  • all
  • adj
  • noun

Synonyms for spiritual

adj nonmaterial


  • nonmaterial
  • metaphysical
  • other-worldly
  • ethereal
  • intangible
  • immaterial
  • incorporeal


  • material
  • physical
  • corporeal
  • substantial
  • concrete
  • tangible
  • palpable
  • nonspiritual

adj sacred


  • sacred
  • religious
  • holy
  • divine
  • ethereal
  • devotional
  • otherworldly

Synonyms for spiritual

adj having no body, form, or substance


  • bodiless
  • discarnate
  • disembodied
  • immaterial
  • incorporeal
  • insubstantial
  • metaphysical
  • nonphysical
  • unbodied
  • uncorporal
  • unsubstantial

adj of or concerned with the spirit rather than the body or material things


  • numinous
  • otherworldly
  • unworldly

adj of or relating to a church or to an established religion


  • church
  • churchly
  • ecclesiastical
  • religious

Synonyms for spiritual

noun a kind of religious song originated by Blacks in the southern United States


  • Negro spiritual

Related Words

  • religious song

adj concerned with sacred matters or religion or the church


  • religious

Related Words

  • sacred

adj concerned with or affecting the spirit or soul


  • unearthly

Related Words

  • unworldly

adj lacking material body or form or substance

Related Words

  • incorporeal
  • immaterial

adj resembling or characteristic of a phantom


  • apparitional
  • ghostlike
  • ghostly
  • phantasmal
  • spectral

Related Words

  • supernatural




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