seal finger

A monoarticular infection of the fingers of seal hunters and those who handle pinnipeds, resulting from bits or direct contact with seal bones or untreated seal pelts described in coastal Scandinavia and Canada
Aetiology Unknown, but most probably bacterial, most probably Mycoplasma phocacerebrale, which was isolated from an epidemic of seal finger in the Baltics
Management Tetracycline; the affected digits are usually amputated once they become unusable

seal finger

A monoarticular infection of a puffy finger described in coastal Scandinavia and Canada, seen in individuals with wildlife and marine wildlife-related jobs, possibly caused by fastidious bacteria Treatment Tetracycline.

seal finger

A painful cellulitic infection of a finger caused by a species of mycoplasma, sometimes occurring in arctic hunters or fishers. It is treated with tetracycline antibiotics. See also: finger