Vladimir Sarabianov
Sarab’ianov, Vladimir Nikolaevich
Born Oct. 26 (Nov. 7), 1886, in Astrakhan; died Mar. 4, 1952, in Moscow. Soviet philosopher, historian, and economist. Active in the revolutionary movement from 1903. A Menshevik until 1918. Member of the CPSU from 1930.
In 1911, Sarab’ianov graduated from the law faculty of Moscow University, where he studied in the economics and civil law divisions. From 1918 to 1923 he worked as an economist. From 1922 to 1930 he contributed to Pravda. After 1930 he devoted much of his time to teaching.
Sarab’ianov’s principal works deal with problems of dialectical and historical materialism, the history of Marxist philosophy, atheism, and economics. He participated in the philosophical discussions of the 1920’s and 1930’s. During that period a number of his works were characterized by mechanistic errors, which he subsequently overcame, under the influence of criticism in the party press and the Soviet press.
Istoricheskii materializm. Moscow, 1922.Besedy o marksizme. Moscow, 1925.
Vvedenie ν dialekticheskii materializm. [Kharkov] 1925.
Osnovnye problemy NEPa. Moscow-Leningrad, 1926.
Industrializatsiia strany. Moscow-Leningrad, 1928.
V zashchitu filosofii marksizma. Moscow-Leningrad, 1929.
Dialekticheskii i istoricheskii materializm (Ocherki). [Moscow] 1934.
Arkhitektura i obshchestvennoe soznanie. Moscow, 1952.