Quincke's disease


 [an″je-o-ĕ-de´mah] a localized edematous reaction of the deep dermis or subcutaneous or submucosal tissues appearing as giant wheals; urticaria is the same physiologic reaction occurring in the superficial portions of the dermis.hereditary angioedema an autosomal dominant disorder of the complement system manifested as recurrent episodes of edema of the skin, upper respiratory tract, and gastrointestinal tract. It may be mediated by such factors as minor trauma, sudden changes in environmental temperature, and sudden emotional stress. adj., adj angioede´matous.

Quincke, Heinrich

(kving'ke) Heinrich Irenaeus Quincke, Ger. internist, 1842–1922.

Quincke's disease


Quincke's pulse

Capillary pulse.

Quincke's puncture

Lumbar puncture.

Patient discussion about Quincke's disease

Q. Is severe diarrhea sign of angioedema? I have sudden onset of painful diarrhea with stomach pain.A. Severe diarrhea can be a sign of angioedema but it is a very unlikely way of angioedema to show, especially if that is the only symptoms and there is no obvious seen swelling of skin or shortness of breath. Stomach ache with diarrhea is usually caused by an infection, most likely a viral infection, and should pass within a few days. If symptoms are unbarable or continue, you should see your doctor.

Q. What can cause an angioedema on 15 year old girl? I’ve been getting angioedema signs on my left arm for the past few weeks, not severe but it itches and sure don’t help my low-as-it-is self esteem…A. The following may cause angioedema -
Animal dander
Certain medications (drug allergy)
Emotional stress
Exposure to water, sunlight, cold or heat
Foods (such as berries, shellfish, nuts, eggs, milk, other)
Insect bites
Hives or angioedema may also occur after an illness or infection.
Try to see if you were exposed to any of this and report it to your Dr.

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