Acronym | Definition |
PAB➣Panama Balboa (ISO currency code) |
PAB➣Personal Address Book (Microsoft Outlook) |
PAB➣Pyrococcus Abyssi |
PAB➣Polyclonal Antibody |
PAB➣Philadelphia Architects and Buildings |
PAB➣Police Administration Building (various locations) |
PAB➣Passenger Airbag |
PAB➣Policy Advisory Body |
PAB➣Personal Address Book |
PAB➣Podcasters Across Borders (Ste-Marthe-sur-le-Lac, Quebec, Canada) |
PAB➣Private Activity Bond |
PAB➣Presidential Advisory Board (various organizations) |
PAB➣Planning Advisory Board |
PAB➣Pick A Brick (Lego shop) |
PAB➣Professional Affairs Board (various locations) |
PAB➣Pennsylvania Association of Broadcasters |
PAB➣Partnership Advisory Board |
PAB➣Peek A Boo (children's game) |
PAB➣Patti Ann Browne (TV news anchor) |
PAB➣Parliamentary Assessment Board (UK) |
PAB➣Public Accountants Board (Singapore) |
PAB➣Principal's Advisory Board (New Jersey) |
PAB➣Passenger Air Bag |
PAB➣Punk Ass Bitch |
PAB➣Performing Arts Building (Virginia Tech) |
PAB➣Prior Authorization of Benefits |
PAB➣Pupil Activity Bus (California) |
PAB➣Prosecuting Attorney's Board |
PAB➣Projected Available Balance |
PAB➣Patrick Air Force Base (Florida) |
PAB➣Programming and Activities Board (Associated Students of Arizona State University; Phoenix, AZ) |
PAB➣Poisoned Apple Boutique |
PAB➣Public Affairs Branch |
PAB➣Protected At Birth (neonatal tetanus) |
PAB➣Pension Appeal Board (Canada Pension Plan) |
PAB➣Premature Atrial Beat |
PAB➣Peanut Advisory Board |
PAB➣Payback's A Bitch |
PAB➣Pain Assessment Battery |
PAB➣Parts Advisory Board |
PAB➣Payment Arrangement Broken |
PAB➣Performance Assurance Board (Elexon Ltd.; UK) |
PAB➣Passive Aggressive Behavior (psychology) |
PAB➣Physical Address Buffer |
PAB➣Progressive Adult Beverage (alcohol product) |
PAB➣Poster Audit Bureau |
PAB➣Plant and Animal Biotechnology |
PAB➣Prunes Applesauce & Bran (diet) |
PAB➣Pointe Aux Barques (Michigan) |
PAB➣Property Accounting Branch (NAVCOMPT) |
PAB➣Peripheral Attack Bomber |
PAB➣Per Ardua Beagles (UK) |
PAB➣Preliminary as Built |
PAB➣Postapplication Bake |
PAB➣Percutaneous Aspiration Biopsy |
PAB➣Personal Acting Body |
PAB➣Polyaspartate Biopolymer |
PAB➣Personal Accident Benefits (insurance coverage) |
PAB➣Product Assurance Board (Indian Space Research Organisation) |
PAB➣Posterior Axillary Boost (radiotherapy) |
PAB➣Provincial Adjudication Board |
PAB➣People Against Boredom (Riverside, CA band) |