Vladimir Starovskii
Starovskii, Vladimir Nikonovich
Born Apr. 20 (May 3), 1905, in the village of Pomozdino, now in Komi ASSR; died Oct. 20,1975, in Moscow. Soviet economist and statistician. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1958). Hero of Socialist Labor (1975). Member of the CPSU from 1939.
Starovskii worked in the areas of statistics and national economic accounting beginning in 1919. He graduated from Moscow State University in 1926. From 1927 through 1947 he was a teacher.
In 1939 and 1940, Starovskii was assistant director of the Central Administration of National Economic Accounting of the State Planning Committee (Gosplan of the USSR), and from 1940 to 1948, director of Gosplan’s Central Statistical Board. From 1941 to 1948 he was also vice-chairman of Gosplan. Between 1948 and 1975 he was director of the Central Statistical Board of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.
Starovskii was a member of the chief editorial board of the third edition of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. His chief works dealt with statistical theory, population statistics, mathematical statistics, and political economy. Starovskii became a member of the Central Auditing Commission of the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1961. He was a deputy to the sixth through eighth convocations of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Starovskii was awarded three orders of Lenin, four other orders, and several medals.
Azbuka statistiki, 3rd ed. Moscow, 1936.“O metodike sopostavleniia ekonomicheskikh pokazatelei SSSR i SShA.” Voprosy ekonomiki, 1960, no. 4.
“Proizvoditel’nosf obshchestvennogo truda i problemy narodonaseleniia.” Vestnik AN SSSR, 1962, no. 5.