tendinous arch of levator ani muscle

ten·di·nous arch of le·va·tor ani mus·cle

[TA] a thickened portion of the obturator fascia on the medial aspect of the obturator internus (muscle) that extends in an arching line from the pubis posteriorly to the ischial spine and gives origin to part of the levator ani muscle. Synonym(s): arcus tendineus musculi levatoris ani [TA], arcus tendineus of obturator fascia, arcus tendineus of pelvic diaphragm

ten·di·nous arch of le·va·tor a·ni mus·cle

(ten'di-nŭs ahrch le-vā'tŏr ā'nī mŭs'ĕl) [TA] A thickened portion of the obturator fascia on the medial aspect of the obturator internus (muscle) that extends in an arching line from the pubis posteriorly to the ischial spine and gives origin to part of the levator ani muscle.