

单词 appreciable



A0382500 (ə-prē′shə-bəl)adj. Possible to estimate, measure, or perceive: appreciable changes in temperature. See Synonyms at perceptible.
ap·pre′cia·bly adv.


(əˈpriːʃɪəbəl; -ʃəbəl) adjsufficient to be easily seen, measured, or noticed apˈpreciably adv


(əˈpri ʃi ə bəl, -ʃə bəl)

adj. sufficient to be readily perceived or estimated; considerable: There is an appreciable difference between socialism and communism. [1810–20] ap•pre′ci•a•bly, adv.
Adj.1.appreciable - enough to be estimated or measured; "appreciable amounts of noxious wastes are dumped into the harbor"considerable - large or relatively large in number or amount or extent or degree; "a considerable quantity"; "the economy was a considerable issue in the campaign"; "went to considerable trouble for us"; "spent a considerable amount of time on the problem"


adjective significant, marked, obvious, considerable, substantial, visible, evident, pronounced, definite, noticeable, clear-cut, discernible, measurable, material, recognizable, detectable, perceptible, distinguishable, ascertainable, perceivable This has not had an appreciable effect on production.
small, minute, minor, invisible, trivial, insignificant, negligible, indistinguishable, immaterial, imperceptible, undetectable, unnoticeable, indiscernible, unsubstantial, inappreciable


adjectiveCapable of being noticed or apprehended mentally:detectable, discernible, distinguishable, noticeable, observable, palpable, perceivable, perceptible, ponderable, sensible.


(əˈpriːʃieit) verb1. to be grateful for (something). I appreciate all your hard work. 感謝 感谢2. to value (someone or something) highly. Mothers are very often not appreciated. 重視 重视,欣赏,赞赏 3. understand; to be aware of. I appreciate your difficulties but I cannot help. 理解 懂得4. to increase in value. My house has appreciated (in value) considerably over the last ten years. 增值 增值apˈpreciable (-ʃəbl) adjective noticeable; considerable. an appreciable increase. 明顯的,值得重視的 明显的,可估计的 apˈpreciably (-ʃəbli) adverb 明顯地 明显地apˌpreciˈation noun1. gratefulness. I wish to show my appreciation for what you have done. 感謝 感谢2. the state of valuing or understanding something. a deep appreciation of poetry. 鑑賞, 重視 鉴赏3. the state of being aware of something. He has no appreciation of our difficulties. 理解 懂得4. an increase in value. 增值 增值5. a written article etc which describes the qualities of something. an appreciation of the new book. 評價 评价apˈpreciative (-ʃətiv) adjective giving due thanks or praise; grateful. an appreciative audience. 感激的 感激的apˈpreciatively adverb 感激地 感激地


  • adj

Synonyms for appreciable

adj significant


  • significant
  • marked
  • obvious
  • considerable
  • substantial
  • visible
  • evident
  • pronounced
  • definite
  • noticeable
  • clear-cut
  • discernible
  • measurable
  • material
  • recognizable
  • detectable
  • perceptible
  • distinguishable
  • ascertainable
  • perceivable


  • small
  • minute
  • minor
  • invisible
  • trivial
  • insignificant
  • negligible
  • indistinguishable
  • immaterial
  • imperceptible
  • undetectable
  • unnoticeable
  • indiscernible
  • unsubstantial
  • inappreciable

Synonyms for appreciable

adj capable of being noticed or apprehended mentally


  • detectable
  • discernible
  • distinguishable
  • noticeable
  • observable
  • palpable
  • perceivable
  • perceptible
  • ponderable
  • sensible

Words related to appreciable

adj enough to be estimated or measured

Related Words

  • considerable




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