Pacheco State Park

Pacheco State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / California
Location:24 miles west of Los Banos or 20 miles east of Gilroy, at 38787 Dinosaur Point Road in Hollister, off Highway 152.
Facilities:Trails (28 miles); no drinking water.
Activities:Hiking, horseback riding, mountain biking.
Special Features:Park is the last remaining section of a Mexican land grant under whichFrancisco Pacheco and his son built the first house in Merced County in1843. Among the historic features of the park are an old line shackused byHenry Miller's cattle company in the late 1800s, part of the oldButterfield stage line route, and the remains of the original Pachecoadobe. Only about a third of the park's property (2,600 acres) is openfor public use at present.
Address:c/o Central Valley District Office
22708 Broadway St
Columbia, CA 95310

Size: 6,894 acres.

See other parks in California.