Spitzer theory

Spit·zer the·o·ry

(spit'sĕr), an interpretation of the partitioning of the heart of mammalian embryos primarily on the basis of recapitulations of the adult structural pattern of lower forms; most frequently cited in relation to the partitioning of the truncus arteriosus to form ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk, which is achieved by the phylogenetic development of the lungs.

Spit·zer the·o·ry

(spits'er thē'ŏr-ē) An interpretation of the partitioning of the heart of mammalian embryos primarily on the basis of recapitulations of the adult structural pattern of lower forms.


Alexander, Austrian anatomist, 1868-1943. Spitzer theory - an interpretation of the partitioning of the heart of mammalian embryos, primarily on the basis of recapitulations of the adult structural pattern of lower forms.