Ritter opening tetanus

Rit·ter o·pen·ing tet·a·nus

(rit'ĕr), the tetanic contraction that occasionally occurs when a strong current, passing through a long stretch of nerve, is suddenly interrupted.

Rit·ter o·pen·ing tet·a·nus

(rit'ĕr ōp'ĕn-ing tet'ă-nŭs) The tetanic contraction that occasionally occurs when a strong current, passing through a long stretch of nerve, is suddenly interrupted.


Johann W., German physicist, 1776-1810. Ritter law - a nerve is stimulated at both the opening and the closing of an electrical current.Ritter opening tetanus - the contraction that occasionally occurs when a strong current passing through a long stretch of nerve is suddenly interrupted.Ritter-Rollet phenomenon - on equal electrical stimulation of motor nerve trunks, the flexor and abductor muscle groups react more readily than the extensors and adductors.