ultrasonic cardiography


 [kahr″de-og´rah-fe] the graphic recording of a physical or functional aspect of the heart, such as in echocardiography, electrocardiography, kinetocardiography, phonocardiography, and vibrocardiography.apex cardiography graphic recording of low-frequency pulsations at the anterior chest wall over the apex of the heart.ultrasonic cardiography echocardiography.vector cardiography vectorcardiography.


(ek'ō-kar'dē-og'ră-fē), The use of ultrasound in the investigation of the heart and great vessels and diagnosis of cardiovascular lesions. Synonym(s): ultrasonic cardiography, ultrasound cardiography [echo + cardiography]

Patient discussion about ultrasonic cardiography

Q. My mother had a chest pain and she was sent for a TEE. When do you need a TEE and when a normal echo is fine? My mother had a chest pain few weeks ago. we were sure its a heart attack and went to the ER. There the doctors did some tests and she was sent for a (trans thoracic echocardiogram) TEE. I want to know when do you need a TEE and when you can do just a normal echocardiogram because the TEE was very painful for her and we want to know if ther was a better way.A. The main difference between TEE and normal echo is that in TEE u put the transducer directly in the esophagus. The transducer is the same and the idea is to put it as close as possible to the heart.
As far as I know there are some heart situations the TEE is better for diagnosis that normal echo. Maybe your mom had one of those situations?
I can recommend you to ask the ER doctor. he will probably be able to give a better explanation for his choice

Q. I am scheduled for a TEE and i am very scared. what is exactly going to happen there? I am scheduled for a Transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) for my heart valve problem and i am very scared. what is exactly going to happen there to me? I understand i need to swallow somthing and I am not sure I'll be able to do it. I have a strong gag reflex. can someone tell me what I can do to reduce the fear? A. During a TEE you will be requested to swallow something that looks like a big chocolate kiss. This is all the swallowing that is involved. It is not fun, and me too have a strong gag reflex. I asked the doctor to let me watch the TEE of the guy that was before me in the line. After I saw how this test is done it was easier for me.
(Don't get me wrong, you will want to puke but you will be able to handle this urge)

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