vanishing lung syndrome

van·ish·ing lung syn·drome

progressive decrease of radiographic opacity of the lung caused by accelerated development of emphysema or rapid cystic destruction of the lung from infection.

van·ish·ing lung syn·drome

progressive decrease of radiographic opacity of the lung caused by accelerated development of emphysema or rapid cystic destruction of the lung from infection.
A condition affecting 1:1,000 young people, usually males, characterised by multiple bullae of the apical portions of one or both lungs
Management Surgical excision of afunctional bullae results in expansion of normally functioning pulmonary tissue and clinical improvement

vanishing lung syndrome

Giant bullous emphysema Pulmonology A disease affecting 1:1000 young usually ♂ subjects, characterized by multiple bullae of the apical portions of one or both lungs Clinical ↑ Resonance to percussion with radiologic disappearance of lung markings, hence, the term 'vanishing'; in absence of concomitant emphysema, the vital capacity is relatively normal; with extensive lesions, severe impairment of pulmonary function may occur Treatment Surgical excision of afunctional bullae results in expansion of normally functioning pulmonary tissue and clinical improvement

van·ish·ing lung syn·drome

(van'i-shing lŭng sin'drōm) Progressive decrease of radiographic opacity of the lung caused by accelerated development of emphysema or rapid cystic destruction of the lung from infection.