

S0652900 (splā)v. splayed, splay·ing, splays v.tr.1. To spread (the limbs, for example) out or apart: The dog rolled on its back and splayed its legs.2. To make slanting or sloping; bevel: splayed the edge of the tabletop.3. To dislocate (a bone). Used of an animal.v.intr.1. To be spread out or apart: After work, he splayed out on the couch.2. To slant or slope.adj.1. Spread or turned out.2. Clumsy or clumsily formed; awkward.n. Architecture An oblique angle or bevel given to the sides of an opening in a wall so that the opening is wider on one side of the wall than on the other.
[Middle English splayen, short for displayen; see display.]


(spleɪd) adj1. spread out or turned out2. (Architecture) (of a window) set at an angle with respect to the wall