Vladimir Vladimirovich Ermilov

Ermilov, Vladimir Vladimirovich


Born Oct. 16 (29), 1904, in Moscow; died there Nov. 19, 1965. Soviet literary critic. Member of the CPSU from 1927.

Ermilov graduated from the social sciences department of Moscow State University in 1924. In 1928 he became one of the leaders of RAPW (Russian Association of Proletarian Writers). He served as the editor in chief of Literaturnaia gaieta during 1946–50. As a critic, he actively participated in literary discussions. Ermilov is the author of articles about M. Gorky, V. Mayakovsky, and A. Malyshkin and monographs on the works of A. P. Chekhov (1949 and 1954), F. M. Dostoevsky (1949 and 1956), N. V. Gogol (1953 and 1959), and L. N. Tolstoy (1963). He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and several medals.


Protiv meshchanstva iupadochnichestva. Moscow-Leningrad, 1927.
Za zhivogo cheloveka v literature: Sb. st. Moscow, 1928.
Ibrannye raboty, vols. 1–3. Moscow, 1955–56.
Razmyshleniia nad sovremennoi povest’iu. Moscow, 1963.