

单词 pon
释义 IdiomsSeea little frog in a big pond



(Passive Optical Network) An optical point-to-multipoint access network. There are no optical repeaters or other active devices in a PON, hence the name "passive." PONs are designed for local loop transmission rather than long distance and serve to bring fiber closer to the customer in order to obtain higher speed. PONs began in 1995 when a group of telecom providers organized the Full Service Access Network group (see FSAN).

An optical line terminal (OLT) device resides in the telco central office or cable company head end. It generates or passes on SONET and DWDM signals via fiber to an optical network unit (ONU) in the field. The ONU provides the optical to electrical (O-E) and electrical to optical (E-O) conversion between the fiber and the copper wires that reach homes and offices in a "fiber to the curb" (FTTC) or "fiber to the neighborhood" (FTTN) scenario. When the optical line goes directly into the building for "fiber to the home" (FTTH), an optical network terminal (ONT) is used to terminate the fiber. Fiber to the home is also called "fiber to the premises" (FTTP).

APON (ATM PON) was the first passive optical network and uses ATM for transport. BPON (Broadband PON) includes APON, Ethernet and video transports. GPON (Gigabit PON), which uses the SONET GPF frame, is designed to be efficient for packets as well as TDM. BPON and GPON are the ITU-T G.983 and G.984 standards respectively. EPON is the IEEE Ethernet standard for PONs.

Passive Optical Networks
PONs provide a way to bring high-speed fiber networks closer to the customer in the local loop.

BPON GPON EPONITU-T ITU-T IEEEG.983 G.984 802.3(Mbps) (Gbps)ClassesSupported B,C A,B,C PX10/PX20** Downstream 155 1.25 Gbps 1.25 Speeds 622 2.5 Gbps Upstream 155 155 Mbps 1.25 Speeds 622 622 Mbps 1.25 Gbps 2.5 Gbps Maximum Number of ONTsBased on Class and DistanceODN CLASS 7 km 10 km 20 km Class A 16 13 6 Class B 40 32 15 Class C 101 81 39 ** PX10 & PX20 are similar to B and C


PONPontiac (Amtrak station code; Pontiac, IL)
PONPath of Neo (game)
PONProgramma Operativo Nazionale (Italian: National Operational Program)
PONPekan Olahraga Nasional (National Sports Week; Indonesia)
PONPassive Optical Network
PONParty of No (Republican party slang)
PONProgram on Negotiation
PONPromise of Nursing (Foundation of the National Student Nurses’ Association)
PONPolish Owczarek Nizinny (Polish Lowland Sheepdog)
PONPurchase Order Number (Sprint)
PONProgram Opportunity Notice
PONParticulate Organic Nitrogen
PONPetroleum Operations Notice (DTI UK government Department of Trade & Industry)
PONPanel of Neutrals (International Trademark Association)
PONPump Octane Number
PONProject Order Number
PONPlane of Nightmare (Everquest game)
PONPacific Online, Inc. (Santa Rosa, California)
PONPort Out Number (telephone porting)
PONPayload Operations Network
PONPeriodical Operating Notice
PONProvincial Offence Notice (Canada)
PONPlus Over Normal (marketing/promotion)
PONProcurement Operations Notice
PONPrimary Olfactory Neuron
PONParaffins, Olefins and Naphthenes (biofuel products)




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