Ponca State Park

Ponca State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Nebraska
Location:2 miles north of Ponca.
Facilities:157 campsites (72 with electrical hookups), 14 housekeeping cabins,modern restrooms, showers, picnic areas, picnic shelters, hiking trails(20 miles), mountain bike trails (17 miles), swimming pool, boat ramp,docks, resource and education center with exhibit area, fieldlaboratory, and conference rooms; golf course with clubhouse nearby.
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, swimming, hiking, mountain biking, guidedhorseback trail rides, hayrides and other planned group events,education programs.
Special Features:Park is situated along the Missouri River bluffs in northeasternNebraska and is the eastern gateway to a 59-mile section of theMissouri National Recreational River. Located at the park is theMissouri National Recreational River Resource and Education Center, andthe park offers one of the state's most comprehensiveoutdoor/environmental education programs. The park is named for thePonca Indians, whose chief (Standing Bear) fought and won the courtbattle to have the Indian declared a person under American Law.
Address:PO Box 688
Ponca, NE 68770

Web: www.ngpc.state.ne.us/parks/guides/parksearch/findpark.asp
Size: 859 acres.

See other parks in Nebraska.