Wad Madani

Wad Madani

(wäd mädä`nē), city (1993 pop. 211,362), SE cental Sudan, on the Blue Nile River. It is linked by rail with Khartoum and is the chief center of the Al GeziraGezira, Al
, or Al Jazirah
, region, SE Sudan, occupying the tract between the White and Blue Niles south of their convergence at Khartoum. The Arabic word Gezira means "island" or "peninsula." Wad Madani is the region's chief town.
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 agricultural region. Cotton, wheat, barley, and livestock are among the products of the city. Wad Madani has an agricultural research station. A small Turko-Egyptian administrative post in the 19th cent., the city grew rapidly after the implementation (1925) of a program to develop Al Gezira.

Wad Madani


a city in the eastern Sudan; administrative center of Blue Nile Province. Population, 63,700 (1965). Wharf on the Blue Nile River; railroad station. There are cotton-ginning enterprises in the suburb of Barakat. Wad Madani is the commercial center of a large cotton-growing region.