

单词 r


R 1

R0000100 (är) A trademark for a movie rating indicating that admission will be granted only to persons of or over a certain age, usually 17, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.

R 2

1. The symbol for gas constant.2. The symbol for a hydrocarbon side chain or substituent of variable chemical structure.

R 3

abbr.1. range (surveying)2. Réaumur (scale)3. registered trademark4. Republican5. Ecclesiastical response6. right7. or r roentgen8. rook (chess)9. Baseball run

r 1

or R R0000100 (är)n. pl. r's or R's also rs or Rs 1. The 18th letter of the modern English alphabet.2. Any of the speech sounds represented by the letter r.3. The 18th in a series.4. Something shaped like the letter R.

r 2

abbr.1. Mathematics radius2. Genetics recombinant3. or R Electricity resistance


(ɑː) or


n, pl r's, R's or Rs1. (Linguistics) the 18th letter and 14th consonant of the modern English alphabet2. (Phonetics & Phonology) a speech sound represented by this letter, in English usually an alveolar semivowel, as in red3. (Education) See three Rs


symbol for 1. (Chemistry) chem radical 2. (Currencies) currency a. randb. rupee 3. (General Physics) Réaumur temperature (scale) 4. (General Physics) physics electronics resistance 5. (General Physics) roentgen or röntgen 6. (Chess & Draughts) chess rook 7. Royal 8. (Chemistry) chem gas constant 9. (Film) (in the US and Australia)a. restricted exhibition (used to describe a category of film certified as unsuitable for viewing by anyone under the age of 18)b. (as modifier): an R film.

R, r


n., pl. Rs R's, rs r's. 1. the 18th letter of the English alphabet, a consonant. 2. any spoken sound represented by this letter. 3. something shaped like an R. 4. a written or printed representation of the letter R or r.


1. Chem. radical. 2. Math. ratio. 3. regular: a man's suit or coat size. 4. restricted: a motion-picture rating advising that children under 17 will not be admitted unless accompanied by an adult. Compare G (def. 2), NC-17, PG, PG-13, X (def. 7). 5. right. 6. roentgen.


Symbol. 1. the 18th in order or in a series. 2. arginine. 3. registered trademark: written as superscript ® following a name registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. 4. Elect. resistance.


1. radius. 2. Elect. resistance. 3. roentgen. 4. royal. 5. ruble. 6.
pl. rs, rupee.


Ecol. the intrinsic rate of increase of a population, equivalent to the difference between the birth and death rates divided by the number of individuals in the population. Also called Malthusian parameter.


1. rabbi. 2. Radical. 3. radius. 4. railroad. 5. railway. 6. (in South Africa) rand. 7. Réaumur. 8. Also, R (in prescriptions) take. [< Latin recipe] 9. rector. 10. Regina. 11. Republican. 12. Eccles. response. 13. Rex. 14. right. 15. river. 16. road. 17. royal. 18. ruble. 19. rupee.


1. rabbi. 2. railroad. 3. railway. 4. range. 5. rare. 6. Com. received. 7. recipe. 8. replacing. 9. right. 10. river. 11. road. 12. rod. 13. royal. 14. rubber. 15. ruble. 16. Baseball. run. 17.
pl. rs. rupee.


1. Mathematics Abbreviation of radius2. or R Electricity Abbreviation of resistance
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:Switch to new thesaurus
Noun1.R - a unit of radiation exposureR - a unit of radiation exposure; the dose of ionizing radiation that will produce 1 electrostatic unit of electricity in 1 cc of dry airroentgenradioactivity unit - a measure of radioactivity
2.R - (physics) the universal constant in the gas equation: pressure times volume = R times temperature; equal to 8.3143 joules per kelvin per molegas constant, universal gas constantnatural philosophy, physics - the science of matter and energy and their interactions; "his favorite subject was physics"constant - a number representing a quantity assumed to have a fixed value in a specified mathematical context; "the velocity of light is a constant"
3.r - the 18th letter of the Roman alphabetLatin alphabet, Roman alphabet - the alphabet evolved by the ancient Romans which serves for writing most of the languages of western Europealphabetic character, letter of the alphabet, letter - the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech; "his grandmother taught him his letters"
4.R - the length of a line segment between the center and circumference of a circle or spherer - the length of a line segment between the center and circumference of a circle or sphereradiusdiam, diameter - the length of a straight line passing through the center of a circle and connecting two points on the circumferencesemidiameter - the apparent radius of a celestial body when viewed as a disc from the earthradius of curvature - the radius of the circle of curvature; the absolute value of the reciprocal of the curvature of a curve at a given pointlength - the linear extent in space from one end to the other; the longest dimension of something that is fixed in place; "the length of the table was 5 feet"


1 r1 [ɑːʳ] N (= letter) → R, r f
R for RobertR de Ramón
the three Rs (= reading, writing and arithmetic) lectura, escritura y aritmética THREE RS


2 r2A. ABBR1. (Brit) =RexR2. (Brit) =ReginaR3. (Geog) =riverR4. =rightdcha, der, dero5. =Réaumur (scale)6. (US) (Pol) =RepublicanB. ADJ ABBR (US) (Cine) =restrictedsólo mayores


r [ˈɑːr] n (= letter) → R, r m
R for Robert, R for Roger (US)R comme Raoul


[ˈɑːr] abbr (=right) → dr (=river) → riv., fl (=Réaumur (scale)) → R (US) (CINEMA) (=restricted) interdit aux moins de 17 ans (US) = republican (British) (=Rex, Regina)


, r nR nt, → r nt; three Rs (= reading, writing and arithmetic)Lesen, Schreiben und Rechnen (die drei grundlegenden Fähigkeiten eines gebildeten Menschen)


abbr of river (US Film) abbr of restricted → für Jugendliche nicht geeignet


abbr of right → r.


r [ɑːʳ] n (letter) → R, r f or m inv
the three Rs → leggere, scrivere e far di conto
R for Robert (Am) R for Roger → R come Roma
See three R's

three R's

(redirected from r)

the three Rs

The three tenets of education traditionally considered the most basic or essential: reading, writing, and arithmetic. (So named for the prominent "R" sound at the beginning of each word.) When a school begins seeing major performance issues across the three Rs, then it is time to revise its curriculum and teaching style.See also: RS, three

three R's

The fundamentals of education, as in It's a terrible school; the children are not even taught the three R's. It is widely believed that Sir William Curtis, an alderman who became Lord Mayor of London, once presented a toast to the three R's-reading, riting, and rithmetic-thereby betraying his illiteracy. In any event, the term was picked up by others and so used from the early 1800s on. See also: three

the three ˈR’s

(old-fashioned) reading, writing and arithmetic as the basic school subjectsWhen you say these three subjects, they all have the sound /r/ at or near the beginning of the word.See also: three



18th letter of the alphabetalphabet
[Gr. alpha-beta, like Eng. ABC], system of writing, theoretically having a one-for-one relation between character (or letter) and phoneme (see phonetics). Few alphabets have achieved the ideal exactness.
..... Click the link for more information.
, corresponding to Greek rho. When in Latin alphabets the letters for p and r became similar in appearance, the rho form (P; which at first was used for the r sound) was restricted to the p sound, and an extra line was added for the r sound (R). In Greek, where no confusion developed, the rho continued to look like Latin P. A modification of R is the symbol ℞, used medically for recipe [Lat.,=take] and liturgically for responsum [Lat.,=response].


(nucleonics) roentgen


(nucleonics) roentgen


1. Abbr. for “radius.” 2. Abbr. for “right.” 3. Symbol for the capacity of a pile (for example, 3R indicates three times design capacity). 4. Symbol for the thermal resistance of a material or component of construction. 5. Symbol for electrical resistance.

sound reduction index, R

British term for sound transmission loss.


A programming language for statistical computing and graphics that is released under the GNU license. R was designed to handle a wide variety of complex statistical tasks, and many user-developed routines are also available. R is the open source version of S, which was developed in the mid-1970s by John Chambers at Bell Labs (S-PLUS was a commercial version from TIBCO Software). For more information, visit www.r-project.org.



18th letter of the alphabetalphabet
[Gr. alpha-beta, like Eng. ABC], system of writing, theoretically having a one-for-one relation between character (or letter) and phoneme (see phonetics). Few alphabets have achieved the ideal exactness.
..... Click the link for more information.
, corresponding to Greek rho. When in Latin alphabets the letters for p and r became similar in appearance, the rho form (P; which at first was used for the r sound) was restricted to the p sound, and an extra line was added for the r sound (R). In Greek, where no confusion developed, the rho continued to look like Latin P. A modification of R is the symbol ℞, used medically for recipe [Lat.,=take] and liturgically for responsum [Lat.,=response].


(nucleonics) roentgen


(nucleonics) roentgen


1. Abbr. for “radius.” 2. Abbr. for “right.” 3. Symbol for the capacity of a pile (for example, 3R indicates three times design capacity). 4. Symbol for the thermal resistance of a material or component of construction. 5. Symbol for electrical resistance.

sound reduction index, R

British term for sound transmission loss.


A programming language for statistical computing and graphics that is released under the GNU license. R was designed to handle a wide variety of complex statistical tasks, and many user-developed routines are also available. R is the open source version of S, which was developed in the mid-1970s by John Chambers at Bell Labs (S-PLUS was a commercial version from TIBCO Software). For more information, visit www.r-project.org.



 arginine; organic radical (in chemical formulas); respiration; rhythm; right; roentgen.


Abbreviation or symbol for electrical resistance; radical (usually an alkyl or aryl group, for example, ROH is an alcohol, RNH2 an amine); Réaumur; respiration; respiratory exchange ratio; roentgen; the remainder of a chemical formula; the calculated unit representing vascular resistance in the cardiovascular system; arginine; arginyl; purine nucleoside.


Symbol for gas constant; one of two stereochemical designations in the Cahn, Ingold, and Prelog system; the third product formed in an enzyme-catalyzed reaction.


Abbreviation for roentgen; radius.


1. Symbol for correlation coefficient. 2. Abbreviation for racemic, occasionally used in naming compounds in place of the more common dl or (±), as "r-alanine" (more often as the prefix rac-).


abbr.1. Réaumur (scale)2. registered trademark3. right4. or r roentgen


Symbol for 1. Electrical resistance.2. Purine nucleoside.3. Radiation.4. Rate.5. Ratio.6. Record.7. Rectal.8. Recurrence.9. Relapse.10. Respiration.11. Rhodopsin.12. Rhythm.13. Ribose.14. Rickettsia .15. Right.16. Ring chromosome.17. Risk.18. Roentgen.


Symbol for: 1. Correlation coefficient.2. Drug resistance.3. Recombinant, see there.4. Reverse.5. Ribose.6. Ribosomal.


Abbreviation for roentgen.


Abbreviation for roentgen.


the intrinsic rate of natural increase of a population.


abbrev. ARGININE.

Patient discussion about R

Q. the R side of my stomach is hurting bad and it is going down my leg and in my back does that sound like this A. Well it all depends on how long these pains have been going on. If it is a matter of 1-2 days, this pain , if very very strong and accompanied by nausea or vomiting, can certainly be an acute appendicitis attack, which should make you hurry up to seek medical attention. If the pain is tolerable, and has been going on for more than few days, it is not compatible with appendicitis pain, but can be a lot of other reasons, for instance- gall bladder problems (for instance - stones) or renal stones.
Either way you have to see a doctor about this pain if you want proper diagnosis and treatment.

Q. how medications effect me side effects warfarin,s effect what does I and R mean i have my I and R each week, what is it,s function..........A. It depends what the heart condition is but probably not. Not being on warfarin may increase your risk of stroke. Most importantly you need to address this wuestion with the doctor that prescribe the warfarin to you.

Q. hey to all! jow r my adhd companeros doing today?? have you guys heard of anything ne in the alternative area? I've heard adhd can spoil your nutrition by making you consume more sugar (and similars) than you really need.is it true??A. i have ADHD and for my part i eat less sugar than before because i have not the desire to. there are phases i love to eat some good swiss chocolate and then during a month or more i eat not sweet food anymore. another thing is that yo have sugar and sugar. white raffined sugar makes you more depending than biological unraffined sugar. it does also make your body more acide and gives caries. biological sugar is neutral and gives no caries! if you stop smoking you would love to eat sweet things. in this case you should drink some water instead to take a cookie or chocolate.

More discussions about R



 arginine; organic radical (in chemical formulas); respiration; rhythm; right; roentgen.


Abbreviation or symbol for electrical resistance; radical (usually an alkyl or aryl group, for example, ROH is an alcohol, RNH2 an amine); Réaumur; respiration; respiratory exchange ratio; roentgen; the remainder of a chemical formula; the calculated unit representing vascular resistance in the cardiovascular system; arginine; arginyl; purine nucleoside.


Symbol for gas constant; one of two stereochemical designations in the Cahn, Ingold, and Prelog system; the third product formed in an enzyme-catalyzed reaction.


Abbreviation for roentgen; radius.


1. Symbol for correlation coefficient. 2. Abbreviation for racemic, occasionally used in naming compounds in place of the more common dl or (±), as "r-alanine" (more often as the prefix rac-).


abbr.1. Réaumur (scale)2. registered trademark3. right4. or r roentgen


Symbol for 1. Electrical resistance.2. Purine nucleoside.3. Radiation.4. Rate.5. Ratio.6. Record.7. Rectal.8. Recurrence.9. Relapse.10. Respiration.11. Rhodopsin.12. Rhythm.13. Ribose.14. Rickettsia .15. Right.16. Ring chromosome.17. Risk.18. Roentgen.


Symbol for: 1. Correlation coefficient.2. Drug resistance.3. Recombinant, see there.4. Reverse.5. Ribose.6. Ribosomal.


Abbreviation for roentgen.


Abbreviation for roentgen.


the intrinsic rate of natural increase of a population.


abbrev. ARGININE.

Patient discussion about R

Q. the R side of my stomach is hurting bad and it is going down my leg and in my back does that sound like this A. Well it all depends on how long these pains have been going on. If it is a matter of 1-2 days, this pain , if very very strong and accompanied by nausea or vomiting, can certainly be an acute appendicitis attack, which should make you hurry up to seek medical attention. If the pain is tolerable, and has been going on for more than few days, it is not compatible with appendicitis pain, but can be a lot of other reasons, for instance- gall bladder problems (for instance - stones) or renal stones.
Either way you have to see a doctor about this pain if you want proper diagnosis and treatment.

Q. how medications effect me side effects warfarin,s effect what does I and R mean i have my I and R each week, what is it,s function..........A. It depends what the heart condition is but probably not. Not being on warfarin may increase your risk of stroke. Most importantly you need to address this wuestion with the doctor that prescribe the warfarin to you.

Q. hey to all! jow r my adhd companeros doing today?? have you guys heard of anything ne in the alternative area? I've heard adhd can spoil your nutrition by making you consume more sugar (and similars) than you really need.is it true??A. i have ADHD and for my part i eat less sugar than before because i have not the desire to. there are phases i love to eat some good swiss chocolate and then during a month or more i eat not sweet food anymore. another thing is that yo have sugar and sugar. white raffined sugar makes you more depending than biological unraffined sugar. it does also make your body more acide and gives caries. biological sugar is neutral and gives no caries! if you stop smoking you would love to eat sweet things. in this case you should drink some water instead to take a cookie or chocolate.

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 arginine; organic radical (in chemical formulas); respiration; rhythm; right; roentgen.


Abbreviation or symbol for electrical resistance; radical (usually an alkyl or aryl group, for example, ROH is an alcohol, RNH2 an amine); Réaumur; respiration; respiratory exchange ratio; roentgen; the remainder of a chemical formula; the calculated unit representing vascular resistance in the cardiovascular system; arginine; arginyl; purine nucleoside.


Symbol for gas constant; one of two stereochemical designations in the Cahn, Ingold, and Prelog system; the third product formed in an enzyme-catalyzed reaction.


Abbreviation for roentgen; radius.


1. Symbol for correlation coefficient. 2. Abbreviation for racemic, occasionally used in naming compounds in place of the more common dl or (±), as "r-alanine" (more often as the prefix rac-).


abbr.1. Réaumur (scale)2. registered trademark3. right4. or r roentgen


Symbol for 1. Electrical resistance.2. Purine nucleoside.3. Radiation.4. Rate.5. Ratio.6. Record.7. Rectal.8. Recurrence.9. Relapse.10. Respiration.11. Rhodopsin.12. Rhythm.13. Ribose.14. Rickettsia .15. Right.16. Ring chromosome.17. Risk.18. Roentgen.


Symbol for: 1. Correlation coefficient.2. Drug resistance.3. Recombinant, see there.4. Reverse.5. Ribose.6. Ribosomal.


Abbreviation for roentgen.


Abbreviation for roentgen.


the intrinsic rate of natural increase of a population.


abbrev. ARGININE.

Patient discussion about R

Q. the R side of my stomach is hurting bad and it is going down my leg and in my back does that sound like this A. Well it all depends on how long these pains have been going on. If it is a matter of 1-2 days, this pain , if very very strong and accompanied by nausea or vomiting, can certainly be an acute appendicitis attack, which should make you hurry up to seek medical attention. If the pain is tolerable, and has been going on for more than few days, it is not compatible with appendicitis pain, but can be a lot of other reasons, for instance- gall bladder problems (for instance - stones) or renal stones.
Either way you have to see a doctor about this pain if you want proper diagnosis and treatment.

Q. how medications effect me side effects warfarin,s effect what does I and R mean i have my I and R each week, what is it,s function..........A. It depends what the heart condition is but probably not. Not being on warfarin may increase your risk of stroke. Most importantly you need to address this wuestion with the doctor that prescribe the warfarin to you.

Q. hey to all! jow r my adhd companeros doing today?? have you guys heard of anything ne in the alternative area? I've heard adhd can spoil your nutrition by making you consume more sugar (and similars) than you really need.is it true??A. i have ADHD and for my part i eat less sugar than before because i have not the desire to. there are phases i love to eat some good swiss chocolate and then during a month or more i eat not sweet food anymore. another thing is that yo have sugar and sugar. white raffined sugar makes you more depending than biological unraffined sugar. it does also make your body more acide and gives caries. biological sugar is neutral and gives no caries! if you stop smoking you would love to eat sweet things. in this case you should drink some water instead to take a cookie or chocolate.

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abbreviation for rex or regina, ‘king’ or ‘queen’. The initial letter is used in proceedings, especially English criminal proceedings, to indicate that the Crown is the plaintiff or, more usually, prosecutor: R v. Haddock In Scotland, prosecutions run in the name of Her (or His) Majesty's Advocate, hence cases are cited HMAv. McFable.



abbreviation for rex or regina, ‘king’ or ‘queen’. The initial letter is used in proceedings, especially English criminal proceedings, to indicate that the Crown is the plaintiff or, more usually, prosecutor: R v. Haddock In Scotland, prosecutions run in the name of Her (or His) Majesty's Advocate, hence cases are cited HMAv. McFable.



Fifth letter of a Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that the stock has rights.


A symbol appearing next to a stock listed on NASDAQ indicating that the share being traded comes with a right. All NASDAQ listings use a four letter abbreviation; if an R follows the abbreviation this indicates that the share has rights attached to it.


1. Used in the dividend column of stock transaction tables in newspapers to indicate the amount of dividends declared or paid in the preceding 12 months plus a stock dividend: PE Cp .25r.2. Used in mutual fund transaction tables in newspapers to indicate funds that levy a deferred sales charge when shares are sold: IDS Inc r. 3. Used in bond transaction tables in newspapers to indicate a registered security. Although most bonds are registered, this symbol is used when a distinction is necessary, as when a bond trades in registered and in bearer form: NoPac 3.47r.



Fifth letter of a Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that the stock has rights.


A symbol appearing next to a stock listed on NASDAQ indicating that the share being traded comes with a right. All NASDAQ listings use a four letter abbreviation; if an R follows the abbreviation this indicates that the share has rights attached to it.


1. Used in the dividend column of stock transaction tables in newspapers to indicate the amount of dividends declared or paid in the preceding 12 months plus a stock dividend: PE Cp .25r.2. Used in mutual fund transaction tables in newspapers to indicate funds that levy a deferred sales charge when shares are sold: IDS Inc r. 3. Used in bond transaction tables in newspapers to indicate a registered security. Although most bonds are registered, this symbol is used when a distinction is necessary, as when a bond trades in registered and in bearer form: NoPac 3.47r.


RReverse (automatic transmissions)
RRegistered Trademark (usually written ®)
RRestricted Audiences - under 17 years of age not permitted without parent/guardian (movie rating)
RReal (Brazilian currency)
RRun (baseball/softball)
RReceived (logging abbreviation)
RRacing (car version)
RRisk Assessment
RRadio Operator
RThursday (using one letter for each day of week)
RRussian (rabbit breed)
RRelevant (polygraphy)
RSet of Real Numbers (math)
RRomeo (aviation letter code)
RRadical (chemistry)
RRunner (Mic-O-Say, Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America)
RRex (Latin: King)
RRegina (Latin: Queen)
RRain (weather reports)
RSouth African Rand (national currency)
RRoutine (logging abbreviation)
RRookie (sports)
RManitoba (postal code designation, Canada)
RRespectfully (closing salutation)
RRua (Portuguese: street; postal usage)
RRadial (ply tire)
RRebound (basketball)
RRook (Chess)
RSearch Radius (US DoD)
RArginine (amino acid)
RRecibo (Portugese)
RRadar Contact (aviation)
RGas Constant (physical constant)
RHydrocarbon (functional group)
RReception Year (UK schools)
RRhizopus (fungi)
RRoentgen (unit of radiation exposure)
RAeronca Aircraft Corporation (manufacturer's symbol; US Navy)
RRankine (Degree)
RRehydratable (food)
RResearch Octane
RRamp Time (wireless communication)
RBrunswick-Balke-Callender (aircraft company; manufacturer's symbol)
RResuspension Factor
RRadial Antenna
RConfidential - Restricted Data (TMINS)
RUS Revenue Stamp (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)
RCorrected search radius ('R nought'; R rounded up)
RRoute Tuned NAVAID (aviation)
RRéaumier (temperature scale named after the French scientist Rene Antoine Ferchault de Reaumur)
RUS DoT tire speed rating (106 mph)
RThird Heartbeat Wave


  • noun

Synonyms for R

noun a unit of radiation exposure


  • roentgen

Related Words

  • radioactivity unit

noun (physics) the universal constant in the gas equation: pressure times volume = R times temperature


  • gas constant
  • universal gas constant

Related Words

  • natural philosophy
  • physics
  • constant

noun the 18th letter of the Roman alphabet

Related Words

  • Latin alphabet
  • Roman alphabet
  • alphabetic character
  • letter of the alphabet
  • letter

noun the length of a line segment between the center and circumference of a circle or sphere


  • radius

Related Words

  • diam
  • diameter
  • semidiameter
  • radius of curvature
  • length




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