ameloblastic odontoma


 [o″don-to´mah] any odontogenic tumor, especially a composite odontoma.ameloblastic odontoma a rare, slow-growing, mixed tumor of odontogenic origin that combines the characteristics of composite odontoma and ameloblastoma.composite odontoma one consisting of both enamel and dentin in an abnormal pattern.radicular odontoma one associated with a tooth root, or formed when the root was developing.

am·e·lo·blas·tic o·don·to·ma

a benign mixed odontogenic tumor composed of an undifferentiated component histologically identical to an ameloblastoma and a well-differentiated component identical to an odontoma; appears as a mixed radiolucent-radiopaque lesion and presents clinically as an ameloblastoma. Synonym(s): odontoameloblastoma

ameloblastic fibroma

A benign, usually solid, rarely cystic tumour primarily of children and adolescents, composed of strands and buds of ameloblastoma-like epithelial cells in a dense, cell-free connective tissue stroma. Mitoses are rare. Multiple sections are needed to exclude dentine which, if present, would designate the lesion ameloblastic fibro-dentinoma.

am·e·lo·blas·tic o·don·to·ma

(am'ěl'ō-blas'tik ō'don-tō'mă) A benign mixed odontogenic tumor composed of an undifferentiated component histologically identical to an ameloblastoma and a well-differentiated component identical to an odontoma.

ameloblastic odontoma

A tumour of tooth-forming tissue. Also known as odontoblastoma.

am·e·lo·blas·tic o·don·to·ma

(am'ěl'ō-blas'tik ō'don-tō'mă) Benign mixed odontogenic tumor composed of an undifferentiated component histologically identical to an ameloblastoma and a well-differentiated component identical to an odontoma; appears as a mixed radiolucent-radiopaque lesion and presents clinically as an ameloblastoma.
Synonym(s): odontoameloblastoma.