

单词 amendment



A0248100 (ə-mĕnd′mənt)n.1. The act of changing for the better; improvement: "Society may sometimes show signs of repentance and amendment" (George G. Coulton).2. A correction or alteration, as in a manuscript.3. a. The process of formally altering or adding to a document or record.b. A statement of such an alteration or addition.c. Amendment One of the provisions in the US Constitution protecting individual rights.4. A material, such as organic matter or sand, mixed into soil to improve growing conditions.


(əˈmɛndmənt) n1. the act of amending; correction2. an addition, alteration, or improvement to a motion, document, etc


(əˈmɛnd mənt)

n. 1. the act of amending or the state of being amended. 2. an alteration or addition, as to a bill. 3. a change made by correction, addition, or deletion. [1250–1300; < Old French]


An ingredient such as peat or sand that is used to improve the soil.
Noun1.amendment - the act of amending or correctingamendment - the act of amending or correcting correction, rectification - the act of offering an improvement to replace a mistake; setting right
2.amendment - a statement that is added to or revises or improves a proposal or document (a bill or constitution etc.)amendment - a statement that is added to or revises or improves a proposal or document (a bill or constitution etc.)statement - a message that is stated or declared; a communication (oral or written) setting forth particulars or facts etc; "according to his statement he was in London on that day"


noun1. addition, change, adjustment, attachment, adaptation, revision, modification, alteration, remodelling, reformation, clarification, adjunct, addendum an amendment to the defence bill2. change, improvement, repair, edit, remedy, correction, revision, modification, alteration, mending, enhancement, reform, betterment, rectification, amelioration, emendation We are making a few amendments to the document.


noun1. The act of making better or the condition of being made better:amelioration, betterment, improvement, melioration, upgrade.2. The act or process of revising:emendation, revision, rewrite.


plead the Fifth (Amendment)

1. To refuse to testify against oneself in court, in accordance with the rights guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The alleged kingpin of the east coast drug cartel simply pled the Fifth after every question the prosecution put to him.2. By extension, to refuse to answer a question or provide information, especially if doing so may incriminate or embarrass oneself. Just plead the Fifth if your mom asks where you've been all night! A: "So, I hear things got pretty messy at the bar last night." B: "Yeah, I'm going to have to plead the Fifth Amendment on that one!"See also: fifth, plead

lame duck

1. Someone or something that needs help. The company started as a lame duck that was saved by an innovative entrepreneur who decided to take some risks and go in a new direction.2. An elected official serving their last term in office, usually so-called after a successor has been elected. The opposing party was angry at the president's intention to name a Supreme Court replacement while he was a lame duck.See also: duck, lame

take the fifth (amendment)

1. To refuse to testify against oneself in court, in accordance with the right guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution, part of the Bill of Rights. The defendant took the fifth after every question the prosecution put to him. There is speculation that he will take the fifth amendment if he is asked about his actions under oath.2. By extension, to refuse to answer a question or provide information, especially if doing so may incriminate or embarrass oneself. Just take the fifth if your mom asks where you've been all night! A: "So, I hear things got pretty messy at the party last night." B: "Yeah, I'm going to have to take the fifth amendment on that one!"See also: fifth, take

lame duck

 1. Fig. someone who is in the last period of a term in an elective office and cannot run for reelection. You can't expect much from a lame duck. As a lame duck, there's not a lot I can do. 2. Fig. having to do with someone in the last period of a term in an elective office. (Used as an adjective; sometimes lame-duck.) You don't expect much from a lame-duck president. Lame-duck Congresses tend to do things they wouldn't dare do otherwise.See also: duck, lame

lame duck

An elected officeholder whose term of office has not yet expired but who has failed to be re-elected and therefore cannot garner much political support for initiatives. For example, You can't expect a lame duck President to get much accomplished; he's only got a month left in office . This expression originated in the 1700s and then meant a stockbroker who did not meet his debts. It was transferred to officeholders in the 1860s. The Lame Duck Amendment, 20th to the U.S. Constitution, calls for Congress and each new President to take office in January instead of March (as before), thereby eliminating the lame-duck session of Congress. See also: duck, lame

lame duck

a person or thing that is powerless or in need of help. informal In the mid 18th century, lame duck was used in a stock-market context, with reference to a person or company that could not fulfil their financial obligations. Later, from the mid 19th century, it was used specifically with reference to US politicians in the final period of office, after the election of their successor. 1998 Spectator At some point in his second and final term, every president becomes a lame duck: as the man himself matters less, so does the office. See also: duck, lame

lame duck

1. n. someone who is in the last period of a term in an elective office. You can’t expect much from a lame duck. 2. mod. having to do with someone in the last period of a term in an elective office. You don’t expect much from a lame duck president. See also: duck, lame



A written description of a change (or changes) to, or formal clarification of, a protocol.


Amended application, revised application Clinical trials Any protocol change which occurs after activation of a trial Government A change in an existing law. See Doggett amendment, Helms amendment, Social Security Amendments of 1983, Synar amendment.


Related to amendment: Fifth Amendment, Amendment 2


The modification of materials by the addition of supplemental information; the deletion of unnecessary, undesirable, or outdated information; or the correction of errors existing in the text.

In practice, a change in the pleadings—statements of the allegations of the parties in a lawsuit—may be achieved if the parties agree to the amendment or if the court in which the proceeding is pending grants a motion for the amendment made by one party. A judgment may be altered by an amendment if a motion to do so is made within a certain time after its entry and granted by the court. The amendment of pleadings and judgments is regulated by state codes of Civil Procedure and the rules of federal civil procedure.

A constitution or a statute may be changed by an amendment.

A will, trust, corporate charter, and other legal documents are also subject to amendment.


Constitutional Amendment.


the alteration of a writ, pleading, indictment or other document for the purpose of correcting some error or defect in the original or to raise some new matter, claim or allegation.

AMENDMENT, legislation. An alteration or change of something proposed in abill.
2. Either house of the legislature has a right to make amendments; but,when so made, they must be sanctioned by the other house before they canbecome a law. The senate has no power to originate any money bills, (q. v,)but may propose and make amendments to such as have passed the House ofrepresentatives. Vide Congress; Senate.
3. The constitution of the United States, art. 5, and the constitutionsof some of the states, provide for their amendment. The provisions containedin tho constitution of the United States, are as follows: "Congress,whenever two-thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall proposeamendments to this constitution, or, on the application of the legislaturesof two-thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposingamendments, which, in either case, shall be valid, to all intents andpurposes, as part of this constitution, when ratified by the legislatures ofthree-fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three-fourthsthereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed byCongress: Provided, that no amendment which may be made prior to the yearone thousand eight hundred and eight, shall, in any manner, affect the firstand fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that nostate, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in theSenate."

AMENDMENT, practice. The correction, by allowance of the court, of an errorcommitted in the progress of a cause.
2. Amendments at common law, independently of any statutory provisionon the subject, are in all cases in the discretion of the court, for thefurtherance of justice they may be made while the proceedings are in paper,that is, until judgment is signed, and during the term in which it issigned; for until the end of the term the proceedings are considered infieri, and consequently subject to the control of the court; 2 Burr. 756; 3Bl. Com. 407; 1 Salk. 47; 2 Salk. 666 ; 8 Salk. 31; Co. Litt. 260; and evenafter judgment is signed, and up to the latest period of the action,amendment is, in most cases, allowable at the discretion of the court undercertain statutes passed for allowing amendments of the record; and in latertimes the judges have been much more liberal than formerly, in the exerciseof this discretion. 3 McLean, 379; 1 Branch, 437; 9 Ala. 647. They may,however, be made after the term, although formerly the rule was otherwise;Co. Litt. 260, a; 3 Bl. Com. 407; and even after error brought, where therehas been a verdict in a civil or criminal case. 2 Serg. & R. 432, 3. Aremittitur damna may be allowed after error; 2 Dall. 184; 1 Yeates, 186;Addis, 115, 116; and this, although error be brought on the ground of theexcess of damages remitted. 2 Serg. & R. 221. But the application must bemade for the remittitur in the court below, as the court of error must takethe record as they find it. 1 Serg. & R. 49. So, the death of the defendantmay be suggested after errer coram nobis. 1 Bin. 486; I Johns. Cases, 29;Caines' Cases, 61. So by agreement of attorneys, the record may be amendedafter error. 1 Bin. 75; 2 Binn. 169.
3. Amendments are, however, always limited by due consideration of therights of the opposite party; and, when by the amendment he would beprejudiced or exposed to unreasonable delay, it is not allowed. Vide Bac. AbCom. Dig. h.t.; Viner's. Ab. h.t.; 2 Arch. Pr. 200; Grah. Pt. 524; Steph.Pl. 97; 2 Sell. Pr. 453; 3 Bl. Com. 406; Bouv. Inst. Index, h.t.



To change by some formal process. For example, one may amend a charter to change how a company operates. Likewise, one may amend a tax return to make it more accurate.


A change to an agreement; an attachment added after contract execution in order to modify or expand upon the original contract.



Related to amendment: Fifth Amendment, Amendment 2
  • noun

Synonyms for amendment

noun addition


  • addition
  • change
  • adjustment
  • attachment
  • adaptation
  • revision
  • modification
  • alteration
  • remodelling
  • reformation
  • clarification
  • adjunct
  • addendum

noun change


  • change
  • improvement
  • repair
  • edit
  • remedy
  • correction
  • revision
  • modification
  • alteration
  • mending
  • enhancement
  • reform
  • betterment
  • rectification
  • amelioration
  • emendation

Synonyms for amendment

noun the act of making better or the condition of being made better


  • amelioration
  • betterment
  • improvement
  • melioration
  • upgrade

noun the act or process of revising


  • emendation
  • revision
  • rewrite

Words related to amendment

noun the act of amending or correcting

Related Words

  • correction
  • rectification

noun a statement that is added to or revises or improves a proposal or document (a bill or constitution etc

Related Words

  • statement




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