

S0653100 (splēn)n.1. a. A large, highly vascular lymphoid organ, located in the human body to the left of the stomach below the diaphragm, that serves as a reservoir for blood, destroys old red blood cells, and contains lymphocytes that combat blood-borne antigens.b. A homologous organ or tissue in other vertebrates.2. Obsolete This organ conceived as the seat of emotions or passions.3. Ill temper: vent one's spleen.4. Archaic Melancholy.5. Obsolete A whim; a caprice.
[Middle English splen, from Old French esplen, from Latin splēn, from Greek.]
spleen′y adj.


(ˈspli ni)

adj. spleen•i•er, spleen•i•est. abundant in or displaying spleen; spleenful. [1595–1605]