Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon

Splen·do·re-Hoep·pli phe·nom·e·non

(splen-dō'rē hep'lē), radiating or anular eosinophilic deposits of host-derived materials, and possibly of parasite antigens, which form around fungi, helminths, or bacterial colonies in tissue.


Reinhard J.C., German parasitologist, 1893-1973. Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon - see under Splendore


Alfonso, Brazilian physician, 1871-1953. Lutz-Splendore-Almeida disease - see under LutzSplendore-Hoeppli phenomenon - radiating or anular eosinophilic deposits of host-derived materials and possibly of parasite antigens, which form around fungi, helminths, or bacterial colonies in tissue.