

单词 splenic flexure
释义 DictionarySeeflexure

splenic flexure

splenic flexure

[′splen·ik ′flek·shər] (anatomy) An abrupt turn of the colon beneath the lower end of the spleen, connecting the descending with the transverse colon.

splenic flexure


 [flek´sher] a bend or fold.caudal flexure the bend at the aboral end of the embryo.cephalic flexure the curve in the mid-brain of the embryo.cervical flexure a bend in the neural tube of the embryo at the junction of the brain and spinal cord.colic flexure, left the angular junction of the transverse and descending colon.colic flexure, right the angular junction of the ascending and transverse colon.dorsal flexure one of the flexures in the mid-dorsal region of the embryo.duodenojejunal flexure the bend at the junction of the duodenum and jejunum.hepatic flexure right colic flexure.lumbar flexure the ventral curvature in the lumbar region of the back.mesencephalic flexure a bend in the neural tube of the embryo at the level of the mesencephalon, or mid-brain.pontine flexure a flexure of the hindbrain in the embryo.sacral flexure caudal flexure.sigmoid flexure sigmoid colon.splenic flexure left colic flexure.

left col·ic flex·ure

[TA] the bend at the junction of the transverse and descending colon. Synonym(s): flexura coli sinistra [TA], flexura colica splenica ☆ , splenic flexure ☆

left col·ic flex·ure

(left kol'ik flek'shŭr) [TA] The bend at the junction of the transverse and descending colon.
Synonym(s): flexura coli sinistra [TA] , splenic flexure.




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