

单词 ra



abbr.1. regular army2. residence assistant3. right ascension

Ra 1

R0000700 (rä) also Re (rā)n. Mythology The ancient Egyptian sun god, the supreme deity represented as a man with the head of a falcon crowned with a solar disk and uraeus.
[Egyptian r', sun, Ra.]

Ra 2

The symbol for radium.


the chemical symbol for (Elements & Compounds) radium


(rɑː) or


n (Non-European Myth & Legend) the ancient Egyptian sun god, depicted as a man with a hawk's head surmounted by a solar disc and serpent


abbreviation for 1. (Nautical Terms) rear admiral 2. (Astronomy) astronomy right ascension 3. (Art Terms) (in Britain) Royal Academician or Academy 4. (Military) (in Britain) Royal Artillery 5. (Automotive Engineering) Argentina (international car registration) [(sense 5) from República Argentina]



also Re

n. a sun god of Heliopolis, worshipped throughout ancient Egypt and typically represented as a hawk-headed man crowned with a solar disk and uraeus.


regular army.


Chem. Symbol. radium.


1. right ascension. 2. royal academician. 3. Royal Academy.


The symbol for radium.
Noun1.Ra - an intensely radioactive metallic element that occurs in minute amounts in uranium oresRa - an intensely radioactive metallic element that occurs in minute amounts in uranium oresatomic number 88, radiummetal, metallic element - any of several chemical elements that are usually shiny solids that conduct heat or electricity and can be formed into sheets etc.uranium ore - any ore from which uranium can be extracted2.Ra - ancient Egyptian sun god with the head of a hawk; a universal creator; he merged with the god Amen as Amen-Ra to become the king of the godsReantiquity - the historic period preceding the Middle Ages in Europe3.RA - (astronomy) the equatorial coordinate specifying the angle, measured eastward along the celestial equator, from the vernal equinox to the intersection of the hour circle that passes through an object in the sky; usually expressed in hours and minutes and seconds; used with declination to specify positions on the celestial sphere; "one hour of right ascension equals fifteen degrees"celestial longitude, right ascensionastronomy, uranology - the branch of physics that studies celestial bodies and the universe as a wholeangular distance - the angular separation between two objects as perceived by an observer; "he recorded angular distances between the stars"



symbol for the element radiumradium
[Lat. radius=ray], radioactive metallic chemical element; symbol Ra; at. no. 88; mass number of most stable isotope 226; m.p. 700&degC;; b.p. 1,140&degC;; sp. gr. about 6.0; valence +2. Radium is a lustrous white radioactive metal.
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(rä) or


(rā), in Egyptian religionEgyptian religion,
the religious beliefs of the ancient inhabitants of Egypt. Information concerning ancient Egyptian religion is abundant but unsatisfactory. Only certain parts of Egyptian religious life and thought are known; whole periods remain in the dark.
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, sun god, one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt. Ra was chief of the cosmic deities and was sometimes called the creator and father of all things. Early Egyptian kings alleged descent from him and added his name to their own royal titles. Ra had several manifestations, the most common being those of the hawk and the lion. He was depicted as sailing across the sky in a celestial barge during the day and battling the forces of evil and darkness by night. Various other Egyptian gods were frequently identified with him, such as Amon and Atum.


Abbrev. for right ascension.



the name of a boat built, like ancient Egyptian vessels, out of Ethiopian papyrus, aboard which the Norwegian ethnologist and explorer T. Heyerdahl attempted to cross the Atlantic Ocean in 1969. The attempt was unsuccessful owing to defects in the construction of the boat. Heyerdahl’s aim was to prove that the ancient Egyptians could have been in contact with the early inhabitants of America.

In 1970, Heyerdahl undertook a new expedition with seven companions. Ra II, which left Safi, Morocco, on May 17, reached the island of Barbados in the Antilles on July 12. Among the crew members was the Soviet physician Iu. A. Senkevich.


Senkevich, Iu. A. Na “Ra”cherez Atlantiku. Leningrad, 1973.


(chemistry) radium


1. A person trained and experienced in the design of buildings and the coordination and supervision of all aspects of the construction of buildings. 2. A designation reserved, usually by law, for a person or organization professionally qualified and duly licensed to perform architectural services, including analysis of project requirements, creation and development of the project design, preparation of drawings, specifications, and bidding requirements, and general administration of the construction contract. An architect usually renders services that require the application of art, science, and the aesthetics of design to the construction of buildings, including their components and appurtenances and the spaces around them, taking into account the safeguarding of life, health, property, and public welfare; often includes consultation, evaluation, planning, the provision of preliminary studies, designs, and construction documents; and may also include construction management, and the administration of construction documents.


personification of the sun. [Egypt. Myth.: Parrinder, 235]See: Sun


, Re the ancient Egyptian sun god, depicted as a man with a hawk's head surmounted by a solar disc and serpent



 [ra´de-um] a chemical element, atomic number 88, atomic weight, 226, symbol Ra. (See Appendix 6.) Radium is highly radioactive and is found in uranium minerals. Radium-226 has a half-life of 1622 years. It and its short-lived decay products emit alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays. One of the decay products, radon-222, is a radioactive gas. In clinical use, radium is contained in a metal container that stops alpha and beta particles and traps radon.

Radium is used in radiation therapy" >radiation therapy for malignant diseases, particularly those that are readily accessible, for example, tumors of the cervix uteri, mouth, or tongue. In the form of needles or pellets, it can be inserted in the tumorous tissue (interstitial implantation) and left in place until its rays penetrate and destroy malignant cells. It can also be used in the form of plaques applied to the diseased tissue. Large amounts of radium are used as a source of gamma rays, which are capable of deep penetration of matter. Radium rays have been used in the treatment of lupus erythematosus, eczema, psoriasis, xanthoma, mycosis fungoides, and other skin diseases; for the removal of papillomas, granulomas, and nevi; for palliative treatment in carcinoma and sarcoma; and in myelogenous and lymphatic leukemia.


Abbrviation for rheumatoid arthritis.


Symbol for radium.


Abbreviation for:
radial artery
radiographic absorptiometry
radionuclide angiography
ragweed antigen
receptor antagonist
rectus abdominis
refractory anaemia
refractory ascites
regional advisor 
regional anaesthesia
regional assembly 
registration authority 
regression analysis
regulatory affairs
renal agenesis
renal artery
research associate 
respiratory arrest
retinoic acid
revenue account 
rheumatoid arthritis 
right arm
right anterior
right atrial
right atrium
rotational atherectomy
rounded atelectasis
route of administration


1. Refractory anemia.2. Renin activity.3. Retinoic acid.4. Rheumatoid arthritis, see there.5. Right atrium.6. Risk assessment.


Abbreviation for remittance advice; rheumatoid arthritis.


Symbol for radium


Symbol for radium.

Patient discussion about RA

Q. I have RA and would like to know is there anything i can do to keep my moovement free is walking ok how mush and how longA. my grandma has it too, from what i understand - every patient is different. but it takes several of years. i recommend also taking Omega 3 fatty acids, they were proven to slow inflammation and RA is an inflammatory process. other then that the information above seems very good, i'll keep it in mind and try to implement it and help my grandma :)

Q. What should I expect from my pregnancy for the chances of RA? My mother is having rheumatoid arthritis for the past 23 years. After I was born she started having high muscle aches basically at knees. After diagnosis it was confirmed for RA. She says that this pain and the swelling of knees started after my birth. Now I am pregnant and she remains worried about my pregnancy and the chances of RA. I am too getting worried now with my growing weakness and pain in my joints. What should I expect from my pregnancy for the chances of RA?A. Savannah, first congratulations for your pregnancy!
Actually RA is an autoimmune disease, the exact cause of RA is still unknown, but many researchers believe that one of the factor is genetic factor. since your mom had been diagnosed with RA, it means that you're in risk of having RA also.
Now that you're pregnant, you need to consult with your doctors about your risk factors. it doesn't always have to be you're also having RA. but during pregnancy, because of the body weight gain, it can make the RA more manifest, because of the weight load the affected joint has to bear.
If you are diagnosed also with RA, you need to consult with your ob-gyn doctor for the drugs of choice that is safe for the pregnancy.

Q. what do you know about actemra? A. i know it's a good start...it was just approved(about 6 months ago..?). you see- RH is caused by inflammation in the joints. inflammation (calling of the body immune system) in the body needs some steps to occur. one of the steps is caused by a substance called IL-6.Actemra is an antibody that destroys the protein that bind IL-6. thus interfering in it's work and avoiding inflammation in the joints.

More discussions about RA


RARental Agreement
RAResident Assistant
RAResident Advisor
RAResearch Article
RARegistration Authority
RARepublic Act (Philippines)
RARoyal Academy
RAReturn Authorization
RARisk Assessment
RARight Ascension (astronomy)
RARisk Analysis
RARed Alert
RARise Against (band)
RARheumatoid Arthritis
RARemote Access
RARain (aviation meteorology)
RARegional Association
RAResearch Associate
RARavenna (Emilia Romagna, Italy)
RAReturn Address (register)
RARechtsanwalt (German: attorney)
RARoom Air
RARegulatory Affairs
RARandom Access
RARed Alert (computer game)
RARegulatory Authority
RARepublic of Armenia
RARoyal Artillery
RAReserve Affairs
RAResidents' Association
RARam-Air (General Motors)
RARight Atrium (heart chamber)
RARange Anxiety
RARemedial Action
RARealidad Aumentada (Spanish: Augmented Reality)
RAReliability Analysis
RAResearch Announcement
RARequirements Analysis
RARemoval Action
RARemote Agent
RAReasonable Accommodation
RARed Army (WWII Soviet army)
RARed Army (counterstrike gaming clan)
RAReturn Air (HVAC)
RARay Allen (basketball player)
RARegistered Architect
RARural Area (terrain type)
RARevenue Authority (various locations)
RAResource Allocation
RAReconnaissance Aircraft
RARegional Administrator
RARadio Australia
RARepública Argentina
RARemittance Advice
RARange Area
RARecord Attempt
RARoyal Ambassadors
RARepresentative Assembly (various organizations)
RARouter Advertisement (Message)
RARegular Army
RARainforest Alliance
RARemington Arms (ammunition headstamp)
RAReady Access
RARoyal Arch (Masons)
RARear Admiral
RARealtor Associate
RARadial Artery
RARoman Army
RARunning Account (billing; various companies)
RARadio Access
RARapid Access
RARefractory Anemia (blood disorder)
RARead Ahead
RARemote Assistance
RARegional Anesthesia
RARuthless Aggression
RARight Aft
RARestricted Areas
RAReasonable Alternative
RARoald Amundsen (1st explorer to reach the South Pole)
RARoyal Nepal Airlines (IATA airline code)
RARebel Alliance (Star Wars)
RAIrish Republican Army
RARepair Authorization
RARehabilitation Act of 1973
RARandom Allocation
RARamblers Association (UK)
RARéalité Augmentée (French: Augmented Reality)
RARecursion Available (computing)
RARadiocommunications Agency (within DTI)
RARecruiting Associate (various organizations)
RARequiring Activity (US DoD)
RARadar Altimeter
RAResolution Advisory (air traffic warning)
RARobust Nucleus of the Archistriatum
RARabbinical Assembly
RAResident Agent
RARocket Arena (gaming site)
RARadiological Assessment
RARegulatory Analysis (environment)
RARate of Appearance
RARelationship Anarchy
RAResponsible Authorities
RARoughness Average (Surface texture of materials)
RARevenue Account (UK)
RARadio Altimeter
RAReadiness Assessment (various organizations)
RARealAudio File (proprietary streaming audio compression format, Real Networks)
RARate Adaptation
RARationalist Association (UK)
RARegistration Agent (SIF)
RARealm Ability (Dark Age of Camelot on-line game)
RARed Armor (gaming)
RARelational Aggression (psychology)
RARear Area
RARadio Authority (UK)
RAReimbursable Agreement
RArevenue analysis
RARegia Aeronautica (Italian Royal Air Force)
RARadiographic Absorptiometry (bone density calculation using a hand X-ray and a small metal wedge)
RARecovery Assistance (Program; Ohio)
RARouting Arbiter
RARelay Access
RARadiocommunication Assembly
RARèglement d'Application (French: Rules Compliance; various organizations)
RAReduction in Area
RARate Area (NANPA)
RAResource Advisor
RARoaming Agreement
RARubberized Asphalt
RAResource Analyst
RARegular Appointment
RARegistered Aromatherapist (professional certification)
RARemote Adapter
RARemembrance Agent (computer program)
RARadiallahu Anhu (companions of Prophet Mohammed)
RARequested Article (Wikimedia Foundation)
RARed Armour (Quake)
RARecoveries Anonymous (Twelve Step Fellowship)
RARescue Aid (emergency communications)
RAResident Auditor
RARation Allowance
RAReady Alert
RARegional Associate
RARequesting Activity (CEFMS)
RAReduction Area
RARecorded Achievement ( Australian academics)
RARestricted Article
RAResident Administrator
RARegulatory Alternative
RARadiocommunication Act
RARobot Aircraft
RARuns Allowed per 9 Innings (baseball; like ERA, but with unearned runs also)
RARun Aggressive (Front Page Sports Football '95 et al)
RAReimbursement Authorization
RARetribution Aura (gaming, World of Warcraft)
RARipple Adder
RAPostal Tax Stamp (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)
RARed Armageddon (gaming clan)
RARepeat and Accumulate (type codes)
RAReady Analog
RARestricted Artistic (movie rating)
RAReinforced Alert
RAResponsable d'Activités (French: Head of Activities)
RARègle Administrative (French: Administrative Rule; various organizations)
RARoundhead Association (historical reenactment group)
RARouter Arbiter
RAreduced ameloblasts
RARaufoss Ammunition (Norwegian ammunition headstamp)
RARecord Auditing
RAResearch Assistant/ship
RARadiology Assembly of Medical Group Management Association
RARupture Adhésive (French: Adhesive Break; construction)
RAResident Archive
RARecruit Alliance
RAEarned Run Average Plus (arcane baseball statistic; used to measure pitching dominance versus the league)
RARegistraramerica (domain name registrar)
RAReview/Requiring Activity
RAResynchronize Acknowledgement (ITU-T)
RARoute Analysis CSCI
RARésiliable Annuellement (French: Annually Terminable; insurance)
RARouting Area Identifier Within Routing Domain (TMN)
RAReligious of the Assumption (France) (religious order)


  • noun

Synonyms for Ra

noun an intensely radioactive metallic element that occurs in minute amounts in uranium ores


  • atomic number 88
  • radium

Related Words

  • metal
  • metallic element
  • uranium ore

noun ancient Egyptian sun god with the head of a hawk


  • Re

Related Words

  • antiquity

noun (astronomy) the equatorial coordinate specifying the angle, measured eastward along the celestial equator, from the vernal equinox to the intersection of the hour circle that passes through an object in the sky


  • celestial longitude
  • right ascension

Related Words

  • astronomy
  • uranology
  • angular distance




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