Abiduev, Bavasan Dorzhievich

Abiduev, Bavasan Dorzhievich


Born Apr. 10, 1909; died Mar. 8, 1940. Soviet Buriat writer. Member of the CPSU as of 1930.

Abiduev is the author both of the poem The Airplane (1928) and of the two collections of poems The Sun’s Radiance (1931) and Joy (1938). One of the founders of Buriat children’s literature, he wrote The Tale of Babana’s Little Goat (1938), The Tiger Tamer (1938), Shalai and Shanai (1938), The Bat (1939), The Courageous Cat (1939), and other children’s stories.


Shelegdemel zokheolnuud. Ulan-Ude, 1956.


Pisateli Sovetskoi Buriatii. Ulan-Ude, 1959.
Kim, I. A. Buriatskaia sovetskaia poeziia 20–kh godov. Ulan-Ude, 1968.