Acronym | Definition |
RJA➣Red Jumpsuit Apparatus (band) |
RJA➣Royal Jordanian Airlines (ICAO code) |
RJA➣Raymond James & Associates (St. Petersburg, FL) |
RJA➣Rolf Jensen & Associates |
RJA➣Russell Johns Associates, LLC (advertising agency; Clearwater, FL) |
RJA➣Rules of Judicial Administration |
RJA➣Rochester Japanese Association (Rochester, NY) |
RJA➣Roy Jorgensen Associates, Inc. (Maryland and California) |
RJA➣Royale Jeunesse Aischoise (French; Belgian soccer association) |
RJA➣US Revenue Narcotic Tax (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately) |
RJA➣Rebuffatti Jonathan Assistance Informatique (French: Jonathan Rebuffatti Computer Support; Belgium) |
RJA➣Repetitive Join Attempt (Unreal game engine security exploit) |