Adrian, Edgar Douglas Adrian, Baron

Adrian, Edgar Douglas Adrian, Baron,

1889–1977, English physiologist, M.D. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1915. He was research professor (1929–37) of the Royal Society and professor of physiology (1937–51) at Cambridge. In 1951 he became master of Trinity College. His research was chiefly on the physiology of the nervous system. He wrote The Basis of Sensation (1928), The Mechanism of Nervous Action (1932), and, with others, Factors Determining Human Behavior (1937). With Sir Charles S. SherringtonSherrington, Sir Charles Scott,
1857–1952, English neurophysiologist, educated at Cambridge. He was professor of physiology at the universities of Liverpool and London and at Oxford.
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 he shared the 1932 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for work on the function of the neuron. He was awarded a barony in 1955.