Acronym | Definition |
PAE➣Physical Address Extension |
PAE➣Protección Animal Ecuador (Spanish: Ecuador Animal Protection; Pichincha, Ecuador) |
PAE➣Power-Added Efficiency |
PAE➣Point Accueil Emploi (French home employment network) |
PAE➣Performing Arts Exchange (various locations) |
PAE➣Procédure d'Avis Energétique (French: Energy Auditing Procedure; EU directive) |
PAE➣Privacy Authoring Editor |
PAE➣Port Access Entity |
PAE➣Personal Avi Editor |
PAE➣Passport Advantage Express |
PAE➣Port Authentication Enable |
PAE➣Procedural Application Environment |
PAE➣Port Aggregation Expansion |
PAE➣Power Added Efficiency |
PAE➣Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
PAE➣Programa de Aperfeiçoamento de Ensino (Brazil) |
PAE➣Port Access Entity (IEEE 802.1x; aka LAN port) |
PAE➣Panel on Audit Effectiveness (accounting) |
PAE➣Programme d'Aménagement d'Ensemble (French: Comprehensive Development Program) |
PAE➣Programa de Alimentación Escolar (Guatemala) |
PAE➣Program Analysis and Evaluation |
PAE➣Plants, Animals and the Environment (biology) |
PAE➣Projet d'Action Éducative (French: Educational Action Project) |
PAE➣Post Antibiotic Effect |
PAE➣Primary Authorized Employee (various organizations) |
PAE➣Plano de Aproveitamento Econômico (Portugese: Economic Exploitation Plan; Brazil) |
PAE➣Physical Aptitude Exam (for admission to US military service academies) |
PAE➣Page Address Extension |
PAE➣Programa Alimentario Escolar (Spanish) |
PAE➣Programa de Ayuda al Empleado (Guatemala) |
PAE➣Pacific Architects and Engineers, Inc. (subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation) |
PAE➣Pimpin' Aint Easy |
PAE➣Peer Access Enforcement |
PAE➣Performance Assurance Engineer |
PAE➣Preliminary Airworthiness Evaluation |
PAE➣Payload Attached Equipment |
PAE➣Product Assurance Engineer |
PAE➣Plans, Analysis, and Evaluation (US government) |
PAE➣Personal Accident and Personal Effects Insurance |
PAE➣Peripheral Arterial Exam |
PAE➣Pre-Arranged Extension |
PAE➣Process Antenna Effect |
PAE➣Project Assurance Engineer |
PAE➣Progressive Architecture Engineering (consulting firm) |
PAE➣Public Affairs Event |
PAE➣Everett, WA, USA - Paine Field/Snohomish County International Airport (Airport Code) |
PAE➣Programa de Ayudas Especiales (Guatemala) |