

单词 _TabCounts01=5
Count Headwords
10 gross
8 abstract, academy, accept, access, accident, account, acre, acting, active, activity, actor, address, administer, adult, advance, advertising, affidavit, affirmative, affirmative action, age, agent, aggregate, ai, aid, ain, air, aka, anonymous, ans, ant, app, appeal, application, appointment, apprentice, arch, are, area, argument, arm, arms, art, ask, ass, assault, assess, assign, associate, association, assure, assured, atmosphere, attack, attorney, authority, average, award, away, back, back door, backbone, bad, baggage, balance, ban, bane, bank, banking, bar, bare, barn, barrel, basis, batch, battery, bay, bbs, beach, beak, beat, bee, better, bias, bid, bill, bind, binding, bis, bit, black, black box, blackmail, blind, block, blog, blot, blue book, board, bod, body, body language, bomb, bond, bonus, book, booking, bookmark, border, bot, bound, box, bra, branch, breach, break, bride, bridge, bridges, broker, browning, build, bulk, bundle, buoy, burden of proof, burn, business, butt, by, cain, calendar year, call, camera, cancel, candidate, canvas, capacity, capture, caput, care, carrier, carry forward, cas, case, cash, cell, cellular, central, chain, chair, chance, change, channel, chap, charge, check, chief, child, childhood, children, china, chip, choice, cipher, circular, circulation, claim, class, clear, clearing, cod, code, coin, cold, collect, colonel, commission, commit, common, common law, community, company, compound, condition, confirm, confirmed, conflict, consent, constitution, consult, contaminate, contract, control, conversion, cookie, coop, copy, cord, corner, corporation, count, counter, county, court, cover, cow, cr, credit, crew, crib, crime, cross, crown, crystal, cure, currency, custom, dam, date, day, dc, de, death, debt, deck, deed, default, delivery, demand, denial, deposit, depression, des, description, deutsche mark, die, diet, direction, disc, discharge, disease, dissolve, distance, do, dole, donor, dose, dot, double, dp, draft, draw, drip, drive, drop, drug, dummy, duration, duty, eagle, ear, earl, earth, economy, ed, effect, el, element, em, employ, enter, era, error, evidence, exception, excess, exchange, exercise, exit, expense, express, extension, eye, factor, fall, family, fault, fax, foot, forest, form, format, foul, free, freedom, frog, function, g, gain, gas, gather, georgia, get, gift, gill, give, gloss, go, gold standard, gopher, government, graft, grain, gravity, ground, habit, hacker, half, hall, hand, hang, heir, hidden, hide, high, highway, hit, holiday, home, horse, hot line, house, household, i, ice, identity, ie, il, imbalance, impression, in, increment, information, inspection, instruction, instrument, insured, interest, internet, inventory, investment, irregular, island, issue, it, j, james, java, job, joint, judgment, justice, k, key, kickback, kill, kin, la, label, lad, lamp, landmark, language, launch, law, lay, lb, lead, leader, league, leak, leap, lease, leave, legal, let, liability, liar, license, lie, lied, lien, life, lift, light, limb, limit, line, linear, liner, lions, liquid, list, listing, local, location, loss, lot, lots, lower, ma, mac, machine, maintenance, major, malware, manage, management, manager, map, mar, margin, mark, market, marketing, mat, material, may, mean, measure, member, memory, merchandise, merger, mi, mil, mill, mine, minor, mint, minus, mo, modeling, more, motion, mouth, mud, nail, nato, natural, necessary, negative, net, neutral, next of kin, no, note, notice, np, number, odd, of, off, offer, office, oh, omega, on, on board, one, open, opera, operate, operation, opinion, option, or, oracle, order, oscillator, overt, pack, palm, pan, pap, paper, par, parenthesis, park, partner, pass, pattern, pea, peck, peer, peg, pen, penny, per, performance, person, pick, pig, pint, pipe, pipeline, piper, pit, plan, plant, plus, point, pole, policy, pool, positive, pot, pound, power, practice, precedence, prescription, prime, priority, privacy, private, pro, proceed, process, processing, prom, proof, prop, property, pulp, punt, q, quality, quantity, quarter, question, queue, r, rack, raft, raise, rally, ram, range, ranger, rank, rate, rating, ray, real, real time, reality, recover, recovery, reference, register, regular, release, relief, relieve, report, request, reservation, reserve, residence, resistance, responsibility, restore, return, reverse, revert, review, rig, right, ring, rise, risk, robbery, rod, roe, roll, roller, roman, room, root, run, runner, sa, saint, sale, saturday, saving, scab, scale, schedule, script, sea, seal, search, sec, second, section, security, seed, serve, service, sewer, share, shift, shilling, shop, shore, sic, side effect, sight, signature, signed, simple, single, sip, sit, skill, slave, sleeper, sms, soap, society, socket, soft, software, son, spa, spam, speak, special, specs, speed, spouse, stack, staff, stamp, standard, stare, state, statement, stock, stop, storage, store, street, strike, study, subject, substitute, sue, suit, support, surrender, sweet, switch, symbol, syndrome, t, table, tail, take, take out, task, tat, tax, tear, television, temperature, term, terror, the, theme, thursday, tic, tick, tide, tip, tlc, to, toe, ton, tone, tool, tooth, touch, transaction, transfer, translate, translation, transmit, tree, true, trust, try, turn, tv, type, union, us, user, v, vacation, value, verify, vessel, view, vim, vision, void, volunteer, waiver, wall, wallpaper, ward, warrant, waste, wasted, water, wear, weight, welfare, well, wheel, will, wind, window, wood, word, work, writ, yard, year, yield, zero, zone
7 10 gigabit ethernet, a priori, a1, aba, abandon, abate, abbreviation, abet, abeyance, able, abs, absolute, absorb, abuse, academic year, accelerator, acceptance, accessory, accommodation, accounting, accounts receivable, accumulate, accumulator, accuracy, ace, ache, achievement age, acid, acknowledge, acknowledgement, acknowledgment, acorn, acquire, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, acquisition, acronym, across the board, act, act of god, act up, action, acts, acts of the apostles, actual, ad hoc, adams, adapt, addition, adjacent, adjunct, adjust, adjuster, adjustment, administration, administrator, admiral, ado, adr, advanced, advancement, advertisement, advice, advocate, affinity, affirm, after, ag, aged, ageing, agency, aggregation, aging, agreement, agriculture, aide, aids, airport, airy, akka, al, allowance, ally, alpha, alt, alter, alternate, amendment, amount, amp, ams, anchor, and, angel, animal, ankylosing spondylitis, anne, annex, anode, answer, ante, anterior horn cell, antigen, aortic insufficiency, aortic stenosis, apartment, apc, appearance, application program, appoint, appraisal, approach, appropriate, approval, approve, apr, april, aq, aqua, arar, arbiter, archbishop, architect, architecture, ares, arg, arithmetic mean, arithmetic progression, around, arse, arsenic, articles of incorporation, artificial, artificial insemination, artificial intelligence, arts, asa, ascendant, asp, aspen, assault and battery, assessment, assessor, assets, assignment, assume, assumption, assurance, atm, atomic number, attachment, attempt, attitude, attribute, au, audit, audition, auditor, authentication, author, authorization, automatic, autopsy, autumn, ave, avogadro's number, ax, axe, axis, b, ba, baby, bach, background, backing, backside, backward, bade, bag, bail, bail out, balance of trade, bale, ball, balloon, balm, bam, band, bandwidth, bank holiday, banker, bar code, barter, baseball, baseline, bases, bash, basic, basket, bastard, battle, battleship, bay window, bb, be, bead, beam, bean, bear, bearing, been, beer, bees, beet, being, bel, bell, belle, bells and whistles, bench, benchmark, beneficiary, berm, bes, best, bey, beyond, bill of exchange, bill of health, billion, bin, binomial distribution, biotechnology, birth, birth control, birth rate, bishop, bite, bj, black market, blackout, blank, blanket, blend, blind spot, blinker, blip, blob, blockade, blockage, blockbuster, blocked, blocking, blood, blotter, blow, blowing, blue, blue chip, blues, bmi, bn, bo, board of directors, boards, body mass index, body weight, boilerplate, boiling point, bolt, bonding, bone, boom, boot, boot camp, bop, bore, born, borrow, bottle, bottom line, boundary, box office, boxing, brace, bracket, brain, breach of the peace, bread, breakdown, breaking and entering, breakout, brick, brief, bring forward, broadband, broadcast, broadcasting, brother, brown, bs, buck, buff, buffer, bug, buggy, building, building code, bullet, bulletin, bulletin board, bur, burned, burning, burnout, burns, burr, burst, bus, bushel, bust, but, butterfly, button, buy, buyer, by the way, bye, byte, c, ca, cage, cake, calculus, calendar, california, californium, call in, calling, cam, camel, camp, can, canada, cancer, candy, canis, canon, cans, cant, canyon, cap, capital, capital punishment, caps, car, carat, carbon, card, cardiac output, cardinal, cards, caring, cart, cartel, carve, cash on delivery, cash out, cashier, cask, cast, casting, casualty, cat, catalyst, catchment area, cattle, cauda, cause, cave, caveat, cbc, cc, cd, cd-r, cds, ceiling, censorship, census, center, centiliter, century, ceo, cerebrovascular accident, certificate, certification, cesarean section, cf, chain reaction, chamber, chamber of commerce, champion, character, charger, chart, charter, chase, checkout, cheque, chess, chi, chill, chime, chin, chloroacetophenone, choir, chord, chromatic aberration, chrome, chronological age, churning, ci, cia, cif, cinch, cio, circa, circle, circuit, circumstance, city, civil law, clam, clause, clean, clearance, cleave, click, client/server, clip, close, closed, cloud, club, cluster, cn, cns, co, coast, cob, cog, coil, cola, colitis, collateral, collector, collision, color, color vision, combination, combine, come, comer, comfort zone, commerce, commercial paper, commissioner, commissioning, committee, commodity, common ground, commons, communicate, communication, communications protocol, communications satellite, comp, compact, companion, compare, compatibility, compensate, compensation, competition, complaint, complete, complete blood count, completion, component, composition, computer, concur, conductive hearing loss, conductor, conduit, confer, confidence, confidence interval, conflict of interest, conglomerate, conjecture, constant, constitutional, consumer, consumption, contamination, context, contraction, contractor, control panel, controlled substance, controller, conventional, convert, cooperative, copper, copyright, cords, corn, corporal, corporate, corpse, corpus, corpus callosum, corpus luteum, correct, correction, cot, counsel, countdown, country, course, court-martial, coverage, covering, cowboy, cpa, cpm, cps, crack, cracker, crash, crawl, cred, credibility, crest, crisis, critic, critical, crop, cross section, crossing, crossover, crossroads, crow, crt, cruise, cruiser, crush, cs, cu, culture, cup, curate, curie, curl, current, curve, cushion, custodian, custody, cut, cut and paste, cut off, cut out, cv, cva, cycle, cylinder, cytotoxic t cell, d, da, dad, dag, damage, damage control, dan, dar, dare, das, dash, dat, data administration, data item, data processing, dating, daughter, daylight, dead, deadline, deaf, deafness, deal, dealer, debit, dec, decision, decision support system, declaration, declare, deductible, deduction, defendant, defense, defensive, deficiency, definition, degree, delay, delegate, delinquent, deliver, delta, demonstrate, department, department of labor, departure, dependency, dependent, deposition, depth, derivative, derive, descent, design, developer, deviate, deviation, device, dia, diabetes mellitus, diamond, diarrhea, diary, dice, did, difference, differential, digit, digital camera, digital certificate, digital signature, dim, dink, dip, diploma, dire, direct, direct access, direct current, directing, directive, director, disability, disaster, discount, discrimination, disk, disk drive, disorder, dispatch, disposal, disposition, distress, distribute, distribution, district of columbia, diverge, diverse, divide, dividend, dm, dns, dock, dod, dog, dogma, dogs, doings, dollar, domain, dome, done, doom, door, doormat, double back, double time, double up, dove, down, down payment, downtime, drain, drawback, drawer, drawing, dressing, drift, drill, driver, drunk, dry, ds, dsl, dss, duck, due, duke, dumb, dumbbell, duplicate, dwarf, dying, e.g., earn, ebb, ec, ecology, edge, edi, eec, eel, effort, egg, ego, egypt, ehr, elect, electronic, elevator, ell, email, emf, employer, ems, en, endow, energy, engage, engine, enhancement, enrich, enterprise, entropy, envelope, epa, equal, equality, equip, equity, equivalent weight, er, erectile dysfunction, es, escape, ese, esp, est, estate, et, eta, ethics, etiquette, eu, european union, event, exam, examination, examine, except, execute, execution, executive, exempt, exhibit, exhibition, expectation, expert, expert system, expiration, expire, exponent, export, exposure, expression, extend, extent, extinguisher, extract, extractor, extrasensory perception, fa, fab, face, facsimile, fact, factor analysis, factorial, fade, fading, fail, failure, fake, fallout, fan, fare, farming, fas, fatal, father, fcc, fdm, feather, fed, federal, federal emergency management agency, federal reserve system, fee, fence, fifo, fifth, file, fin, final, finder, fine, finger, fingerprint, fire, firm, fish, five, fix, flag, flash, flex, float, fluctuation, flush, fob, focus, fold, follow, follow up, following, food, football, for, force, foreign, foreign minister, foreman, formation, forth, foundation, four, fourth, fox, fps, fr, fragmentation, frame, fraud, free will, freeze, freezing, freight, frequency, frequency modulation, friday, frozen, fss, full, fun, fund, future, g5, gallon, game, gang, gap, garden, gasoline, gat, gate, gatekeeper, gates, gateway, gathering, gatt, gauge, gauss, gearing, gel, gen, gender, gene, general, general average, generic, genetic, geometric mean, ghost, gi, gib, gif, gild, gist, glitch, glucose tolerance test, glut, gmc, gnome, goal, gofer, gold, golden, goldfish, good, gouge, governor, grade, gram, grand, grandfather clause, grant, graph, grass, gratis, graves, graveyard, gray, gray matter, green, grit, grits, gross margin, group, grow, growth, gtt, gu, guarantee, gui, guide, guilt, gulp, gum, gun, gutter, h, ha, habitat, hair, hale, hallmark, hamburg, hamlet, hammer, hand to mouth, handbag, handle, handout, hands, handshake, handwriting, hap, harbor, hard, hard disk, harden, hardware, harm, harmonic mean, harmony, harp, hash, hat, hatch, have, hay, hazard, head, headline, health, health insurance, health maintenance organization, heart block, hearts, heavy
7 hedge, height, held, hell, help, henry, here, hess, hierarchy, high fidelity, high water, hire, history, hmo, hold, holding, home office, home rule, homestead, homicide, homo, hook, horizon, horizontal, horn, hot, hot dog, hotel, hour, housekeeping, housing, hr, hs, http, hub, human, hundred, hunt, ic, icc, icf, icing, id, ide, idea, identification, identity theft, ides, idiot, idle, ike, ilec, im, image, image processing, imagine, imaging, immediate, immediately, immune, imp, impedance, impress, improvement, in cold blood, in situ, include, incompetent, independent, independent variable, index, index of refraction, indian, indiana, indium, individual retirement account, indorsement, inductance, induction, infant, inferno, information processing, information system, informed consent, inherit, inherited, inhibit, initiate, initiative, injunction, injury, inner, innovation, insert, inspect, inspector, instant messaging, institute, insurance, integration, intelligence, intelligence quotient, interference, interpolation, interpreter, interval, intranet, intravenous drip, invest, involuntary, iota, ip, iq, ira, is, isi, isp, iss, item, its, jack, jackson, jam, jamming, jar, jet, jig, johnny cash, johnson, join, joint venture, journalism, jsp, juice, jump, junk, juvenile delinquent, kansas, kappa, karat, keep, ken, kernel, keyboard, kg, ki, kicker, kid, killer, kilo, kilobyte, kinetic energy, king, kingdom, kink, kiss, kite, knight, know, knowledge, l, lab, labored, ladder, lag, lah, lam, lamb, lan, lance, land, landing, lane, lapse, large, last, latency, lats, laugh, laurel, laws, lay off, lay out, lay up, layer, layout, lc, le, leadership, leading, leading edge, leaf, leaves, left, lend, length, les, let down, let go, let it go, letter, letter of credit, letter of intent, letterbox, level, level off, lever, levy, lex, li, lias, libra, licence, lick, life expectancy, lifetime, lifo, lighter, limbo, limited, limited company, line printer, lines, lining, links, liquidator, lira, listed, litre, lms, load, loan, lobby, loc, local government, locality, lock, lock up, locker, locking, log, log in, lombard, long, look, lose, loser, lost, low, lp, ls, lsi, lump, lust, ly, m, mace, machinery, mad, magnetic disk, mail, main, maintain, majority, make, make-up, makeup, male, malice, man, management information system, mandatory, manic, mankind, manual, manus, many, march, mare, margin of safety, marginal, mark up, marker, market research, marksman, marriage, mars, mass, mast, master, mate, mater, mates, matt, mature, mci, md, media, median, mediate, medicaid, medicare, medico, medium, melt, memo, memorandum, memory cell, mental age, mental health, merchant, merged, message, messaging, messenger, met, metal, meter, metric, mf, mhz, mib, micro, microcontroller, microsoft office, midget, mile, miles, milestone, milk, miller, milliliter, miner, mini, minnesota multiphasic personality inventory, minority, minutes, mire, mis, miscarriage, missouri, mister, mit, mite, mix, mixed, mobile, mobility, mode, model, modification, modulation, money, monopoly, monster, month, monthly, mood, moon, mop, more or less, mortgage, mos, mother, motor control, mouse, mouthpiece, move, movie, mr, multinational corporation, multiple, multiply, murder, muse, music, mustard, mustard gas, mutton, mw, my, myotonic dystrophy, n, na, nab, nad, name, names, nap, nation, national institute of standards and technology, native, natural gas, natural language, natural resources, nc, ne, near, neat, neck, need, needs, negation, negative feedback, nerd, nerve, nest, net income, net profit, network, network computer, network operator, neural network, neuropathy, new deal, newborn, newt, nexus, nh, niche, nickel, night, nightmare, nix, noble, node, noise, nominal, non, nor, norm, normal, notch, notes, now, ns, ntsc, nude, nuisance, nuke, numb, nun, nursing, nurture, nut, oaf, oar, oath, obesity, object, object-oriented programming, objective, obsolete, occupancy, off-the-shelf, officer, official, oil, ol, old, ole, olé, omnibus, opening, operating room, operating system, operations research, operator, opposition, opus, orders, ordinary, organization, organize, original, orphan, osc, ounce, out, out of sight, outer, over the counter, over-the-counter, overshoot, overtime, owl, own, owner, oz, ozone, p, pa, pac, pace, packed, packet, packing, pact, pad, padding, paddle, page, pain, pair, pal, pale, panda, panic, panic disorder, pants, parcel, pare, parent, parity, parking lot, part, partial, partition, partnership, party, pas, passage, passer, passing, passion, passive, password, patch, path, patient, patron, pawn, pay, paye, payment, pc, pci, pd, peace, peak, peeping tom, penalty, pencil, penis, penitentiary, people, perch, perfect, perform, period, permission, permit, permutation, perpetrator, persona non grata, personality, pet, peter, phase modulation, phishing, physical, physical therapy, physician, pi, pickup, picture, pie, piece, piece of cake, pier, pigeon, pillow, pilot, pin, ping, pip, pipa, piping, pitch, pivot, pix, place, plaintiff, plane, planner, planning, plasma cell, plastic, plastic surgery, platinum, play, player, plug, plug in, po, poe, point of entry, point of no return, poison, poisonous, pol, polar, poll, pollute, pond, pony, pope, porn, port, portal, portion, position, post, postcard, postmortem, potential energy, potentiometer, poverty, powder, power of attorney, ppp, pray, prayer, precedent, preference, pregnant, premium, presence of mind, present, preservation, preserve, president, prevent, price, prima, primary, prince, principal, principle, print, printed circuit board, printing, prior, prise, privilege, pro forma, probability, probation, processor, procurement, product, production, profession, professional, profit, program, programming, programming language, project, promissory note, promoter, proportional representation, proprietary, protect, protection, protest, prove, provider, provisional, proxy, psychoanalysis, pta, public, public house, public relations, publication, publicity, pud, puff, puffer, pull, pulse, pump, punctuation, pur, purchase, pure, purge, pus, push, put, put out, put to sleep, pvc, qi, qt, quack, quadrant, quality control, quango, quantum, quarantine, quart, queen, query, question mark, questionnaire, quick, quid, quintal, quip, quire, quit, qwerty keyboard, ra, radical, radix, raid, rain, raised, ramp, ran, random, ranking, rap, rape, rat, rate of exchange, rate of return, ratio, rational number, raw, rbc, re, reach, reaction, reaction time, read, read between the lines, reading, real estate, real-time, really, realm, reason, reboot, recall, receipt, receiver, recess, recipient, reclaim, recognition, recognize, reconstruct, record, recording, recovery room, red, red blood cell, red herring, reduce, ree, ref, refer, refractive index, refresh, refund, refuse, regard, region, registration, regress, regulation, rehab, rehabilitate, rehabilitation, rein, relapse, relation, relative, reliability, relieved, reload, remain, remedy, remission, remit, remote, remove, render, rendering, rent, rep, repair, repetitive strain injury, reporter, representation, representative, reproduce, republic, requisition, res, rescue, research, reserved, reserves, reset, resolution, resolve, resource, respond, response, response time, rest, restoration, restriction, retail, retail price index, retire, retirement, reversal, reward, rhenium, rho, ri, rich, rid, ride, rider, rigging, right of way, rim, ringer, riot, ripple, risc, risk assessment, rn, road, rob, robot, robotics, rock, roer, rogue, roma, roof, rose, rot, rotary, rotate, round, round trip, router, royal, rp, rpm, rta, rub, rubber, rue, rug, rule, rule out, rump, runway, rural, rush, rust, ruta, ruth, s, saber, sack, sacrifice, safety, sag, said, sailor, sais, salir, salt, salvage, sample, sane, sanitary landfill, sanity, sap, sat, saturation, save, sb, scalar, scalp, scan, scanner, school, scoop, scope, score, screen, screening, scrip, scrub, scum, search engine, season, seat, seat belt, secondary, sector, secure, securities and exchange commission, sell, sell short, senior, sentence, separate, separation, serial, series, servant, server, service provider, servicing, session, set, set aside, set back, set up, setback, settling, sew, sex, shadow, shadowing, shame, shareholder, shark, sheep, sheet, shelf, shelf life, shipping, shortcut, show, shut, shy, si, sick, sickle cell, side, siege, sigma, sign, signal, significance, silence, silent, silicon, silk, silver, simulation, simulator, sine, sis, sister, sit back, sit-in, site, sitting, six, size, skim, skin, skip, sky, slate, sleep, sleeping partner, slide, slime, slip, sm, small arms, small business administration, smart, smooth muscle cell, smuggling, snake, snowball, so, social, social security, soil, sol, sold, solid, solution
7 son of a bitch, sort, sound, sour, source, source code, space, spec, specialist, specialize, speech, speedy, spell, spider, spike, spin, spin off, spindle, spine, spinner, spirit, spleen, split, splitter, sponsor, spot, spread, spring, spur, spyware, ss, stab, stable, stair, stale, stand, standard deviation, standard error, standard of living, standard score, standardization, standing, standing order, star, static, station, status, statute of limitations, stay, steady state, steer, steering, stem cell, step, sterling, stimulation, sting, stink, stock exchange, stock market, stone, straight, straight off, strand, strap, stream, strength, stress, string, strip, stripping, structure, student, stuff, su, sub, subcontractor, submit, subordinate, subscribe, subscript, subtract, succeed, suite, sum, summons, sun, sunday, sunset, sunshine, superior, supervise, supervisor, supplier, supply, supreme court of the united states, sure, surf, surgeon, surgery, surveillance, survey, sus, suspend, suspicious, sweat, sweep, sweeper, swift, swiftness, swipe, syntax, system, systemic inflammatory response syndrome, t1, ta, tack, tailing, take the cake, tale, talent, tandem, tank, tap, tape, taper, tapping, tare, tariff, taxes, tcp/ip, te, technical, technical analysis, technology, tee, tees, teeth, telephone, tender, tennessee, tenor, terminal, territory, terrorist, tes, test, testing, tf, th, thematic apperception test, think, third, thread, threat, threshold, throat, throughput, ticket, tie, tied, tiger, till, tiller, time, time and time again, time value, timely, timer, timing, tin, tire, tissue plasminogen activator, title, tl, tod, token, tongue, top, tops, torpedo, tort, torture, total, town, township, tpa, trace, track, tracking, trade, trade name, trader, traffic, trail, train, training, tram, transcendental meditation, transport, trap, travel, treasure, treatment, trend, trial, trial and error, tried, trigger, trip, trojan horse, troy, trunk, trustee, tu, tub, tuberculin skin test, tuesday, tun, tunnel vision, turkey, turnover, turntable, tyre, uk, ump, umpire, un, under the table, underground, universe, university, uno, up, upgrade, upper, ups, upstream, urban, usa, usage, use, usenet, user interface, usher, valid, valve, van, variable, variable resistor, variance, variety, vat, vc, vendor, verification, version, versus, veto, via, vice, vice president, virginia, virtue, virus, visa, visible, visit, visitor, voice, volt, voltage, volume, vomiting, vote, voting, vr, vs, vu, w, wade, wage, wait, walk, wall street, wan, war, ware, warehouse, wares, warning, was, wash, wash out, washington, wasting, watch, waterfront, watermark, waters, watt, wave, wavelength, ways and means, wdm, weak, weapon, web, web site, webcam, wedge, wednesday, week, weekend, weighting, wells, whack, whale, wheat, whip, white paper, who, wide, widow, wife, win, windows, wipe, wireless, with, withdrawal, withdrawn, without, witness, woman, word processing, word processor, worker, working, working memory, works, workshop, world wide web, worth, wrap, write, write down, writing, written, wrong, ws, ww, xi, xml, yahoo, yang, yawn, yin, z, zap, zebra, zip, zit, zoning, zoom
6 .net framework, a, a lot, a-1, a/c, aa, aaa, aar, aas, abandonment, abar, abatement, abbreviate, abc, abduction, abend, abi, abm, abnormal, abo, abort, abortion, abortive, about, absent, absolute ceiling, absolute value, absolute zero, absorption coefficient, abut, acacia, academic, acceleration, acceptable, acceptor, access time, accessibility, accessible, accession, accho, accidental, accommodate, accompany, accord, according, account number, accountant, accounts, accounts payable, accredit, accreditation, accredited, accretion, accrue, accurate, acd, acetylcholine, acetylsalicylic acid, ach, achieve, achievement quotient, acne, acquiescence, acquired, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, across, act as, act of terrorism, act on, act out, acting out, actinon, acute, acute myelocytic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia, acute myocardial infarction, ad, ada, adapted, adc, add-on, addendum, adder, addict, addressee, adenosine, adenosine diphosphate, adenosine triphosphate, adhere, adjunction, adjusters, adl, administrative law, admiral of the fleet, admit, adopt, adopted, adoptee, adoption, adp, adrenal insufficiency, ads, adultery, advance corporation tax, advantage, advertise, advise, advisory, aed, aef, aegis, aerobic exercise, aeronautics, af, afc, affection, affiliate, affirmation, affix, afm, afp, afraid, african, afs, aft, aga, again, against the grain, agc, age hardening, age of consent, agenda, agent orange, agglutination test, aggravated assault, aggression, agi, agio, ago, agree, aha, ahead, ahead of time, aide mémoire, ail, air base, air cell, air force, air pollution, air pump, air space, airborne, aircraft, airfield, airhead, airlift, airline, airmail, airman, airplane, airship, airtight, airway, ait, ak, akko, alcohol, alias, alien, alienate, alive, all in, all that, all the time, alley, alliance, allocate, allocation, alloy, alphabet, alps, alter ego, alternating current, alternative, alternative hypothesis, alto, aluminium, aluminum, am, ama, ambassador, amend, amended, ami, amplitude modulation, an, analysis, analysis of variance, ancillary, anemia, angstrom unit, anima, animals, animate, animation, anna, annexation, annual, annual percentage rate, annually, annuity, anova, antenna, anthropology, anti, anti-g suit, anticipation, antigen-antibody reaction, antihemophilic factor, antitrust law, antivirus, antivirus program, anu, ao, aorist, apa, apache, apathy, ape, apex, apgar score, api, apostle, apothecaries' weight, appellant, appellate, appellate court, apple, applet, application service provider, apply, appointed, appraise, apprenticeship, approved, approximate, apron, aptitude, aqueous solution, ar, ara, arare, aras, arb, arbitrageur, arbitration, arbitrator, archer, archery, archive, arcus, areg, aren, arenaviridae, arer, arf, argentum, arginine, argon, arizona, armchair, armpit, arp, arpanet, arrange, arrangement, array, arrest, ars, arsk, arson, arterial blood, artery, artful, artfully, artfulness, article, articulation, artifact, artificial respiration, artist, artistic, artsy, artwork, as, as a matter of fact, asbestos, ascender, ascii, ascii file, ase, asf, ash, asia, aside, asir, asking, asking price, asleep, asn, aspartic acid, aspect, aspect ratio, aspire, aspirin, assassin, assassination, assay, assembly, assembly language, assert, asses, asset, assimilate, assist, assistant, assisted suicide, assistive technology, ast, astatine, astigmatism, astronomical unit, asylum, asymmetric, asynchronous, at, at any rate, at the same time, ata, ate, atf, athens, athlete, athlete's foot, atlantic time, atlas, atom, atomic, atomic energy commission, atomic mass unit, atomic weight, atp, atrial fibrillation, atrioventricular block, ats, attention, attenuation, attest, attic, attorney at law, attract, attrition rate, auc, auction, audience, audio, audit trail, auditory hallucination, augment, augmentation, augmented reality, aunt, aura, authenticate, authorize, authorized shares, autocracy, automated teller machine, automatic teller machine, automobile, autonomous, autonomous system, autonomous vehicle, autonomy, auxiliary, availability, avatar, average out, aves, avi, avoid, avoirdupois, avulsion, aw, aware, awe, axes, axiom, axis of rotation, ayn rand, az, b cell, baal, baas, babe, baby boomer, bachelor, back up, backlit, backlog, backup, bacon, bad blood, bad debt, bagging, bait and switch, bak, bake, baker, baking, balance of payments, balance sheet, balance wheel, balancing, bald, balk, ballast, ballgame, ballooning, balloonist, ballot, baltic, banana, banana republic, bananas, banding, bandit, bani, bank account, bank for international settlements, bank note, bank of england, bankbook, bankruptcy, banks, bap, barb, barbell, barf, barge, bari, barium, barium enema, bark, barometer, baron, bars, baruch, basal metabolic rate, base, base pair, base station, baseband, basement, basketball, bass, bat, batch file, batch processing, bath, bathroom, bathtub, batman, baton, batten, batter, battering, baud, baud rate, bayberry, bbb, bc, bcc, bcs, bd, be on, beached, beacon, beans, bearer, bed, bed and breakfast, bedding, bedrock, bedroom, beef, beehive, beep, beeper, beeswax, beetle, before long, beg, behavior, behavior modification, behavioral, behaviour, behind, belief, believe, belly, belly button, bellyache, belt, ben, bench mark, beneath, beneficial, benefits, benjamin, benny, bent, benzene, bequeath, bequest, berk, beryllium, bestiality, bet, beta, beta cell, beta version, beta-adrenergic blocking agent, beyond the pale, bf, bg, bgp, bh, bhc, bhs, bi, bi-, bib, bicycle, bid price, bidder, bidding, bide, biff, big, big fish, bill of lading, bill of rights, billing, bimodal distribution, binary, binary code, binary digit, binder, binocular vision, bioinformatics, biological, biological value, biological warfare, biometrics, bios, biostatistics, bipolar disorder, bird, birth certificate, birth defect, birthday, birthmark, birthrate, biscuit, bismuth, bisque, biz, bjs, black and white, black cherry, black hole, black maria, blackberry, blackboard, blackleg, blacklist, blade, blank cheque, blast, blast cell, bleed, bleeding, bleeding edge, bleeding time, blending, blight, blind alley, blinded, blindfold, blinding, blindness, blink, block level, block out, blockhead, blond, blonde, blood bank, blood cell, blood count, blood donor, blood gas, blood group, blood pressure, blood test, blood transfusion, blood type, blood urea nitrogen, blood vessel, blood volume, blood-brain barrier, bloodshot, bloody, bloom, blow out, blow up, blowout, bls, bluebook, blueprint, bm, bmr, boa, boar, board foot, board of trustees, boat, bob, bode, bodily, bof, bog, boiler, bold, boldface, bomber, bona fide, bone cell, bong, boo, bookkeeping, booklet, bookworm, boomer, boost, booster, boot drive, bootable disk, booted, bootstrap, boozing, borax, boric, borrowing, bos, boss, bots, bottom, botulinum toxin, bounded, bounty, bow, bowl, bp, bpi, bps, bq, br, bracketing, brag, brain drain, brains, brake, branching, brand, branding, brass, brave, breach of contract, breach of warranty, break down, break even, break through, breakage, breaker, breaking, breakthrough, breast, breath, breathing, breccia, breeding ground, brewer, bribe, bricks and mortar, bridesmaid, bridge router, briefing, bright, bring, bristol, british pound, british thermal unit, broach, broadband over power lines, broken, broken wind, brokerage, bromine, bronze, brood, broom, brow, brown recluse spider, browse, bruise, bse, bsi, btu, bubble, bud, budget, budget deficit, buffer solution, buffer zone, bugger, buggery, build up, building block, building society, buildup, bulb, bull, bulletin board system, bulletproof, bullock, bum, bump, bun, bunch, bundling, buns, burden, bureau, burglar, burglary, burial, burn out, burner, burnt, bury, bury the hatchet, bush, butte, butter, buttocks, buttonhole, buttress, buy into, buy the farm, buzzer, buzzword, bv, bw, by all means, by hand, by the bye, bypass, bystander, c/o, c2, cab, cabinet, cable, cable television, cable tv, cache, cactus, cad/cam, cadet, cadmium, cae, caesar, caf, cafes, cai, cal, calcium, calculate, calf, call back, call out, call up, callus, calm, camber, camcorder, campaign, camper, campus, can of worms, canal, candle, cane, cannon, capa, cape, caper, capex, capful, capita, capital expenditure, capital letter, capitalism, capitalist, capitalistic, capitalization, capped, capper, capping, captcha, captive, capuchin, car port, carbohydrate, carbohydrate loading, carbon copy, carbon monoxide, carboxyhemoglobin, carburetor, cardiac arrest, cardiomyopathy, caret, cargo, caro, carp, carpal tunnel syndrome, carpenter, carpet, carport, carriage, carriage return, carrot, carry, carry over, carry-over, carte, carte blanche, carver, case law, cash in, cash in on, cash machine, cash register, cash-and-carry, cashed, casing, cassette, casting lots, castle, castor, casual, catapult, catch, cathode, cation exchange, catty, caucasian, caucus, caul, caution, cav, cay, cb radio, cbi, ccc, ccs, cd-rom, cd-rw, cdc, cdna, cdo, ce, cea, cell adhesion molecule, cell cycle, cell division, cellulose triacetate, celsius, cement, censor, cent, centigrade, centigram, centilitre, centime, centimeter, centner, central heating, central nervous system, central processing unit, centralisation, centralization, centre, centrifugal force, cephalic index, certificate of deposit, cesium, cfc, cfi, cg, cga, cha, chad, chafe, chaff, chairman, chairperson, chalk, challenge, chambers, chamfer, champ, chancery, chaplain, chapter, char, characteristic, charles, charm, chartered accountant, chat, chattel, chatter, che, check in, check-up, checkmate, checks and balances, cheese, chemical, chemical element, chemical warfare, cherry, chest, chew, cheyne-stokes respiration, chg, chicken, chief executive officer, chief of staff, child abuse, child neglect, childbirth, chili, chilly, ching, chips, chisel, chlorine, chlorofluorocarbon, chock, chocolate, choke, cholesterol, chon, chop, chopper, chorionic villus sampling, chortle, chow, christian, christianity, christmas, christmas factor, christmas tree, chromium, chromosome, chronic, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, chuck, chuckle, church, churn, chute, cid, cigar, cim, cinder
6 circle of willis, circulate, circumflex, cis, cisco, citation, cite, cites, citizen, civil, civil marriage, cl, claim form, clamp, clams, clan, clap, claret, clasp, classic, classification, classmate, claw, clean out, cleaner, cleanliness, clear up, clearway, cleft, clerk, climax, climb, clinical laboratory scientist, clinical trial, clipping, clock, close in, close to the wind, close up, close-up, closed shop, closer, closing, clothing, clotting time, cloud computing, cloud storage, cloudy, clove, cloven hoof, cls, clutch, cma, cml, co-op, coa, coach, coastal, coaster, coastguard, coat, coaxial cable, cobalt, cobra, cocktail, coco, cocoa, coconut, coda, codicil, coefficient, coefficient of variation, coerce, cofactor, coffee, coffin, coinage, coinsurance, coke, cold turkey, cold war, cole, collage, collar, collate, collection, collective bargaining, college, collide, colon, colonial, colored, colors, colour, colour index, colt, column, coma, combat, combatant, combe, comma, command, commanding, comment, commercial, commie, commitment, committed, common carrier, common salt, commoner, commune, communicable disease, communications, communism, commute, compact disc, compaction, comparative negligence, compass, compatible, compensatory damages, competent, competitive, compiler, complement, complement fixation, complement fixation test, complex, compliance, compose, composite, compounding, compress, compression, comptroller, computational linguistics, compute, computed tomography, computer architecture, computer forensics, computer network, computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacturing, computerized tomography, con, con man, concentrate, concentration, concession, conciliation, conclusion, concord, concrete, concurrent, concurrent estate, condemn, conditional, conditioner, condominium, conduct, cone, confederate, conference, confidence level, configuration, confirmation, confusion, congenital heart disease, congestion, congress, connect, connecticut, connection, connector, cons, conscience, conscientious objector, conscription, conservation, conservation of energy, conservative, conserve, consideration, consign, consol, console, consolidation, consort, conspiracy, constrained, construct, construction, consumer price index, contact, contact point, contaminant, contempt, contend, content, content addressed storage, content management system, contents, contiguous, contingency, continuation, continue, continuous, contrast, contribution, contributory negligence, control unit, controlled, convention, convertible, convex, convey, conveyor, convict, conviction, convulse, coo, cooked, cool, coordinate, coordinator, cop, cope, coping, cops, corba, core, cork, corollary, corona, coronary artery bypass graft, coronary artery disease, coronary care unit, coroner, coronoid process, corporal punishment, corporeal, corps, corpus striatum, correlate, correlation coefficient, correspondence, corridor, corse, cos, cosmopolitan, cost of living, cost-benefit analysis, cotar, cottage, couch potato, cougar, cough, council, counselling, counselor, countable, countess, coup, couple, coupling, courage, courier, course of action, courtesy, courthouse, cousin, covenant, cover up, covered, covers, covert, cowgirl, cowherd, cowl, cox, cpi, cpl, cpo, cpu, crab, crabs, crackers, cradle, cradle cap, cram, cramp, cranberry, cranial nerve, crank, craps, crate, crater, craw, crawler, cream, crease, create, creatine, credit card, credit union, creek, creep, crib death, cricket, criminal, criminal law, crimp, crisis intervention, crisp, crista, critical mass, critical temperature, crm, cro, cross-examination, crossbow, crossing over, crossword, crotch, crowd, crowning, crs, crud, crumb, crunch, crus, crusher, crust, crux, cry, crying, cryptography, crystal ball, crystal oscillator, crystallization, csma/cd, css, ct, cta, cto, cts, ctsc, cubic, cubic centimeter, cud, cue, cuff, cult, cultivate, cumulative, cumulus, cup of tea, cupboard, cupid, cupping, curb, curia, curing, curium, current account, curriculum vitae, curtain, customer, customs, customs duty, customs union, cut corners, cut in, cutoff, cutter, cutting, cvs, cwt, cx, cyberspace, cycle time, cycling, cyclone, cylindrical, cystic fibrosis, d.c., dab, daisy, dale, damaged, damages, damp, dana, dance, dandy, dangerous, daniel, dao, dap, dark adaptation, dart, darts, data analysis, data conversion, data mining, data rate, data set, data type, data warehouse, database, date rape, dated, datum, daughter cell, dawn, day care, daybreak, db, dba, dbm, dbms, dcs, dd, dds, de-, dead body, dead end, dead weight, deadhead, deadlock, dean, death cap, death penalty, death rate, debenture, debtor, decay, deceased, decedent, deceleration, december, decibel, decided, deciliter, decimal, decimeter, decompression sickness, decrement, decryption, deduct, deed of trust, deep, deer, def, defect, defence, defend, deficiency disease, degeneration, degenerative joint disease, delegation, delete, delinquency, delirium tremens, dell, delusion, dementia, demise, demo, democrat, democratic party, demolition, demos, den, dendritic cell, denis, denominator, density, dent, deny, depart, department of transportation, depend, dependence, dependent variable, depersonalization disorder, depletion, deposit account, depot, depreciation, deprive, dereliction, descend, descendant, descender, desert, designate, designation, desire, desk, despot, destroy, destruction, detail, detect, detective, detector, deuce, deuterium, develop, development, deviant, devil, devise, dew, dew point, dha, di, dial, dialog box, diaphragm, dick test, dicky, dictate, dictionary, die down, die hard, diethylstilbestrol, difference threshold, differential blood count, differential diagnosis, differentiate, diffuse, dig, digest, digger, digispeak, digital, digital media server, digital watch, dignity, digs, dilate, dill, dilute, dime, diminished, diminutive, dining, dinosaur, diopter, direct transmission, directional, directorate, directory, dirt, dirty, dis, disable, disabled, disc jockey, discipline, discovery, discrepancy, discretion, disengage, dish, disinfect, dismiss, dismount, dispersal, display, disqualify, diss, dissemble, dissembling, dissociative identity disorder, dissolution, distal muscular dystrophy, distant, distilled water, distributor, district, district attorney, ditto, dive, diver, divergence, divers, diversion, divert, diverter, divestiture, divider, divisible, division, divorce, dj, dl, dma, dmd, dmf, dms, dmz, dna, do away with, do by, do in, do it, do up, do-it-yourself, doc, docker, docking, docosahexaenoic acid, doctor, doctrine, document, documentary, doe, doer, does, doh, doing, doit, dol, doll, dom, domain name, domestic abuse, domestic violence, domicile, dominant, domination, dominion, don, don juan, donate, donation, done for, done in, donee, donut, doomsday, dope, doping, dose equivalent, dose rate, dot matrix, dote, double agent, double bass, double tap, double-decker, doubt, down low, downgrade, downhill, download, downstream, downtown, dpi, dpp, dr, drachma, drafting, draftsman, drag, drainpipe, draught, drawing lots, dream, dress, drew, drifting, drip feed, drip mold, drip-dry, dripping, driving, drm, drop in, drop off, dropper, dropping, droppings, drug abuse, drug enforcement administration, drum, dsd, dslr, dsp, dt, dtf, dti, dtl, dts, dub, due care, due date, due diligence, duff, dug, dukes, dull, dumping, dumps, dun, duo, duplex, dust, dusty, dutch, dvd, dweeb, dwell time, dwelling, dwt, dy, dye, dynamic, dynamo, dysprosium, e, e-commerce, e-mail, e1, early, earned, east, easter egg, eat, eats, ebola hemorrhagic fever, ecc, echelon, echo, eclipse, ecm, economical, economics, economize, ecstasy, ectopic pregnancy, ecu, eda, edict, eds, education, ee, eeprom, eff, effective, efficiency, eft, eg, eggshell, egress, eib, eis, eject, elastic, elastic limit, elbow, elder, elected, election, electric, electric chair, electric charge, electrical, electrician, electricity, electrified, electrode, electrolyte, electromagnetic induction, electromagnetic interference, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic wave, electromotive force, electronic mail, electronic signature, electrophotographic, elementary, elements, elevate, elevation, elia, elisa, eln, elope, els, embed, embryo transfer, emc, emerge, emergency, emergency medicine, emergency room, eminent domain, emission, emit, emitter, emotion, emotional, emperor, employee, employment, emr, emt, emu, emulator, emv, enamel, encapsulation, encephalopathy, enclosure, encrypt, encryption, end, end point, ending, endoplasmic reticulum, endorse, endorsement, endothelial cell, endotracheal tube, endpoint, enemy, engaged, engineering, english, enhanced, enigma, enjoin, enter key, entire, entitle, entity, entrance, entry, environmental control unit, environmental protection agency, envy, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, eos, ep, epidermis, episodic memory, epithelial cell, eps, epsilon, equal to, equate, equation, equator, equilibrium, equipment, equivalent, erase, erbium, ergo, erlang, erm, ers, erupt, erv, erythrocyte, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, erythromycin, esa, escort, escrow, esop, esprit, esr, essen, essence, esteem, estimate, estimation, et al, et al., etc., eth, ethanol, ethic, ethyl alcohol, eunuch, euro, european, european central bank, european court of justice, european economic area, european economic community, european monetary system, europium, ev, evade, evaluate, evaluation, ever, evil, ex, ex officio, examiner, excel, excellence, excellency, excellent, exchange rate, exchequer, excite, exclude, exclusion, exclusion principle, exclusive, excursion, executable, executor, exhaust, exhaustion, exist, expanded, expansion, expect, expectancy, expectant, expected value, expenditure, experience, experiment, expiration date, expiratory reserve volume, explosive, expose, exposition, expressway, expropriation, extended family, external, external auditory canal, externalization, extinguish, extort, extra, extraction, extrapolate, extrauterine pregnancy, extreme, eye bank, eyebrow, eyed, f, face to face, face value, facebook, facelift, facility, facing, factor of safety, factor viii, factor xi, factoring, factory, fad, fag, failing, faint, fair, faith, fall back, fall from grace, fall in, fall over, fall through, falling out, false, familial, family practice, fannie mae, fanny adams, fantasy, faq, farad, farm credit system, fast, fast track, fasten, faster, fat, fat cell, fatal accident, fate, fatty, fauna, fawn
6 fb, fc, fd, fdr, fear, federal communications commission, federal deposit insurance corporation, federal national mortgage association, federal reserve board, federal trade commission, fee simple, feed, feet, fell, felony, ferry, few, fibbing, fiber, fiction, fiduciary, field, fig, fighting, figure, figure of speech, fill, fillet, filter, finance, financial year, find, fine art, finer, finish, fire extinguisher, fireman, fireproof, firewall, firing, firmware, first quarter, fiscal year, fishing, fist, fit, fitted, fixed, fixer, fixture, flashing, flat, flat file, flat panel display, flight, flip, flipper, floating, floor, flop, floss, flow, flown, flu, fluid, fluid ounce, fluorescent antibody test, fluorine, flutter, flux, fly, flyer, flying, fm, fnma, fo, foam, focal, focal point, fog, foil, folder, folio, follow through, follow-up, follower, food chain, fool, footing, footnote, footpath, footprint, fop, for free, for sale, for the time being, forage, force majeure, forced, forecast, forecasting, foreclosure, foreign body, foreign exchange, foreign exchange market, foreign office, forfeit, forfeiture, forge, forgery, fork, formaldehyde, former, fort, forward, fossil, found, fowl, foxy, fpc, fpd, fractal, fraction, fracture, fragment, frame grabber, francium, frat, fraternity, fraudulent, fred, free association, free on board, freehold, freeway, freezing point, french, frenzy, frequency distribution, fresh, fresh water, fret, friction, fried, friend, friendly, friendly fire, from time to time, front, frost, frozen section, fruit, frustration, fry, fs, ftc, ftp, fuchs, fuel oil, fugitive, full moon, full stop, full term, fungus, funk, funny, fur, fuse, fy, fyi, g3, ga, gab, gad, gadget, gadolinium, gag, gage, gaia, gainer, gait, gal, galaxy note, gale, gall, gallbladder, galley, gallium, galvanic skin response, gamble, gambler, gambling, game theory, gamete intrafallopian transfer, gaming, gamma, gamma globulin, gan, gang up, gao, gap junction, gape, garage, garbage collection, garnet, gas chromatography, gas mask, gas station, gasp, gassing, gastrointestinal, gastrointestinal tract, gaucho, gaussian distribution, gaw, gay, gb, gc, gd, gdp, ge, gear, geek, geiger-muller counter, geiger-müller counter, geld, gem, gender identity, gene expression, gene pool, gene transfer, general accounting office, general agreement on tariffs and trade, general anesthesia, general assembly, general election, general ledger, general practitioner, general services administration, generalize, generalized anxiety disorder, generation, genesis, genetic engineering, genetically modified, geneva, genie, genitourinary, genius, gentleman, genus, geode, geometric progression, geos, geriatrics, germ cell, german democratic republic, germanium, gestational age, get going, get out, gf, gh, ghetto, giant, gig, gigabit ethernet, gigabyte, gigo, gilt, gin, gip, gl, glare, glass, glial cell, glide, global warming, globalization, glossary, glove, glue, gm, gms, gn, gnat, gnp, go ahead, go around, go down, go to pieces, goalpost, goat, god, goes, going, gold foil, gold medal, golden handshake, golf, golgi cell, gone, good faith, good morning, goodness of fit, goods, goodwill, google, gop, gorge, gorilla, gout, government bond, government national mortgage association, government printing office, gp, gpc, gpo, gps, gr, grab, grab bar, grace, grade school, gradient, graduate, graduate nurse, grafting, grandchildren, grandfather, grape, grapefruit juice, grapes, graphics, grasp, grasping at straws, grasshopper, gratuity, grave, gravel, graveyard shift, grease, great, great divide, greek, green card, green-eyed monster, greens, grid, grind, grinder, gripe, groat, grog, groove, gross domestic product, gross national product, gross weight, ground bass, ground floor, ground out, grounds, groundwork, group insurance, group therapy, growth hormone, growth rate, grub, grunt, gsa, guam, guarantor, guaranty, guard, guardian, guardian ad litem, guest of honor, guidance, guide dog, guilty, guinea, guinea pig, gullet, gumdrop, gunboat, gunner, gunpowder, guns, gur, gut, guts, guy, gyp, h2o, habeas corpus, habitable, habitually, hack, had, hades, hae, hair cell, haler, half life, half-brother, half-duplex, half-sister, half-wit, halfpenny, ham, hamas, han, hand down, hand over, hand-to-mouth, handbasket, handcuff, handed, handicapped, handler, handling, hands-on, handshaking, hang up, hanger, hanging, happy, haps, harass, hard copy, hard drive, hard hat, hard water, harmonization, harness, harry, hart, has, hatchback, hatchway, hath, haul, haw, hawk, hawthorne effect, hazardous, hazardous waste, haze, hazel, hd, hdr, hdtv, head mounted display, head of household, head unit, headache, header, heading, heads, health care, health care provider, health hazard, health physics, health promotion, healthy, hear, hearing, hearing loss, hearsay evidence, heart, heart and soul, heart-lung machine, heat, heat exchanger, heater, heath, heave, heavy water, hectolitre, heel, heifer, helen, helium, heller, helmet, hemic, hemorrhagic fever, hemp, hen, hep, herb, hercules, herd, hereditary, hermes, hero, hertz, hex, hexadecimal, hey, hhd, hhs, hi, hibernate, hid, hide out, hierarchical, high and mighty, high jump, high school, high-grade, high-level language, high-rise, high-tech, high-yield bond, higher education, highlands, highlight, highroad, hijacking, him, hinge, hip, hipster, hiss, historian, historic, hit the deck, hit-and-run, hive, hives, hm, hmi, hn, ho, hob, hodgkin's disease, hog, hold harmless, hole, holland, hollow, holmes, home page, home run, home theater, homeless person, homer, homework, homing, homo-, hone, honest, honey, honorarium, honour, hood, hoodmold, hook up, hooke's law, hooked, hooks, hoop, hope, hormone, hornet, horror, horsefly, horseman, horsepower, horses, horseshoe, hose, hospital, host, hostile, hot and bothered, hot spot, hotline, housekeeper, hq, hsm, ht, html, hu, hue, huff, hum, human genome project, human resources, humidity, hump, hundredweight, hunger, hungry, hunter, hunting, hurl, hurricane, hybrid, hybrid microcircuit, hybridization, hydrocephalus, hyperbaric chamber, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, hypertext, hypothesis, i/o, ia, iba, ica, ice-skating, iceberg, iceland, icon, ida, idaho, idc, ideal, idiotic, idleness, idly, idn, if, ifc, iis, ilex, ill, illinois, illness, illusion, illustrate, illustration, imagination, imf, immediate memory, immigration, immunization, imo, impact, impaired, impairment, imperial gallon, import, impregnate, imprimatur, imprint, improve, ims, in hand, in that, inc., incandescent, incentive, incest, inch, incident, inclination, inclusive, income, income tax, incompatible, incompetence, incorporate, incorporated, incorporation, incremental cost, incumbent, ind, indemnify, indemnity, indenture, independence, independent contractor, index case, index finger, indexation, indexing, indicate, indication, indicator, indictment, indifferent, indigo, individual, induction of labor, inductor, industry, inert gas, infancy, infant mortality rate, infanticide, infect, infectious disease, infer, inference, inferior vena cava, infertility, infiltrate, infiltration, infirmary, influence, influenza, inform, information operations, information science, information security, information technology, information theory, infrared, infrastructure, ingres, inheritance tax, inheriting, inhibition, initial, inkblot test, inmate, inn, innocence, innocent, inorganic compound, inquire, inquiry, inr, ins, insane, inscribe, inscription, insemination, insertion, inspiratory reserve volume, inspire, instance, instep, instinct, institution, institutional, instrument panel, instrumental, insufficiency, insula, insulate, insurance policy, insure, integer, integrate, integrated circuit, intellectual property, intelligence test, intensive care, intent, intention, inter, interactive mode, interchange, interest rate, interface, interim, intermediary, intermittent claudication, internal medicine, internal revenue service, international bank for reconstruction and development, international court of justice, international law, international monetary fund, international system of units, international unit, internet appliance, internet explorer, internet of things, internet service provider, interpret, interpretation, interpreted, interquartile range, interrogate, intersection, interstate commerce commission, intervention, intervertebral disc, interview, intestinal, intradermal, intradermal test, intramuscular, intrinsic factor, introduction, intruder, invalid, invasion, invent, invention, investigation, investing, io, ios versions, iowa, ip address, ipl, ipo, ips, ipv6, ir, iras, irc, irda, irene, iridium, iron, iron man, ironman, irq, irregularity, irs, irv, isd, isdn, island of reil, ism, iso, isoelectric point, isometric, isopropyl alcohol, italic, itch, iv, ivy, jab, jacket, jail, jam session, james dean, jammer, jane doe, january, java virtual machine, jaw, jawbone, jazz, jean, jekyll and hyde, jell, jelly, jem, jeopardy, jerk, jetsam, jettison, jew, jiff, jigger, jimmy hoffa, jm, jo, joe, john, john doe, john quincy adams, joke, joker, jolly, jolt, joseph, joule, journal, jove, jp, jscript, judge, judgement, july, jumper, june, junior, junk bond, junk food, jurisdiction, just, just in case, just now, justification, juvenile delinquency, juxtapose, ka, kangaroo, kat, kb, kc, keel, kelvin, kent, kentucky, ketone body, keyed, keyhole, kick, kick off, kick the bucket, kidney, killer t cell, kilo-, kilobit, kilogram, kilometer, kiloton, kilowatt, kind, kinky, kip, kir, kiss of life, kiss off, kissing, kissing bug, kiwi, klinefelter syndrome, km, knife, knob, knock, knock about, knock on wood, knot, knowledge base, ko, kola, kosher, kp, kr, krypton, kt, kudos, kw, ky, kyd, kyoto protocol, l/c, lab on a chip, labe, labor, laboratory, labour, labrador retriever, lace, laceration, lactated ringer's solution, lading, lagging, laid, lain, laity, lake, lambda, lame, lame duck, lamiaceae, landfill, landlord, landslide, lanthanum, lao, lap, lapsed, laptop, lard, large intestine, las, laser printer, lash, lat, latch, late, latent period, later, lateral, lateral geniculate body, latest, latex agglutination test, latin, latino, laundry, lavatory, law of large numbers, law of mass action, lawn, lawrencium, lawyer, lax, lay about, lay down, lay over, lbf, lbw, lca, lcd, ld, lea
6 lead line, lead poisoning, lead time, leakage, lean, leap year, learning, leather, leave no stone unturned, leave of absence, lec, lecithin, lecture, led, ledger, leer, leeway, left ventricle, left wing, leg, legacy, legal medicine, legal right, lek, lemon, lemur, lender, lens, lent, leo, leopard, lesbian, less, lessor, let alone, let loose, let off, let on, let out, let up, lets, letting down, leu, leucine, level crossing, leverage, lexisnexis, leydig cell, libel, liberation, libertarian, liberty, library, licensee, lid, lie about, lie around, lie down, lie in, lie in wait, lie low, lie with, lier, life assurance, life insurance, life jacket, lifeboat, lifeguard, lifeline, lifted, light bulb, lighting, lightning, lightweight, likelihood, likely, lilo, lime, limitation, limp, line of force, line up, lineage, linear regression, linesman, ling, lingo, link, linkage, linker, linux distribution, lion, lip, lipoprotein, liquid nitrogen, liquidated damages, liquidation, liquor, lis, lisp, listen, lister, lit, liter, lithium, litmus paper, litter, little, little league, live, live birth, liver, lives, liveware, living room, living will, lloyd, loaded, loading, loads, lob, lobbyism, lobbyist, lobster, locate, located, locator, lock in, lock, stock, and barrel, lockout, lockup, loco, locus, lod, lodge, log out, logarithm, loge, logging, logic, long jump, long shot, long-range, long-term memory, longitudinal section, lookout, loom, loon, loony, loop, loose, lop, lord, losing, loss of consciousness, lotus, lotus notes, love, lover, low water, low-grade, lowest common denominator, loyal, loyalty, lr, lsd, ltc, lu, lucille ball, luck, luggage, lugh, lulu, lumbar puncture, lumber, lumen, luminance, lump sum, lunatic, lute, lutetium, lux, luxury, lv, lx, lying, lymph cell, lyndon baines johnson, lyon, lyons, m1, m2, m3, machine language, machine learning, machine tool, machinist, macho, macintosh, macro, macro-, macular degeneration, mad cow disease, madder, made, madison, madman, madness, mae, mafia, mag, magazine, magic, magnesium, magnet, magnetic lines of force, magnetic resonance, magnitude, maid, mailed, maim, mainframe, major depressive disorder, make a face, make good, make hay, make love, make out, make up, make up one's mind, make way, maker, mal, mala, malachi, malfunction, mali, malignant hyperthermia, mallet, malo, malt, mam, mama, man of letters, man-of-war, mandate, maneuver, manganese, manhood, mania, maniac, manic-depressive disorder, manifest, manna, manner, manor, manslaughter, mantle, mantoux test, manufacturer, manufacturing, manuscript, mao, mapper, mapping, marburg virus, marc, marches, marginal cost, marie, marine, mark out, marking, marks, marksmanship, married, marrow, marsh, marshal, martin, mary, mas, masculinity, mash, mask, masked rom, mass production, mass storage, massive, mast cell, mastoid process, matai, match, materialize, maternal, maternity, math, maths, mating, matrimony, matrix, matron, mats, matte, matted, matter, matter of fact, matting, mattress, maturity, maw, max, maxim, mayo, mayor, mcf, mcm, mcp, mcs, mdf, me, meadow, mean deviation, mean value, meaning, means, meat, mechanical advantage, meconium, med, medial geniculate body, median lethal dose, mediation, medical, medical care, medical examiner, medical history, medication, medicine, meditation, meds, meet, mega, megavolt, melting, melting point, membrane attack complex, meme, memory card, memory chip, memory types, mems, men, mend, mendelevium, menstrual cycle, menstruum, mental, mental block, mental deficiency, mental retardation, mentha, menu, meo, meq, merchandising, merchant ship, mercury, mercy, mercy killing, mere, merge, meridian, merit, mesh, message board, messaging system, messrs, metabolic equivalent, metabolic rate, mete, meteor, method, metre, metric grain, metric system, metro, mets, mexican, mfd, mg, mh, mic, mice, mick, mickey, mickey finn, microcomputer, micron, microorganism, microprocessor, microsecond, microsoft, mid, midas, midas touch, middle, midi, midwife, mif, migration, milliampere, milligram, millilitre, millimeter, milling, millisecond, millivolt, mills, millstone, mimic, mina, mincemeat, mind, minerva, minim, minimum, minimum wage, mining, mink, minnesota, mips, miracle, mirror, misconduct, misdemeanor, mise, miser, mismatch, mission, missionary, mississippi, mist, mistake, mistranslation, mistress, mitochondria, mixer, mixing, ml, mls, mm, mmr, mn, mod, modelling, modem, modify, mods, modulate, modulus, modulus of elasticity, mof, moho, moi, moist, mold, molecular weight, molybdenum, mom, moment, momentum, momma, mon, monarch, monday, monetary unit, money laundering, money supply, moniker, monitor, monitoring, monkey, monoclonal antibody, monocyte, monogamy, monte carlo, monument, moo, moody, moor, moped, mora, moral, morbid, mores, morning, moro, mors, mortality table, mortar, mortise and tenon, mosaic, moss, most, mot, mote, moth, mother cell, motherboard, motherhood, motif, motion picture, motivation, motive, motor, motor area, motor unit, mott, mou, mount, mountie, mounting, mourn, movable, movement, mover, moving, moving average, mp3, mpc, mpls, mps, mra, ms, msp, mss, msxml, mt, mu, much, muck, mulct, mule, mull, multiple myeloma, multiple personality, multiple sclerosis, multiplier, multiprocessing, multithreading, mum, mumps, mun, municipal, murmur, murphy, musa, muscle, muscle cell, muscle fiber, muscular dystrophy, mush, must, muster, mut, mutant, mutate, mutation, mutual, mutual fund, mv, mx, myasthenia gravis, myna, myself, mysql, mystic, mäs, nac, nag, nahum, nailer, nak, naked, nam, nanogram, nanometer, nanotechnology, nanus, nape, narc, narrow, nas, national association of realtors, national institutes of health, national labor relations board, national security council, national service, natural childbirth, natural killer cell, natural language processing, natural selection, naturally, nature, navel, navigation, navy, nb, near miss, nebraska, nec, necessity, necklace, necktie, nectar, needle, negligence, negotiate, nehemiah, neo, neon, neptunium, nerve cell, nerve growth factor, nessus, nett, netting, nettle, network architecture, network camera, network security, never mind, new testament, news, newspaper, newton, next, nf, ng, ngf, ni, nib, nic, nice, nick, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, nicotine, night vision, nim, nimby, nip, nis, nist, nit, nitric oxide, nitrogen, nitrogen balance, nl, nlp, nm, no matter, no-go, nobelium, noble gas, nocturnal emission, nod, noel, noggin, non sequitur, non-volatile memory, nones, nonfeasance, nonstandard, nope, norepinephrine, normal solution, north american free trade agreement, north atlantic treaty organization, north carolina, northeast, nos, nose, not, nota, notebook, notebook computer, noted, nov, novation, novel, now and again, nra, nrc, nsf, nt, nth, ntp, nu, nuclear, nuclear energy, nuclear envelope, nuclear regulatory commission, nuclear transfer, nuclear waste, nuclear weapon, nucleic acid, nucleolus, nuda, nugget, null, null hypothesis, number cruncher, number crunching, numerical, numerical control, nunavut, nurse, nurse practitioner, nursing home, nuts, nutshell, o, oak, oasis, oat, oats, ob, objection, obligate, obligated, obligation, oblige, obliteration, obs, observation, observe, observer, obsessive-compulsive disorder, obsolescence, obstetrician, obstetrics, obstruction, oc, occult blood, occupant, occupational disease, occupational safety and health administration, occupy, ocean, octopus, odd man out, odds, odds and ends, odi, odontoid process, oem, of course, ofdm, off the hook, offering, office of management and budget, offline, offset, offshore, ohio, ohm, ohm's law, oi, oid, ok, old age, old english, old man, old norse, old testament, older, olecranon process, olive, oliver, oliver stone, om, ombudsman, omit, on call, on camera, on hand, on request, on the go, on the job, on the one hand, on the other hand, on the road, on the spur of the moment, on-line, onion, online, online communications, ontario, ooze, op, opc, open architecture, open fire, open source, open up, opener, operative, opium, opp, opposite, ops, optic axis, optical density, optical fiber, optical illusion, optimal, optimization, optimum, optional, ora, oral, oral and maxillofacial surgery, oral contraceptive, orange, orbit, ord, order of magnitude, oregon, organ, organic, orientation, origin, ort, osa, oscar, oscillate, oscillation, oscilloscope, osha, osi, ot, otc, otis, otp, out of bounds, out of date, out of place, out of print, out of the question, out of wedlock, out-of-date, outlook, output, over, over-the-counter market, over-the-top, overdraft, overdrive, overflow, overhead, overheads, overlay, override, overture, overweight, ovulation induction, owe, ox, oxygen deficit, oxytocin challenge test, p2p, paan, pacemaker, pacific time, package, packaging, packed cell volume, padder, paging, pagoda, paid, paint, pairing, palladium, palm oil, palma, palme, palsy, pan out, pancake, pancreatic cancer, panel, pant, pap test, papa, para, para-, parachute, paradigm, paradise, paragon, parameter, parent company, parer, pares, paris, parish, parker, parking, parole, parrot, parry, pars, parse, partial pressure, participant, particular, particulate matter, parturition, party pooper, party wall, paré, pasa, pascal, pass on, pass the buck, passe, passenger, passive immunity, passive smoking, passport, past, family and social history, paste, pat, patch test, patent, pau, paul, pauper, pause, pave, paw, pax, payables, pb, pcc, pce, pcp, pct, pcv, pda, pdf, pdr, pe, peanut, pearl, pebble, pecking order, pedal, pedigree, pee, peel, peep, peer review, peer-to-peer, pen up, pence, penetrate, penetration, penn, pennsylvania, pennyweight, pension, pent, peon, pep, pepper, peppermint, peptide bond, per annum, per capita, per diem, per-, percent, perception, perfection, performing, peripheral, perl, perm, permeability, perpetuity, pers, persistent vegetative state, personal, personal assistant, personal care, personal digital assistant, personal identification number
6 personal property, personal representative, personality disorder, personnel, perspiration, persuade, pes, peseta, pest, petit, petting, pew, pex, pharos, phase, phat, phenyl, phi, philadelphia, philip, phone, phosphorus, photoelectric effect, photon, photorefractive keratectomy, php, phs, physical education, physical examination, physical therapist, physician assistant, pia, pial, pic, pica, pick off, pick up, picker, picking, picofarad, picometer, picosecond, pictures, pid, pie in the sky, piece of work, pied, pierce, piggy, pile, piles, pill, piloting, pimp, pimple, pine, pineapple, pink, pink slip, pipe down, pipe dream, pipe up, pipes, piping hot, piracy, pirate, pistol, pit bull, pit of the stomach, pit viper, pita, pitcher, pith, pitting, pixel, placement, placer, placing, plague, plantation, plasma thromboplastin antecedent, plaster, plaster of paris, plasticity, plat, plate, plateau, playa, plc, plea, plead, pled, pledge, plot, plough, plow, pls, pluck, plum, plume, plutonium, pm, pmd, pmi, pms, pneumonia, png, pnp, poa, pod, poetry, point of departure, point of service, point of view, point-and-shoot camera, pointed, pointer, points, poise, poison ivy, poisoning, poisson distribution, pola, police, polish, political, political action committee, politically correct, pollen count, pollutant, polluted, pollution, polonium, polyandry, polycarbonate, polyethylene, polygamy, polymerase chain reaction, pomp, poop, poor, popcorn, pops, population, pore, porno, pornography, port of entry, porta, portable, portable computer, porter, portrait, pos, posen, positron emission tomography, posse, possession, possible, post card, post office, postage, postal code, postcode, posterior, posting, postmaster, postnasal drip, postscript, pot belly, potable water, potassium, pots, pound sterling, pour, pout, pow, power down, power line, power point, power up, powershell, powwow, pox, ppd, ppmw, pps, practical, practitioner, praise, praseodymium, precipitate, precipitation, precise, precision, preemie, pregnancy, prejudice, premature infant, premature ventricular contraction, premenstrual syndrome, premise, presence, presentation, presentment, preside, press, pressure, presto, prevention, price index, pricey, pricing, primary care, primary care physician, primary cell, prime minister, prime mover, primer, priming, primipara, primo, prince albert, prince edward island, print on demand, prism, prisoner, private enterprise, pro rata, probable, probably, probation officer, probationer, probe, problem, proc, procedure, proceeding, procurator fiscal, procure, produce, producer, product liability, productive, productivity, prof, professor, profile, profit sharing, program file, programmed cell death, programmer, progress, progression, prohibit, prohibition, projectile, projection, projective test, proline, promethium, promise, promote, promotion, prone, proportion, proposal, proprietor, proprietorship, props, prorate, prospect, prospectus, prosper, prostaglandin, prostate, prostate cancer, prosthion, prostitute, protactinium, protected, protectionism, protectionist, protective, protector, protein, prothrombin time, protocol, prototype, proud, provision, provo, provocation, provost, proximate cause, proximity, prudence, pry, ps, psi, psychokinesis, psychological warfare, pt, ptc, ptp, pts, ptt, pu, pua, pub, public domain, public health, public housing, public law, public opinion poll, public utility, publish, publisher, puck, puerto rico, puke, pull off, pulling, pulmonary artery, pulmonary embolism, pulse rate, pumpkin, punch, punishment, pup, purchase price, purchaser, purging, purkinje cell, purple, pursuit, put away, put on, put together, put up, putt, pva, pwn, pye, python, qa, qat, qc, qs, quackery, quad, quahog, quake, qualification, qualified, qualify, qualitative, quality assurance, quant, quantitative, quantitative analysis, quantization, quarrel, quarterly, quartermaster, quartz, quash, queens, questionable, quicken, quid pro quo, quiet, quoin, quota, quotation, quote, r2, race, racism, radio, radio beacon, radon, rag, rage, rail, railroad, rain forest, rainbow, raise someone's hopes, raise the roof, raiser, raising hell, ramps, rand, random variable, rang, range of motion, rant, rapid, rapport, rapt, rare, ras, rash, rasp, rave, raw data, raw material, re-, react, read-only memory, ready, ready money, realise, realism, realize, realized, ream, reasoning, reassessment, rebel, rebound, receive, receptor, recession, recipe, reciprocity, reckoning, recorder, recourse, recreation, recruit, recruiter, recruiting, recurrent pregnancy loss, red cell, red flag, red ink, red tape, red tide, red wine, redeem, reducible, redundancy, redundant, reed, reef, reefer, reentry, referee, reflect, reform, refractivity, refrigerator, refusal, registered, registered representative, registrar, registry, regression analysis, regulator, reinforce, reinstate, reinstatement, reinsurance, reject, rejection, relate, relational operator, relationship, relative atomic mass, relative density, relative frequency, relative humidity, relative molecular mass, relax, reliance, relic, religion, religious, relocate, remainder, remittance, remote sensing, remunerate, remuneration, renal insufficiency, rend, renovation, repatriate, repatriation, repeat, repeater, replace, replacement, replica, replication, reply, reporting, represent, reproduction, republican, reputation, res ipsa loquitur, research and development, resident, residential, resist, respiration, respondent conditioning, responsible, restart, restorer, restraining order, restrict, restrictive covenant, ret, retailing, retain, retained, retainer, retard, retention, reticuloendothelial system, retina, retract, retreat, revenue, reversion, revision, revolve, revolver, revue, rh, rheumatoid factor, rhode island, rhodium, ria, rib, ribosome, rice, richard, riches, rick, riddle, rie, rif, riff, rifle, right angle, right on, right-hand man, righteous, righteousness, rights, rigor mortis, rinderpest, riot control agent, rip, ripe, ripping, risk management, risk ratio, rite, rival, river, ro, roads, roar, robber, robert's rules of order, robin, robinson, rock candy, rocket scientist, roger, roi, role, rolf, roll back, roll in, roll out, roll over, roll up, rolled, rollover, rom, romans, rome, rooftop, rook, root canal, roots, rope, rorschach test, ros, rosa, rosy, rotation, rote, rotor, rouge, roundabout, rout, routine, routing, rove, row, rsa, rts, ru, rubbing, rubbish, rubric, ruby, rude, ruler, ruling, rum, run around, run down, run on, runaway, rundown, running, runt, rupee, rural area, rush hour, russia, russian roulette, rut, ruthenium, rv, saas, sabotage, sackcloth, sacking, sad, saddle, safari, safe, safe sex, safety valve, sage, sail, sait, saki, sal, sales tax, sam, samarium, same, same here, sampling, samuel, san, sanction, sanctuary, sand, sapling, sara, sarah, sarin, sars, sas, sass, sats, saturation point, saturday night special, sauce, sava, savage, save up, saved, saver, saving grace, savings, savings account, savings bank, savoir, savé, saw, say, scad, scag, scala, scald, scaler, scales, scaling, scam, scandium, scar, scare, scarlet, scat, scattered, scavenger cell, scene, scent, scheduling, scheme, scholar, schwann cell, science, scientific, sclerosis, scone, scott, scp, scrap, scratch, screen memory, screw, scrubs, scrum, scsi, scuba, sdp, se, sea level, seagull, seal of approval, seam, seaman, searching, seaside, seasonal affective disorder, secant, second life, second sight, secondary school, secondary sex characteristic, secrecy, secret, secretary, secretary of state, securities, security deposit, sedimentation rate, see, seeing-eye dog, seer, segment, segregate, segregation, seize, seizure, select, selection, selector, selenium, self, sell off, sell out, sell-by date, seller, seller's market, semantic web, semiconductor, send, senior citizen, sense, sensitive, sensorineural hearing loss, sent, sepa, sequestration, ser, serine, serpentes, sertoli cell, serum, service bureau, service mark, service of process, serviceman, services, serving, sesame, set about, set down, set off, set point, set theory, set-up, seth, sett, setting, setting up, settle, settle down, settle on, settlement, settler, setup, seven, sever, several, severe, sewage, sewage farm, sex cell, sex up, sexual, sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual intercourse, sexually transmitted disease, sexy, sfa, sg, sh, shaft, sham, shank, shape, share and share alike, shares, sharp, shazam, shelter, shield, shim, shin, shine, ship, shipment, shipper, shipyard, shock, shoe, shoot, shooter, shopping, shopping mall, short, short-term, short-term memory, shortage, shot, shotgun, shoulder, shrapnel, shrink, shunt, shutter, si units, sickness, sidekick, sideline, sidewalk, sidewinder, siding, siemens, sierra, sieve, sift, sign off, signal-to-noise ratio, signaling, signalman, significant, significant other, signing, silent partner, silo, silver bullet, silver screen, simon, simple machine, simpleton, simplicity, simply, simulate, simulated, sin, sine wave, singer, sink, sinking fund, sire, siren, sit down, sit in, sit out, sit tight, sit up, sitter, sitting duck, sitting target, skate, skeleton, skew, ski, skid, skimmed, skimming, skin flick, skin graft, skin test, skull, sl, slab, slack, slag, slang, slant, slash, slavery, sle, sled, sledge, sleepwalking, sleeve, slew, slew rate, slice, slick, slider, slope, slot, slough, slow, sls, sludge, slur, slush, slut, sma, smack, small, small print, smart bomb, smart card, smelt, smile, smith, smoke, smoker, smon, smtp, smuggle, smuggler, smurf, sn, snail, snail mail, snake in the grass, snap, sniff, sniffer, snmp, snore, snort, snow, snow leopard, snowflake, snug, so to speak, sober, social contract, social democratic party, social media, social networking site, social work, social worker, socialist, sock, sod, soda, sodium borate, soh, soldier, sole, soled, soli, solid waste, solo, soluble, solvency, solvent, somatic cell, somatic cell nuclear transfer, son-in-law, sorcerer, sore, sos, soul, soup, source language, soused, south, south carolina, south dakota, southern, sovereignty, sow
6 sox, soy, spam filter, span, spanish, spar, spat, spear, spearmint, specialisation, specialise, specialised, specialization, specialized, species, specific, specific absorption rate, specimen, spectrum, speechless, speed of light, speed of sound, speeding, sperm cell, spf, spice, spin-off, spinal cord, spinal tap, spinning, spinous process, spiral, spit, spl, splash, splice, splint, splitting, spock, spoil, spondylitis, sponge, sponsorship, spontaneous abortion, spoof, spoon, sport, spotlight, sprain, sprat, spray, spreading factor, spreadsheet, springboard, spud, spy, sq, squamous cell, square, square centimeter, squat, squatter, squid, sr, srs-a, ss7, ssp, st, sta, stabbing, stabilization, stabilize, stabilizer, stag, stage, stagnation, stairs, stairway, stakeholder, stalk, stalking, stand by, standard operating procedure, standard-bearer, standardize, standing ground, stannum, staple, starboard, start, starter, stash, statesman, static ram, stationary, statistic, statistics, stats, status asthmaticus, status epilepticus, statute, statute of frauds, steal, stealing, steam, stem, step by step, step up, stepping down, sterile, sterilization, stevedore, stew, sth, stick, stick-in-the-mud, sticker, stickiness, sticky, stiff, stilb, stile, still, stinger, stint, stm, stocking, stocktaking, stoke, stokes, stomach, stoned, stoop, stop by, stop dead, stop down, stop order, stop over, stop up, stopped, stopped up, stopper, stopping, stops, storm, stp, str, straddle, straightedge, straighten, strain, strainer, strangles, strangulation, strapping, straw, straw man, straw poll, streamer, streaming, streptococcus, streptokinase, stretch, striated muscle, stricken, strike home, strike off, strike out, striking, stripe, stripper, stroke, strong, strong point, strontium, strop, strut, stub, stud, stuffing, stump, style, subcontract, subcutaneous, subdivide, subdivision, subject to, submarine, subpoena, subpoena duces tecum, subrogation, subroutine, subscription, substance, substance p, substandard, substantive, substitution, succession, suck, suction, sudden death, suffer, suffering, suffix, sugar, suggest, suggestion, suicide, suitor, sulfur mustard, sulphur, summary, summation, sunbeam, sundial, sunflower, sunrise, supplement, supply and demand, supply management, suppression, sur, surcharge, surety, surface, surface area, surge, surgeon general, surname, surplus, surrogate, surround, surveying, surveyor, survival, suspect, suspension, suspicion, suspiciously, sustain, sustentacular cell, sv, svc, svedberg, svr, swab, swag, swallow, swamp, swan, swap, swarm, swat, sweating, sweeping, sweet cherry, sweetener, swell, swelling, swept, swimming pool, swindle, swindler, swine, swing, switching, sword, symptom, sync, synchronization, synchronize, synchronous, syndicate, syndication format, synopsis, synovial fluid, synthetic, syrup, systemic, systems analysis, sáá, t cell, t cells, tab, tabes, tabs, tac, tachycardia, tactic, tactics, tad, tag, tails, take a chance, take care, take down, take for granted, take lying down, take off, take over, take place, take-away, takedown, taker, taking, takings, tala, talc, tales, tali, talisman, talk, tall, tampere, tan, tangent, tango, tanker, tantalum, taped, tar, tara, tare weight, target, target cell, tarmac, tart, tartar, taste, tattoo, tau, tax return, tax shelter, taxation, taxpayer, tay, taylor, tb, tc, tca, tcm, td, tdm, tea, teach, teacher, teacup, team, tears, teaser, technetium, technician, technique, technologist, teethe, telecommunication, telescope, teletypewriter, tell, telnet, temp, temper, tempest, temple, temporal lobe epilepsy, temporary, temporary restraining order, temporomandibular joint, ten, tense, tensile strength, tension, tent, tenure, tera, terminate, termination, terms, terrier, territorial, territorial waters, terrorism, tesla, test bed, test case, test paper, test pilot, testa, testament, testes, testimony, tetra, texas, tg, thallium, that is to say, thawing, the street, theater, theorem, theory, therapeutic abortion, therapeutic community, therapy, thermal equilibrium, theta, thick, thief, thin client, thing, thinking, thinner, third degree, third party, third world, thomas, thong, thorium, thought, threaten, threatened abortion, threshold dose, thrip, through, throw a fit, thrust, thulium, thumb, thump, thunder, thunderstorm, thyroglobulin, thyroxine, ti, tia, tibia, ticking, tickling, tidal, tidal volume, tidal wave, tide over, tie down, tie in, tie the knot, tie up, tied up, tier, til, tilt, timber, time bomb, time out, time series, time zone, timed, timeliness, times, tine test, tint, tiny, tips, titi, title deed, title page, titus, tm, tn, tnf, to boot, to-do, toad, tobacco, toenail, toilet, tolerance, tolerate, toll, tom, tomography, tongs, tonic, tonnage, tonne, tooth fairy, toothpick, top out, topic, topography, topping, torch, tore, torque, torus, tos, tot, totally, tote, totem, touchdown, tour, toxic, toxic waste, toy, tp, tracer, tracing, tract, tracy, trade secret, trade union, trademark, traditional, trailer, trailing, tranquilizer, transact, transaction file, transactional analysis, transceiver, transcribe, transferee, transferor, transform, transient, transistor, transition, translational, translocation, transmission, transmission line, transmitter, transparency, transparent, transplant, transportation, transpose, transurethral resection, trauma, traveling wave, tread, treasury, treasury department, treat, treaty of versailles, trespass, triangle, trick, tricuspid regurgitation, tricuspid valve, trier, tries, trigger point, trill, trim, triple, tripper, tripping, tro, trojan, troll, trophy, trot, trough, trout, troy ounce, troy pound, troy weight, truck, truss, truth, try on, try out, trying, trying on, ts, tt, tubal embryo transfer, tube, tuberculin test, tuberculosis, tuck, tug, tumor necrosis factor, tums, tungsten, tunnel, tuple, tur, turf, turn around, turn in, turn over, turnaround time, turning, turnkey, turnkey system, turnover number, turps, turtle, tut, tutorial, twig, twilight, twilight zone, twin, twinkle, twins, twist, twister, twitter, tx, tying, tying up, typeface, typewriter, typing, tyr, u, uc, uddi, ugly, ulna, ulysses s. grant, uma, umbra, uml, uncle, under, under way, understanding, underwater, underwriter, unicef, unicorn, unison, unit, unit of measurement, unite, united, united arab republic, united nations, united states, united states government printing office, united states of america, universal, universal donor, universal product code, unix, unknown, unload, unpack, unsubscribe, up in the air, update, upper limit, upright, upscale, upward, ur, uranium, urban legend, uri, urinary tract, url, usb drive, used, uso, usp, usps, usury, utc, uterine contraction, utilitarianism, utility, uv, va, vacant, vacate, vaccinate, vacuum, vad, vagrancy, vain, val, validate, validation, valine, valley, vals, valuation, value-added tax, values, vanadium, vapor, varnish, vary, vas, vault, vcr, vd, ve, vector, vector graphics, veer, vega, vegetable, vehicle, veil, vein, velocity, vena cava, venereal disease, venom, vent, venue, venus, verbal, verbatim, verdict, verge, vermiform appendix, vermiform process, vermont, veronica, verse, vertical integration, vertigo, very well, vesa, vest, vested, vested interest, vga, vhf, vi, viable, viatical settlement, vibration, vicar forane, vicious circle, victim, victor, victory, video game, videoconferencing, vie, viewer, viewfinder, viewpoint, village, violate, violet, vip, viper, viral hemorrhagic fever, virgin islands, virtual, virtual machine, virtual reality, vis, visar, visibility, visor, visual display unit, visual hallucination, visualization, vital, vital capacity, vital statistics, viz, vm, vmebus, vocal, vocational rehabilitation, voice mail, voice recognition, voir, voltage drop, volume unit, vomit, vote of confidence, voter, vouch, voucher, vp, wa, wac, wafer, waffle, wager, wages, wagon, waif, waist, wale, walk out, walkover, wall up, wallaby, want, wap, warm, warn, warranty, warrior, wart, washed out, washing, washout, wasp, wassermann test, waste disposal, wat, watch out, watch over, watchdog, watcher, watchful, watching, water level, water under the bridge, waterfall, waterproof, watertight, waterworks, wats, watson, waves, waviness, wax, way, way of life, waybill, ways, wbc, weakness, weal, wealthy, weather, web 2.0, web browser, web page, web services, weber, weber's law, website, wee, weed, weeds, weep, weigh, weighted, welcome mat, weld, welfare state, welsh, wend, were, wernicke's area, west, western, wet, wetware, wheelbarrow, wheelchair, wheelhouse, wheeling, whelp, where, whetstone, whiplash, whipping, whirlwind, whisker, whiskey, whisper, whistler, white, white blood cell, white gold, white knight, white lie, white matter, white noise, white wine, whole, whole blood, wholesale, whoop, wi, wi-fi, wick, wicked, wide area network, wideband, widower, wiki, wild, wild card, wild type, wilder, william henry harrison, williams syndrome, willing, wilson, wimp, wind up, winding, windmill, window-dressing, windows phone, wine, wing, wink, winter, winterm, wipe out, wire, wired, wireless lan, wiring, wisconsin, wisdom, wise, wish, wisp, wit, witch, withdraw, wiz, wmd, wobbly, wolf, wombat, women, won, wonk, wood pulp, woods, woodwork, woof, wool, work of art, working day, workman, workout, workstation, world, world bank, world court, world health organization, world war i, worms, worn, worst, wound, wow, wp, wpc, wrack, wright, wrist, write off, write-off, writer, writer's cramp, wrongful death, wrought, wt, wto, www, wysiwyg, x, xe, xenophobia, xo, xor, xp, xs, xxx, y, y chromosome, yahoo messenger, yak, yawner, yawning, ye, years, yellow, yellow book, yen, yeoman, yes, yield point, york, young, your, youth
6 yt, z line, zep, zero tolerance, zero-sum game, zirconium, zm, zombie, zona, zonal, zoom in, zr
5 -in, -let, -mania, 1, 100, 10base2, 10base5, 2, 400, 404, a little, a-bomb, a-c, a-one, a-v, a.k.a., a.u., a/d converter, a/r, a/s, a/v, a/w, a4, aac, aacplus, aal, aam, aare, aaron, aaron burr, aarp, aars, ab, abacus, abandoned, abandonware, abaxial, abbreviated, abcs, abdomen, abdominal, abdominal aorta, abdominal aortic aneurysm, abdominal pregnancy, abdominal wall, abductor, abe, abel, abg, ability, ablative, able-bodied seaman, abo system, abode, abortus, above, above par, above the fold, above the line, above water, abp, abr, abrachia, abraham lincoln, abrasive, absence, absence seizure, absolute alcohol, absolute humidity, absolute neutrophil count, absolute refractory period, absolute scale, absolute temperature, absolute threshold, absorbance, absorbed dose, absorbency, absorbent, absorption, absorption lines, absorptivity, abstain, abstraction, abt, abuser, abutter, ac-, ac/dc, academy award, acanthosis nigricans, acardia, acari, acas, acc, accelerate, accelerative, accelerometer, acceptably, accepted, access code, access control, access method, accessory nerve, accidentally, acclimate, acclimatize, accompanied, accompanying, accomplice, accordance, accorder, according to, account for, account representative, accountability, accountancy, accounting standard, accounts receivable software, acculturation, accumulation, accused, aces, acetabular, acetabulum, acetaldehyde, acetate, acetazolamide, acetic acid, acetone, acetone body, acetyl group, acetylcholinesterase, achievement, achilles, achilles tendon, aching, achondroplasia, achromatic vision, acid deposition, acid phosphatase, acid precipitation, acid rain, acid-base balance, acknowledged, acl, acls, acm, acme, acmi, acne rosacea, acne vulgaris, acoustic, acoustic neuroma, acoustics, acp, acquired brain injury, acquired character, acquired immunity, acquirer, acquiring, acquit, acquittal, acr, acres, acrobat, acromial process, acrylamide, acrylic acid, acrylonitrile, acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, acs, act of parliament, actable, acth, actin, actinium, actinomycosis, action potential, actionable, activate, activated carbon, activated charcoal, activated partial thromboplastin time, activation, activation analysis, activation energy, activator, active immunity, active matrix, active site, active transport, activex control, activist, actress, actually, actuary, actuator, acupuncture, acute abdomen, acute accent, acute anterior poliomyelitis, acute granulocytic leukemia, acute kidney failure, acute lung injury, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia, acute myelogenous leukemia, acute renal failure, acute stress disorder, acute tubular necrosis, acyl, ad libitum, ad valorem, ad-, ad-lib, adam smith, adam's ale, adaptability, adaptation, adapter, adaptive, adaptive cruise control, adaptor, adar, add up, add-in, addicted, addiction, addison, addison's disease, additional, additive genetic variance, addressed, adduction, ade, adenine, adenocarcinoma, adenosine deaminase, adenosine monophosphate, adenosine triphosphatase, adenovirus, adenylic acid, adept, adf, adh, adhd, adhesion, adhesive, adhesive tape, adipic acid, adipose cell, adit, adjacency, adjudication, adjustable, adjusted, adjutant, adjutant general, administered, administrate, administrative, administrative law judge, administratrix, admire, admission, admittance, adobe air, adolescence, adolescent, adolescents, adolf hitler, adonis, adoptable, adopter, adoptive immunotherapy, adore, adrenaline, adrenocortical hormone, adrenocorticotrophic hormone, adrenogenital syndrome, adrenomedullin, adrift, adsl, adt, adult respiratory distress syndrome, adult-onset diabetes mellitus, advance directive, adventitious, adventitious root, adventive, adventure, adversarial, adversary, adverse effect, advert, advertised, advertiser, advertising standards authority, advised, adviser, advocacy, adware, ae, aea, aec, aedes, aerial, aerobic respiration, aerodynamics, aeronautical engineering, aerosol, aerospace, aerospace medicine, aesop, aesthetic, aesthetics, afar, affect, affectionate, affectionately, afferent fiber, affiant, affiliation, affinal, affray, afghani, afl, afl-cio, africa, african sleeping sickness, african swine fever, aftermath, against, against time, agammaglobulinemia, agar, agate, agave, age distribution, age-related macular degeneration, ageism, ageless, ager, agglomeration, aggravated, aggregated, aggregator, aggressive, aggressiveness, aggressor, agha, agitate, agitated, agitated depression, agitation, agm, agora, agouti, agrarian, agreed, agricola, agricultural, agronomy, ah, ahi, aia, aicc, aid station, aida, aide memoire, aide-de-camp, aided, aider, aiim, aim, air bag, air cargo, air compressor, air conditioning, air hostess, air hunger, air letter, air marshal, air sickness, air traffic control, air traffic controller, air-conditioned, air-conditioning, air-cushion vehicle, air-raid, airbag, airborne transmission, aircraft carrier, aire, airing, airliner, airlock, airs, airspace, ais, aisle, aix, ajax, al-, ala, alabama, alarm, alb, albatross, albert, alberta, alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence, alcoholics anonymous, ald, aldm, ale, alert, algol, algorithm, algorithmic language, alibi, alienage, alienation, alight, alignment, alimentary canal, alimentary tract, all, all at once, all fours, all out, all over the place, all risk insurance, all the way, alleged, allocator, allot, allotment, allow, almanac, alms, alp, alpha-adrenergic blocking agent, alpha-fetoprotein, alphabetical, als, also known as, alte, alteration, alternative dispute resolution, altitude, aluminum oxide, alveolar process, alzheimer, alois, amah, amare, amber, ambient noise, ambiguity, ambiguous, ambiguousness, ambulance, ambulance chaser, ambulatory, amd, ame, amelia, amen, amends, american, american bar association, american samoa, americans with disabilities act, americium, amicus, amicus curiae, amigo, amino acid, amis, aml, amok, ampere, amplification, amplitude, amplitude of accommodation, amps, amputation, amu, ana, anal, analog, analogy, analyst, analytic, anc, anchorage, ancient, and so forth, and so on, andrew jackson, ang, angelic, angelically, angels, angle, angle bracket, angle of attack, angling, angstrom, animal kingdom, animal oil, animal pole, animal rights, animalia, animated gif, anime, animism, animus, anion exchange, anise, ankle, ankle joint, annexe, annotate, annotation, annual general meeting, anomalous, anomaly, anomie, anon, anonymity, anonymous ftp, anonymous web surfing, anorexia, anorexia nervosa, another, ansa, anser, ansi, answer for, antagonist, antares, ante-, antecedent, anterior, anterior cerebral artery, anterior chamber, anterior root, anthrax, anti-impotence drug, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antibiotics, antibody, antibody-mediated immunity, antic, anticipate, anticoagulant, anticyclone, antidepressant, antidiuretic hormone, antiepileptic, antifreeze, antigen presentation, antilepton, antimony, antinomy, antinuclear antibody, antipersonnel, antiphospholipid antibody, antiseptic, antitrust laws, anvil, anxiety, anxiety reaction, any longer, anü, aoc, aol, aop, aorta, aortic, aortic arch, aortic regurgitation, aortic valve, ap, apache openoffice, apart, apartheid, apartment building, apcc, aphasia, aphid, apis, apl, aplastic anemia, apnea, apo, apocalypse, apogee, apollo, apoptosis, apothecaries' ounce, apothecary, apparatus, apparel, apparent, apparently, appealing, appear, append, appendectomy, appendix, appetite, applause, appliance, application framework, application integration, application server, applied, applied research, applied science, apportion, apprehend, apprehension, appropriation, approximately, approximation, approximative, apps, appurtenance, appurtenant, apricot, aps, apse, apsis, apt, apterygidae, apus, aqua regia, aquaporin, aqueous, arab league, arab maghreb union, arabian gulf, arabic, arabic language, arachidonic acid, arachnid, aran, araneae, arbitrage, arbitrager, arbitrate, arbor, arc, arca, arcade, arch bar, arch form, arch-, archaic, arched, archie, arching, architectural glossary, archives, archivist, archway, arcs, ardent, ards, area code, area of rescue assistance, area under the curve, areal density, areaway, argasidae, argentina, args, argue, argus, aril, aristocracy, aristotelian, aristotle, ark, arkansas, arkansas stone, arm's length, arm-twisting, armament, armed, armed forces, arming, armor, armored, armour, army, army corps, arnica, arno, arnold, aromatase inhibitor, aromatic, aromatic compound, around the clock, arpent, arranger, arrears, arrester, arrival, arrow, arsenic trioxide, arsenide, arses, arsine, artemis, arteria, arterial, arterial blood gas, arteriosclerosis obliterans, arteriovenous, arthritis, arthur, articled, articles of association, articulate, articulated, articulatio, artificial daylight, artificial kidney, artificial language, artificial limb, artificial skin, artillery, artiste, arum, as if, as is, as it were, as the crow flies, as/400, asana, asap, asb, asbo, ascaris, ascend, ascendent, ascending aorta, ascent, ascorbic acid, ascot, ascus, asd, asean, asexual reproduction, ashen, ashes, ask after, ask for, ask out, ask over, asker, asl, asm, asn.1, aso, asp viper, asparagine, aspartate, asperger, aspersion, asphalt, aspic, aspro, asps, assassin bug, assassins, asse, assed, assemble, assent, assignee, assignor, assimilation, assistance, associated, association of southeast asian nations, association test, assorted, assurer, aster, astern, asteroid, asthenic type, asthma, astor, astral, astrology, astronomical year, asv, asylum seeker, asymmetry, asymptomatic, asynchronism, asynchronous transfer mode, at a loss, at all, at best, at fault, at first hand, at hand, at issue, at large, at last, at most, at no, at one time, at par, at present, at rest, at sea, at sight, at the most, at times, at variance, at work, at wt, at&t, atar, atari, atavism, ataxia, athena, atherosclerosis, athletic, athletic type, athletics, atl, atlantic, atlantic ocean, atlantis, atmospheric pressure, atn, atomic bomb, atomic energy, atomic mass, atomic power, atopic dermatitis, atpase, atrial flutter, atrial natriuretic peptide, atrial septal defect, atrioventricular, atrioventricular bundle, atrioventricular node, atrium, atrophic rhinitis, atropine sulfate, attach, attached, attack submarine, attacker, attar, attend, attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, attention span, attenuate, attenuated, attenuator, attestation, attire, attorney general, attracter, attraction, attractor, attribution, attrition, atv, atypical pneumonia, auction bridge, auctioneer, aud, audible, audio cd, audio frequency, audio-, audiologist, audiovisual, auditing, auditory, auditory canal, auditory neuropathy, auen, augmented virtuality, august, aum, aunt flo, auric, auricular point, aurora, aurora borealis, aurum, auscultation, auspex, aussie, austral, australia, australian, austrian schilling, authentication server, authenticator, authorisation, authoritarian, authority figure, authorized, autism, auto, autocrat, autocratic, autocratically, autofocus, autogamy, autogenic training, autograft, autoimmune, autoloader, automated, automated bond system, automatic data processing, automatic sprinkler, automation, automatism, autonomic nervous system, autopilot, aux, auxin, av, avail, available, avalanche, avc, avenue, average cost, avert, avian influenza, aviation, aviation medicine, avid, avm, avo, avocado, avogadro, avogadro number, avogadro's law, avoir, avoirdupois weight, avr, avs, avulse, avé, awake, awaken, awareness, awed, awesome, awkward, awl, awn, aws, axillary, axis cylinder, axon, azathioprine, azt, aztec, azure, azygos vein, b cells, b-e, b/d, b/s, b2e, baa, baan, babble, babe ruth, babes, babinski sign, baboon, baby-sitter, baby-sitting, babysit, babysitter, bac, bachelor of arts




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