

单词 turn aside

turn aside



verb1. To move or cause to move in circles or around an axis:circle, circumvolve, gyrate, orbit, revolve, rotate, wheel.2. To spade or dig (soil) to bring the undersoil to the surface:plow, turn over.3. To make or become less sharp-edged:blunt, dull.Idiom: take the edge off.4. To twist and turn, as in pain, struggle, or embarrassment:agonize, squirm, toss, writhe.5. To injure a (bodily part) by twisting:sprain, wrench.6. To disturb the health or physiological functioning of:derange, disorder, unsettle, upset.7. To change the direction or course of:avert, deflect, deviate, divert, pivot, shift, swing, veer.8. To cause to move, especially at an angle:angle, bend, deflect, refract.9. To swerve from a straight line:angle, arc, arch, bend, bow, crook, curve, round.10. To change to the opposite position, direction, or course.About, around, over, or round:invert, reverse, transpose.11. To make or become different:alter, change, modify, mutate, vary.12. To abandon one's cause or party usually to join another:apostatize, defect, desert, renegade, tergiversate.Slang: rat.Idioms: change sides, turn one's coat.13. To move (a weapon or blow, for example) in the direction of someone or something:aim, cast, direct, head, level, point, set, train, zero in.Military: lay.14. To devote (oneself or one's efforts):address, apply, bend, buckle down, concentrate, dedicate, devote, direct, focus, give.15. To become or cause to become rotten or unsound:break down, decay, decompose, deteriorate, disintegrate, molder, putrefy, rot, spoil, taint.Idioms: go bad, go to pot, go to seed.16. To look to when in need:apply, go, refer, repair, resort, run.Idioms: fall back on, have recourse to.17. To come to be.Also used with out:become, come, get, grow, wax.phrasal verb
turn down1. To be unwilling to accept, consider, or receive:decline, dismiss, refuse, reject, spurn.Slang: nix.Idiom: turn thumbs down on.2. To be unwilling to grant:deny, disallow, refuse, withhold.3. To prevent or forbid authoritatively:blackball, negative, veto.Slang: nix.Idiom: turn thumbs down on.phrasal verb
turn in1. To commit to the consideration or judgment of another:submit.2. Informal. To go to bed:bed (down), retire.Slang: crash, flop.Idioms: call it a night, hit the hay.phrasal verb
turn offSlang. To be very disagreeable to:displease, offend.Idioms: give offense to, not set right with.phrasal verb
turn on1. To be determined by or contingent on something unknown, uncertain, or changeable:depend on (or upon), hang on, hang upon, hinge on (or upon), rest on (or upon), turn upon.2. Slang. To arouse the interest and attention of:attract, interest, intrigue.phrasal verb
turn out1. To supply what is needed for some activity or purpose:accouter, appoint, equip, fit, fit out (or up), furnish, gear, outfit, rig.2. Informal. To leave one's bed:arise, get up, pile, rise, roll out.Idiom: rise and shine.phrasal verb
turn over1. To spade or dig (soil) to bring the undersoil to the surface:plow, turn.2. To turn or cause to turn from a vertical or horizontal position:capsize, knock over, overthrow, overturn, topple, upset.3. To think or think about carefully and at length:chew on (or over), cogitate, consider, contemplate, deliberate, entertain, excogitate, meditate, mull, muse, ponder, reflect, revolve, ruminate, study, think, think out, think over, think through, weigh.Idioms: cudgel one's brains, put on one's thinking cap, rack one's brain.4. To relinquish to the possession or control of another:deliver, furnish, give, hand, hand over, provide, supply, transfer.5. To put in the charge of another for care, use, or performance:commend, commit, confide, consign, entrust, give (over), hand over, relegate, trust.Idiom: give in trust.6. To direct (a person) elsewhere for help or information:refer, send, transfer.phrasal verb
turn up1. To find by investigation:dig (out or up), uncover, unearth.2. To come to a particular place:arrive, check in, get in, pull in, reach, show up.Slang: blow in.Idiom: make an appearance.phrasal verb
turn uponTo be determined by or contingent on something unknown, uncertain, or changeable:depend on (or upon), hang on, hang upon, hinge on (or upon), rest on (or upon), turn on.noun1. Circular movement around a point or about an axis:circuit, circulation, circumvolution, gyration, revolution, rotation, wheel, whirl.2. A calculated change in position:evolution, maneuver, move, movement.3. Something bent:bend, bow, crook, curvature, curve, round.4. An often sudden change or departure, as in a trend:shift, tack, twist.5. A limited, often assigned period of activity, duty, or opportunity:bout, go, hitch, inning (often used in plural), shift, spell, stint, stretch, time, tour, trick, watch.6. An inclination to something:bent, bias, cast, disposition, leaning, partiality, penchant, predilection, predisposition, proclivity, proneness, propensity, squint, tendency, trend.7. An innate capability:aptitude, aptness, bent, faculty, flair, genius, gift, head, instinct, knack, talent.8. A course, process, or journey that ends where it began or repeats itself:circle, circuit, cycle, orbit, round, tour.9. A usually brief and regular journey on foot, especially for exercise:constitutional, walk.
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turn aside

turn aside

1. To deflect something; to direct or divert something away. A noun or pronoun can be used between "turn" and "aside." Special shielding on the space shuttle's windows turns harmful solar radiation aside to protect the astronauts inside. The president turned aside questions about his involvement with the company and changed the subject to matters of foreign policy.2. To refuse someone entry from place or event. A noun or pronoun can be used between "turn" and "aside." Anyone who is late will be turned aside. They turned me aside because they said I wasn't dressed formally enough.3. To reject or dismiss something. A noun or pronoun can be used between "turn" and "aside." They turned aside my entreaties to reverse their decision. Unfortunately, we've had to turn a number of applications aside because the applicants did not follow the instructions correctly.4. To divert someone or cause someone to deviate from some activity, course, or direction. A noun or pronoun can be used between "turn" and "aside." Having kids turned me aside from my ambitions as a writer, but I don't feel any regrets about it. Don't let the promise of power or wealth turn you aside from your moral compass.See also: aside, turn

turn someone aside

to divert someone from the flow of people. The attendant turned the poorly dressed man aside. The attendant turned aside all the persons who arrived late.See also: aside, turn

turn something aside

to evade something. Ann turned the awkward questions aside. She turned aside the questions she didn't want to answer.See also: aside, turn

turn aside

v.1. To deflect something: cause something to turn or deviate: The goalie turned aside six of the seven shots. The manager turned all of the allegations aside.2. To reject or refuse someone or something: The office turned aside my request. The company turned my complaints aside.3. To deviate from a certain way, course, or direction: I turned aside from the career path that my father had taken.4. turn aside from To cause someone to turn or deviate from a certain way, course, or direction: My rowdy friends turned me aside from my studies.See also: aside, turn




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