Acronym | Definition |
RLC➣Rend Lake College (Ina, IL) |
RLC➣Republican Liberty Caucus |
RLC➣Richland College (Richardson, TX) |
RLC➣Rugby League Club (various locations) |
RLC➣Remote Level Control (electronics) |
RLC➣Royal Logistic Corps (UK armed forces) |
RLC➣Run Length Compressed |
RLC➣Rotate Left with Carry |
RLC➣Read Leader Characters |
RLC➣Release Complete |
RLC➣Run Length Code |
RLC➣Remote Load Controller |
RLC➣Radio Link Control |
RLC➣Right Livelihood College (Malaysia) |
RLC➣Republican Leadership Council |
RLC➣Regional Loan Center |
RLC➣Rugby League Conference |
RLC➣Royal Laser Corp (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) |
RLC➣Rachael Leigh Cook (actress) |
RLC➣Regulatory Light Chain |
RLC➣Roseville Lutheran Church (Roosevelt, MN) |
RLC➣Residential Learning Communities (Santa Clara University) |
RLC➣Regional Leadership Conference |
RLC➣Refugee Legal Centre (UK) |
RLC➣Relay Logic Controller (electromechanics) |
RLC➣Resistance, Inductance, Capacitance (electric circuit) |
RLC➣Revue Lamy de la Concurrence (French: Lamy Review Competition) |
RLC➣Red Light Center |
RLC➣Revue de Littérature Comparée (French: Journal of Comparative Literature) |
RLC➣Redfern Legal Centre (Redfern, NSW, Australia) |
RLC➣Richard Language College (England) |
RLC➣Release Complete Message (telecommunications) |
RLC➣Resurrection Life Church (Michigan) |
RLC➣Red Line Club (Hot Wheels) |
RLC➣Release Life Cycle (software) |
RLC➣Reinsurance & Large Commercial (Association for Cooperative Operations Research and Development) |
RLC➣Resource Learning Center |
RLC➣Registered Lactation Consultant |
RLC➣Robinson's Land Corporation |
RLC➣Regal Law Chamber (Punjab, India corporate law firm) |
RLC➣Rural Life Center (various locations) |
RLC➣Renne-Le-Chateau |
RLC➣Revolving Letter of Credit |
RLC➣Riverside Land Conservancy (Riverside, CA) |
RLC➣Richland College Library |
RLC➣Redeemer Lutheran College (Queensland, Australia) |
RLC➣Research Leadership Council (US FDA) |
RLC➣Right/Left Coalition (politics) |
RLC➣Residence Life Cinema |
RLC➣Retzsch Lanao Caycedo (Architects; Boca Raton, Florida) |
RLC➣Recycling Life Cycle |
RLC➣Remote Line Controller |
RLC➣Red Light Changer |
RLC➣REL Link Checker |
RLC➣Random Linear Coding |
RLC➣Radiology Learning Center |
RLC➣Renewal Lutheran Church (Malaysia) |
RLC➣Retirement Life Communities (Canada) |
RLC➣Registration Liaison Committee |
RLC➣Religious Liberty Council |
RLC➣Randolph Learning Center (Asheville, NC) |
RLC➣Regional Liaison Committee |
RLC➣Reedy Lagoon Corporation, Ltd (Australia) |
RLC➣Repeater Line Card |
RLC➣Ruggedized Laptop Computer |
RLC➣Range Light Controller (Coast Guard) |
RLC➣Report Landing Completed |
RLC➣Reliable Leasing Company (Midland, Michigan) |
RLC➣Regional Loan Corporation |
RLC➣Romiley Literary Circle |
RLC➣Russian Language Center (Hong Kong) |
RLC➣Robert Leonard Consulting (Tokyo, Japan) |
RLC➣Rural Limited Commercial (zoning) |
RLC➣Religious Life Community |
RLC➣Reisterstown Lumber Company (Reisterstown, MD) |
RLC➣Regional Literacy Consultants (Project) |
RLC➣Real Life Choice |
RLC➣Ras Laffen Industrial City |
RLC➣Receiver-driver Layered Congestion |
RLC➣Radio Locale Communautaire (French: Local Community Radio) |