

单词 rlc



A gene on chromosome 3p21.3 that encodes an integrin alpha chain protein which, like all integrins, forms a heterodimer with a beta chain, thereby participating in cell adhesion and cell surface-mediated signalling. Alpha 9 binds to a beta-1 chain, forming a receptor for VCAM1, cytotactin and osteopontin.
Molecular pathology
ITGA9 expression is upregulated in small-cell carcinoma of the lung.


Residual lung capacity


RLCRend Lake College (Ina, IL)
RLCRepublican Liberty Caucus
RLCRichland College (Richardson, TX)
RLCRugby League Club (various locations)
RLCRemote Level Control (electronics)
RLCRoyal Logistic Corps (UK armed forces)
RLCRun Length Compressed
RLCRotate Left with Carry
RLCRead Leader Characters
RLCRelease Complete
RLCRun Length Code
RLCRemote Load Controller
RLCRadio Link Control
RLCRight Livelihood College (Malaysia)
RLCRepublican Leadership Council
RLCRegional Loan Center
RLCRugby League Conference
RLCRoyal Laser Corp (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
RLCRachael Leigh Cook (actress)
RLCRegulatory Light Chain
RLCRoseville Lutheran Church (Roosevelt, MN)
RLCResidential Learning Communities (Santa Clara University)
RLCRegional Leadership Conference
RLCRefugee Legal Centre (UK)
RLCRelay Logic Controller (electromechanics)
RLCResistance, Inductance, Capacitance (electric circuit)
RLCRevue Lamy de la Concurrence (French: Lamy Review Competition)
RLCRed Light Center
RLCRevue de Littérature Comparée (French: Journal of Comparative Literature)
RLCRedfern Legal Centre (Redfern, NSW, Australia)
RLCRichard Language College (England)
RLCRelease Complete Message (telecommunications)
RLCResurrection Life Church (Michigan)
RLCRed Line Club (Hot Wheels)
RLCRelease Life Cycle (software)
RLCReinsurance & Large Commercial (Association for Cooperative Operations Research and Development)
RLCResource Learning Center
RLCRegistered Lactation Consultant
RLCRobinson's Land Corporation
RLCRegal Law Chamber (Punjab, India corporate law firm)
RLCRural Life Center (various locations)
RLCRevolving Letter of Credit
RLCRiverside Land Conservancy (Riverside, CA)
RLCRichland College Library
RLCRedeemer Lutheran College (Queensland, Australia)
RLCResearch Leadership Council (US FDA)
RLCRight/Left Coalition (politics)
RLCResidence Life Cinema
RLCRetzsch Lanao Caycedo (Architects; Boca Raton, Florida)
RLCRecycling Life Cycle
RLCRemote Line Controller
RLCRed Light Changer
RLCREL Link Checker
RLCRandom Linear Coding
RLCRadiology Learning Center
RLCRenewal Lutheran Church (Malaysia)
RLCRetirement Life Communities (Canada)
RLCRegistration Liaison Committee
RLCReligious Liberty Council
RLCRandolph Learning Center (Asheville, NC)
RLCRegional Liaison Committee
RLCReedy Lagoon Corporation, Ltd (Australia)
RLCRepeater Line Card
RLCRuggedized Laptop Computer
RLCRange Light Controller (Coast Guard)
RLCReport Landing Completed
RLCReliable Leasing Company (Midland, Michigan)
RLCRegional Loan Corporation
RLCRomiley Literary Circle
RLCRussian Language Center (Hong Kong)
RLCRobert Leonard Consulting (Tokyo, Japan)
RLCRural Limited Commercial (zoning)
RLCReligious Life Community
RLCReisterstown Lumber Company (Reisterstown, MD)
RLCRegional Literacy Consultants (Project)
RLCReal Life Choice
RLCRas Laffen Industrial City
RLCReceiver-driver Layered Congestion
RLCRadio Locale Communautaire (French: Local Community Radio)




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