Acronym | Definition |
RLD➣Red Light District |
RLD➣Robert Louis-Dreyfus (Swiss-French businessman) |
RLD➣Rolled |
RLD➣Rotate Left Digit |
RLD➣Run Length Distribution |
RLD➣Received Line Detect |
RLD➣Run Length Decoding |
RLD➣Relational Design |
RLD➣Red Letter Day |
RLD➣Rashtriya Lok Dal (India, political party) |
RLD➣Reference Listed Drug (drug used to compare effects and safety with trial drug FDA) |
RLD➣Road Load Data (ground vehicle measurement) |
RLD➣Rijksluchtvaartdienst |
RLD➣Restrictive Lung Disease |
RLD➣Refrigerant Leak Detector |
RLD➣Radar/Laser Detector |
RLD➣Ready-To-Load Date |
RLD➣Relocation Dictionary |
RLD➣Republique Libre du Design (French: Free Design Republic) |
RLD➣Roni Lynn Deutch (Tax Debt Resolution Law Firm) |
RLD➣Remote LAN Dial |
RLD➣Remote Line Device |
RLD➣Required Load Date |
RLD➣Relocation Day (airlines) |
RLD➣Remote Location Device |