RLDRed Light District
RLDRobert Louis-Dreyfus (Swiss-French businessman)
RLDRotate Left Digit
RLDRun Length Distribution
RLDReceived Line Detect
RLDRun Length Decoding
RLDRelational Design
RLDRed Letter Day
RLDRashtriya Lok Dal (India, political party)
RLDReference Listed Drug (drug used to compare effects and safety with trial drug FDA)
RLDRoad Load Data (ground vehicle measurement)
RLDRestrictive Lung Disease
RLDRefrigerant Leak Detector
RLDRadar/Laser Detector
RLDReady-To-Load Date
RLDRelocation Dictionary
RLDRepublique Libre du Design (French: Free Design Republic)
RLDRoni Lynn Deutch (Tax Debt Resolution Law Firm)
RLDRemote LAN Dial
RLDRemote Line Device
RLDRequired Load Date
RLDRelocation Day (airlines)
RLDRemote Location Device