Acronym | Definition |
RM➣Room |
RM➣Ream |
RM➣Royal Mail |
RM➣Risk Management |
RM➣Rap Monster (South Korean rapper) |
RM➣Resource Management |
RM➣Records Management |
RM➣Rack Mount |
RM➣Resource Manager |
RM➣Real Madrid (Spanish soccer club) |
RM➣River Mile |
RM➣Rocky Mountain(s) |
RM➣Marshall Islands |
RM➣Rural Municipality |
RM➣Relationship Manager |
RM➣Reference Material |
RM➣Remember Me |
RM➣Rocky Mount (Virginia, USA) |
RM➣Remote Monitoring |
RM➣Revenue Management |
RM➣Regional Manager |
RM➣Reference Model |
RM➣Reference Model (Telcordia) |
RM➣Raw Material |
RM➣Royal Marines (British) |
RM➣Remake (gaming) |
RM➣Rule Making |
RM➣Romford (postcode, United Kingdom) |
RM➣Requirements Management |
RM➣Ricky Martin (Latin music artist) |
RM➣Rozen Maiden (anime) |
RM➣Removable Media (various companies) |
RM➣Repetition Maximum |
RM➣Ringgit Malaysia (Malaysian Ringgit) |
RM➣Rockman (video game) |
RM➣Red Magic |
RM➣Remove Command (Unix) |
RM➣Round Midnight |
RM➣Reichsmark (German Marks until 1945) |
RM➣RPG Maker (utility program) |
RM➣Risk Mitigation |
RM➣Red Maple |
RM➣Real McCoy (music artist) |
RM➣Reiki Master |
RM➣Roxy Music (band) |
RM➣Reference Mission (US NASA) |
RM➣Reference Monitor |
RM➣Répertoire des Métiers (French: Trade Index) |
RM➣Radioman (USN Rating) |
RM➣Registered Midwife |
RM➣Release Management (Sprint) |
RM➣Research Method |
RM➣Relational Model |
RM➣Release Mechanism |
RM➣Right-Arm Medium (cricket) |
RM➣Reliability Maintainability |
RM➣Rocket Motor |
RM➣Randy Moss (NFL player) |
RM➣Radical Mastectomy |
RM➣Remy Ma (music artist) |
RM➣Red Music (band) |
RM➣Reset Mode |
RM➣Roma - Rome (Lazio, Italy) |
RM➣Radio Modem |
RM➣Rigor Mortis (medical) |
RM➣Rice Mill |
RM➣Rey Mysterio (pro-wrestler) |
RM➣Remington Magnum |
RM➣Recovery Mechanism |
RM➣Robloxian Military (gaming) |
RM➣Rate Monotonic |
RM➣Return Material |
RM➣Radiation Monitor(ing) |
RM➣Research Module |
RM➣Regulated Market |
RM➣Returned Missionary |
RM➣Repair Most |
RM➣Remote Manipulator |
RM➣Reed-Muller (coding algorithm) |
RM➣Ring Master |
RM➣Remote Module |
RM➣Russian Mafia |
RM➣Research Machines plc (UK) |
RM➣Richtmyer-Meshkov |
RM➣Route Master (type of UK bus) |
RM➣Record Mark |
RM➣Reactive Maintenance (reliability) |
RM➣Resolvent Matrix (mathematics) |
RM➣Raphe Magnus |
RM➣Regretful Morning (website) |
RM➣Reba McIntyre (country music singer/actor) |
RM➣Requirements Manager |
RM➣Registration Manager (SIF) |
RM➣Reflective Memory |
RM➣Restriction of Movement |
RM➣Results Manager |
RM➣Respiratory Movement |
RM➣Règlement Mensuel |
RM➣Resources Monitor |
RM➣Red Mage (Final Fantasy game) |
RM➣Relay Master (USDAA dog agility title) |
RM➣Redundancy Management (Telcordia) |
RM➣Register Mark |
RM➣Rapid Mix (water treatment) |
RM➣Repetitive Manufacturing |
RM➣Residence Manager |
RM➣Reeling Machine |
RM➣Roy Mustang (military general in Fullmetal alchemist) |
RM➣Retrieval Mode |
RM➣Intrinsic rate of natural increase |
RM➣Radiant Mercury |
RM➣Reagent Mix |
RM➣Registered Microbiologist |
RM➣Replaceable Module |
RM➣Resource Management Bureau |
RM➣Ranch-to-Market road (Texas) |
RM➣Mission Reliability |
RM➣Radar Mile |
RM➣Rathe Mountains (Everquest) |
RM➣Remote Multiplexer |
RM➣Rescue Module |
RM➣Rocky Maivia (WWE wrestler) |
RM➣Retrieval Manager |
RM➣Repulsion Motor |
RM➣Redstone Mercury |
RM➣Reconfiguration Management |
RM➣Robocon Magazine (Japan) |
RM➣Refueling Machine |
RM➣Rupiz Media (marketing solution provider) |
RM➣Rant Media (Counterculture media network) |
RM➣Rohbaumaß |
RM➣Réponse Mineure (French) |
RM➣Reservas Militares (Spanish, Guatemala) |
RM➣US Embossed Revenue Stamped Paper (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately) |
RM➣Rand McFarland, Company |
RM➣Directorate for Resource Management |
RM➣Riegos Modernos (Guatemala) |
RM➣RealMedia audiovisual file (file extension; RealNetworks) |
RM➣Requiring Manager |
RM➣Right Midboard |